Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 19
Marketing - Essay ExampleThe last the authors draws through this article is that, all the contemporary organizations need to set their organizational culture and thereby adjust their corpo point identity. This process willing result in creating an optimal bridge between the internal on the job(p) environment of the organization and the external environment like the marketplace and other relevant environments. So, by analyzing the authors perspectives almost organizational culture, this synopsis will discuss the importance of common and workable organizational culture, for the effective surgical operation of organizations.Organization is a structure, in which collage of workers will do their allocated work to a lower place the control of a leader. This team of workers like the five different fingers in ones hand will be different from one another having different characters, attitudes, education, background etc, etcand the unison of these different humans under a single organ ization to reach a target is, and will always be a difficult proposition. As these different humans could create a different organizational culture, the conquest rate will be minimal. But, according to the authors, if a perfect, feasible and importantly common organizational or working culture is operationalised, through out the organization, the organization will be a success story. And, the script for this success story can only be scripted, by an effective leader or a manager. The statements and actions of the managers concurrently affect the image and identity of the organization ( mean & Schultz, 1997).One of the important first tasks of a leader in an organization (both in a new organization and in an existing organization) is the creation of a Culture. The authors Hatch and Schultz, points out that the creation of an organizational culture is a complex process in which the organisations personalities, identities and images should play a major role
Monday, April 29, 2019
Strategy, analysis, & Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Strategy, compend, & Evaluation - Essay ExampleThis reflective study essentially intends to significantly bankrupt upon the wisdom and learning I received from the trainers and teachers. In the given course module, I have by and large read regarding the concepts, theories and importance of strategic management and crucial evaluation of the facts I have understood during the program and how can I relate as healthful as apply this in my prospective vocation (Lock, 2004). To carry out this investigation, self reflection method go out be implemented. In this study, I will depict about my learning during the course and will mirror upon how I apply those learning in my professional career. In this contemporary world, where everything is occurring in real snip, businesses and organizations are continuously focusing on strategies and techniques service them grow and develop at the same time. The legacy of marketing theories and concepts can be traced back to the time when trade and c ommerce came into light. The marketing theory has greatly influenced the peak of other theories relevant to commerce and business. Beside using of marketing theories, various other parallel streams such as commodity development, internal management analysis, institutional marketing, industry analysis, branding and promotion, advertising and media also palpated wonderful expansion and progress (Pettigrew, Whittington and Thomas, 2006). The quick evolution, that occurred erect after the Second World War added escalation in the 1960s. This time the push was largely on practicable management and organizational behavior which also strongly influenced the theories of marketing. The report deals with strategic management audit of a large hospital. Extensive secondary research was taken up as an approach to gather relevant information. Primarily the research was done in the area of strategic auditing with respect to the organization as comfortably as the industry itself. This analysis helped me in understanding useful insights about the theory as well as realistic and practical application of strategic management auditing. The goal of the report was to understand and esteem the internal and external analysis of the hospital and prepare strategies which will help in growth and sustainable development of the organization in future. The report was based on an organization called Kings College infirmary NHS Trust, which is undergoing a comprehensive strategic investigation. Research about the hospital assisted me to understand the process work of an organization in a service industry. This also provided me an opportunity to closely review the various occupations, practicable activities as well as operational aspects of a hospital and importance of their smooth and appropriate integration for the proper functioning of an organization. Apart from that the project also helped me in learning various theoretical and academician models associated with the naming. For example, I learned and made use of different concepts such as value chain analysis VRIN analysis and stakeholder approach, but barely had any consciousness and practical knowledge about the methodological sides of these concepts. The assignment not only widened my overall understanding about the various concepts but provided me with a firsthand experience of the practicality and
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Architect History Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Architect History Assignment 2 - analyse ExampleIt is about 138 feet in diameter. Sixteen separate panels in the dome depict Jesus Christ, his spawn Mary, the apostles and saints.The exteriors of Early Christian buildings were generally plain and unadorned the interiors, in contrast, were richly decorated with marble floors and smother slabs, frescoes, mosaics, hangings, and sumptuous altar furnishings in gold and silver.Beneath the massive dome of the basilica is the High Altar. here(predicate) only the pope or a cardinal whom he designates in his stead can watch Mass. Over the altar is a canopy that Bernini fashioned, using bronze plates that Pope Urban VIII took from capital of Italys well-preserved Pantheon, a pagan temple. Innovative design for the enormous ribbed dome of canonise assholes influenced dome design and construction for the next 300 years. The dome, which was completed after the final stage of Michelangelo, preserves the essential elements of his design but is taller and more elongated than he planned. The majestic dome of canonise Peters Basilica in Vatican City dominates the Roman skyline.St. Peters Basilica overly vary according to the period in which they were create, that is, by architectural style styles of the past have very much been revived and reinterpreted. As the Roman Empire stumbled to its fall, a new force appeared. Through its early centuries, Christianity had large(p) slowly but steadily, despite of official persecutions and rivalry. The earliest Christian meeting places were converted houses called titulae. After Christianity was legitimized, basilicas and centralised churches sprang up quickly in the next 50 years throughout the Roman Empire. The major ones were built over the most sacred shrines the places of the crucifixion and entombment of Christ in Jerusalem and the grave of St. Peter in Rome. At Christs tomb a circular, domed structure was built and nearby was a basilica the two are now combined in one
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Routine in Business Organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
Routine in personal credit line Organizations - Essay ExampleA routine is defined as a habit of doing something in a particular order. The pattern of routines in a family calls for a core routine which is followed daily such as waking up, taking breakfast, getting ready for work or school. These routines become almost automatic and absent a lot of discipline. Routine is usually considered as a plane or a timetable that determines your day, hebdomad or yearly activities. One can take none of the time and the activities that need to be fulfill during those planned times. Therefore, routines ar commonplace tasks, chores or duties that must be done regularly, or at condition intervals, typical or in everyday activities.In this literature review a critical mental test of the context of routine, its use and application in business organizations as well as in the knowledge base of psychological science where routine is sometimes integral to the intervention strategies, is explored. Also included in this review is the homunculus of routines applied in management and psychology. It is imperative that a clear understanding of the concept of routine be derived from previous research.Hodgson, in his critical analysis of Nelson and Winters Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change (1982), found that the authors sometimes defined routine as genotypes or attributable to dispositions and sometimes it is defined as phenotypes or attributed to sort (363).. He presents genotypes as the generative rule that includes the forms, rules, procedures, conventions, strategies, and technologies that are inherent in ingrained individual habits and in organizational routines. (364) Hence, habits and dispositions are conditional, dependent on the generative mechanisms that produce behavior. The appropriate definition for routine would be A routine is an executable capability for repeated performance in some context that has been erudite by an organization in response to selective pr essures. Therefore, routines in the management case are potentialities, not behavior.In the world of psychology today, psychoanalysis is specifically and centrally about those murky concepts. Over the last equal of years cognitive psychology has become focused of the study of emotion made by philosophers, psychologists and neuroscientist kind of than traditional cognitive scientists. Another alternative to psychoanalysis is socio-biology a subtler and more promising form called Darwinian Psychology, also uses evolutionary variable to explain human behaviour which focuses on emotion though their descriptions are ingrained from intuition theories and are articulated from different ways of reacting to struggle for survival. These explanations are all speculation, which are not necessarily true factors (Young, 2008). Another down point with psychology and routine is that psychologists seem to constitute no greater interest in routine and scheduling, when they should have because of t he high move it plays on humans tone and behaviour. One can learn a lot concerning the human mind, behaviour, and the social aspects of behaviour as well. just there are no focuses on how routine can affect ones behaviour, life style, and even the impact of stress. Surprisingly, the bulk of research deals with only a small number or routine- related topics. Many of todays psychology articles on routine focuses on broad topics like the impact of routine in the work
Friday, April 26, 2019
Company law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Company law - Essay ExampleThe judicatory of appealingness upheld Chandlers claims against Cape plc., and acknowledged that damages were available for the claimant from the parent secure. The liability was placed on the parent firm for which the claimant was an employee to its subsidiary. The subsidiary firm that employed Chandler had ceased operations by the time Chandler sued for damages. However, the High Court upheld Chandlers claims, and so did the Court of appeal. Although corporate personality requires that a company within a group of companies should handle its liabilities independently, the court held that the parent company was liable for tortious negligence to Chandler.The decision made by the Court of appeal critically influences the legal provisions that govern corporate operations in more ways than fitting linking subsidiary liabilities to the parent firms as already seen in the Chandler v Cape plc case. Agency principles that relate to honey oil law are often used in determining closely related cases that are filed on similar grounds. In this respect, parties that are relatively bound to benefit on the same ground as that realized by Chandler could file lawsuits against parent firms for liabilities that could have been rather carried by their subsidiaries.The corporate veil amongst the subsidiary and the parent firm was lifted on the ground that the parent firm best mum the working conditions that the subsidiary was subjecting its employees to. Legally, the court held that the parent firm was as liable as its subsidiary. However, the subsidiary was no longer operational, thus transferring the negligence liability to the parent firm. Duty of care existed between Chandler and the parent firm, with the employing subsidiary.Corporate veil prompts that the employees clearly understand the direct liable party in relation to whom they constitute for2. The obligations of all the
The effect of reverberation and amplification on sound localisation Thesis
The effect of sound reflection and amplification on sound repair - Thesis ExampleIn reverberant environments, most earreach impaired listeners are aware to the anguish of the signals caused by the reverberation. However, when reverberation is minimum, the actual cause of disturbance is not clear to them and hence can be very frustrating.Localising a sound source in the horizontal plane relies mainly on twain opposite sources of information The differences in time of arrival of the sound at the two ears, and the level differences at the two ears. These time and level differences are called interaural time differences (ITD) cues and interaural level differences (ILD) cues. Recent improvements in hearing aids, such(prenominal) as compression and filtering, can significantly alter ITDs and ILDs. The digital treat to input signals tend to constrain the availability of fine timing cues, forcing the listener to rely on level cues. The effect of digital processing in hearing aids on the hearing aid wearers use of locating cues in different listening environments is not well understood.The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the effect of reverberation on the repair abilities of normal hearing and hearing impaired listeners. Moreover, to investigate the effect of Siemens Prisma 2M hearing aids utilizing the localisation cues. Two main formats of experiments were conducted, The first set (4 experiments) were performed on normal hearing listeners to study the effect of reverberation and signal onset/offset times on their localisation abilities for different stimuli signals (i.e. Speech, high-pass speech-low-pass speech, pink noise, 4 kHz pure tone, and 500 Hz pure tone and under different reverberant environments. The second set of experiments was conducted on twenty eight Bilateral Siemense Prisma 2M wearers. They were tested under both reverberant and anechoic conditions, with and without the hearing aids. Signals used were speech stimulus, pink noise , high-pass pink noise and low-pass pink
Thursday, April 25, 2019
College students should work part time Term Paper
College students should piece of work part time - Term Paper ExampleIs temporary communication channel important or not? In the present era, m integrityy is being important than ever. It is required more and more nowadays. E precisething is becoming so highly expensive now that the require of many people, peculiarly the teenagers are not being fulfilled. Even the school and college fee of many students cannot be afforded by millions of parents and those who are somehow able to bear the education expenses of their children, are not able to fulfill their other needs of life. Therefore, to meet the necessities and some of the luxuries of life, school and college students are compelled to earn for themselves. Part-time job has now become very important for school and college students. It is rather very common in the society nowadays. It may not be necessary for students to finance themselves completely through pat-time jobs, as temporary jobs certainly do not generate a very hand some amount. It is overly very difficult, rather nearly impossible for students to work for many hours so as to receive a good amount of payment, because if they work many hours, they would not be able to give the required time to their studies and consequently will end up slipping their grades. Hence, students work for very limited hours so that they may be able to give enough attention to their studies as well s become helping hands for their parents. ... In an early age, they learn how to make out, judge and organise their priorities and their responsibility towards fulfilling them. They realize that life is not just a piece of cake and what circumstances, hurdles and troubles one has to go through to survive in this rapidly moving world. They not only work but, also have in their minds the pending homework at home which has to be submitted the very next day. This is how the students work themselves by fulfilling both of their priorities of the job as well as the completion a nd submitting of their homework on time. Valuing any single penny A job definitely t apiecees students to value each and every single penny. magic spell they would not value the money earned by their parents and spend it lavishly and extravagantly, a part-time job teaches them how to value the earnings. This is because they have to work quite hard during their jobs for the sake of earning some money. They realize the fact that each and every single dollar is earned with a lot of hard work. Therefore, they start respecting and valuing money. Time vigilance Time management is another very important factor that the school and college students learn through the part-time jobs. They attend their classes, go to their work, complete their home works and then take out some eternal sleep time as well to refresh their body and minds. All this is done if students know how to manage their time. majority of the students think that part-time job is an extra burden for them along with their r egular classes as well as the tasks given by their teachers to be accomplished at home. But, actually all this burden is temporary which helps the students to manage their time in a way that they may pay attention to the complete routine of their life,
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Econimic impacts on Emirates Airline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Econimic impacts on Emirates Airline - Essay mannikinOperating in 55 countries and to 77 destinations, Emirates air hoses is one of the major airliners in the world at gift. It has started its trading operations from Dubai in 1985 and currently serving in almost every major destinations of the world. It has won the best airliner plunder many eras because of the excellent renovations it offers to the customers. But still it is facing stiff challenges at present due to the recession. This paper briefly analyses the economic environment of airline industry in general and emirates airlines in particular.Financial experts believe that Emirates airlines future could be determined by Dubais sister emirate, Abu Dhabi presidential term (Milmo et al). Currently Dubai is undergoing a severe financial crisis and the reports from Dubai shows that one of the biggest organizations in Dubai, Dubai world is on the verge of destruction because of financial crisis. Dubai government is waiting f or Abu Dhabis help in sort out the economic problems. Emirates is owned by the investment funds Corporation of Dubai, which is in turn controlled by the Dubai government (Milmo et al). The current financial crisis of the Dubai government may office the government to think in terms of a merger between Emirates and the Abu Dhabi counterpart Al-Itihad.The increased localise on diversification by neglecting other areas of business has created a strategic failure in the Emirates airline business. Emirates blindly went after acquisition strategies to extend the wings by overlooking other areas like the service sector. Stakeholders and their interests were overlooked by the company when they concentrated more on other aspects of the operations. The customer service standards keep up been adversely affected and the reputation of the airline has been affected badly in the last few years.The bargain power of the sellers is low at present especially because of the current global recession. At the same time increased
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Hunger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words
Hunger - Essay ExampleHis grant idly lay against his empty belly. Another hand reached upward to wipe the moisture from his eye as he looked out from the doorway, his eyes scanning across the street. The sounds of children playing were interrupted by the noise of shouting that at times erupted from one place or another. He swallowed before stepping out into the dirt of the street, the scents and the crust of the poor expound of the city having no affect on him as he had lived within it his whole life. The growl in his belly, on the other hand, is a pain one can never arrest used to feeling. He began the search for food, for a resource from which to gain his meal for the day. The result of colonialism within Nigeria has displaced the cultural sense of survival, creating urban centers where once the natural order of society provided for itself. Urbanization has taken shelter and food from cultures that once knew how to pass their land and use their resources in order to provide for themselves. Now, the cities are filled with generations who struggle still to conform and to pull themselves out of poverty. He closed his eyes for a moment before moving through the city. He thought about a woman he knew who might give him a meal if he talked nicely to her. He hadnt gone to her in a long time, but she had presumptuousness him food before when he had happened by when she was cooking. He had to cross the city a bit to get near her home, but it was worth it if he got a cooked meal. He moved quickly from place to place, gesture at those he knew until he was stopped dead in his tracks for a moment. He looked up and power sawing machine the office of a lawyer that he knew, a man who had bought his way into the graces of the mayor of the town. He saw the son of the mayor going into that office, with his clean white shirt and black trousers, not to mention the shiny black automobile from which he had emerged. Lagos, the current capital city and perhaps the most important urban settlement in Nigeria, if not on the West African coast, typifies a case of urban maturation in a rural context. The settlement has grown from a 19th century fishing and awkward settlement to become a late 20th century metropolitan centre (Baker184). The mayors son walked into the office, the whirring of the fan creating a belittled breeze through the open door. He ran his hand down his neck, bothered that his father had sent him on this errand, his life interrupted by this chore. He grinned for a moment thinking of the women from the night before, their lithe bodies undulating to the music, his throat filled with the drink that made his eyes glassy and filled him with a wildness that he could not express without it. He blew out a small bit of air and focused on the office door in front of him. I read it, I have it he said, knowing that his position in the city was dependant upon giving this protection to the mayor, the power of that man enough to give him acce ss to what he needed to sustain his business. He fumbled well-nigh with a key to a drawer for a minute until it popped open. He pulled out a astronomical envelope and surreptitiously filled it until it was full. He locked the metal clasp on it had and handed it to the mayors son, his sweating fingers leaving a mark upon the paper. The mayors son sneered then turned and odd the office, still annoyed that his sleep and his day had been interrupted for such a task. In todays Nigeria corruption has become a problem with implications for development planning, power positions, and balances, the
Monday, April 22, 2019
The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business Essay - 1
The Legal and respectable Environment of Business - Essay ExampleAs the inunct industry is directly related to the politicsal setting, it is expected that the takeover of the United States and the Coalition forces since 2003 as healthy as the new constitution in place will create new opportunities for foreign investors. The Iraqi Constitution of 2005 clearly stipulates the provision of disdain prospects for international oil companies (IOCs). The global policy forum recognizes this In the new setting, with Washington running the show, complaisant companies expect to gain most of the lucrative oil deals that will be worth hundreds of billions of dollars in pay in the coming decades. The new Iraqi constitution of 2005, greatly influenced by US advisors, contains language that guarantees a major role for foreign companies (Oil in Iraq 2006).DWI can take advantage of this by pursuing oil exploration in Iraq. This new venture is expected to raise its oil production as well as it r evenue and profit. DWI will be able to produce high-grade crude that is extraordinarily low-cost to manufacture. In Iraq, discovery and development cost is only $0.5/B and $0.5-$1.0/B, respectively.As the constitution of the new Iraq government is still under establishment, there are no concrete laws which govern the oil industry.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Analysing Sport & Events Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Analysing Sport & Events - Essay ExampleFinally, it provides a detailed tryout of the key findings in each article and evaluates the findings whether they agree and the implications of such findings. The articles cover broadly the importance roles play by sponsorship as an activity for the firms to gain and develop the sustainable relative advantage in the luff market and provide the hypothetic framework based on the sports sponsorship.Amis, Pant, and procrastinating provide a theoretical framework for understanding the idea of the sport sponsorship they explain the application of the sponsorship approach and demonstrates the insight illustrated cases that are utilise to identify the salient facts and the characteristic that are in agreement. The central concepts that are discussed are heterogeneity, imperfectible imitability, imperfect mobility, ex-ante limits to competition and their application of the framework to examine the major sponsorships (Amis, Pant & Slack, 1997). In addition, exponential growth accruals, instruction of sponsorship-linked marketing and RBV of the firm (Fahy, Ferrelly & Quester, 2004) and sponsorship as a resource as well as distinctive competencies ( Amis, Slack & Berrett, 1999). The insubstantial nature of the sponsorship value which emphasize on the ability to generate importance from the relationship in terms of management of the sponsorship (Farrelly, Quester &Buron , 2006).Heterogeneity occurs when the high numbers and the combination of the resources that are at the inclination of the firms render exact replication of the available resources. Besides that, it occurs in the case in which the firms use the differing routines and adjectival steps to carry and perform the same task basing their direct consequences on the unique histories that dictate them to institutionalize. This allows concomitant organizations to plead the same products and the services at a relatively lower cost as compared to others that produce the same products and services
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Roman, Julio-Claudian ImperialPortrait of Caligula, God, and Ruler Research Paper
romish, Julio-Claudian ImperialPortrait of Caligula, God, and ruler - Research Paper ExamplePrimitive in the Stone Age, sculpture developed to bear luxuriant resemblance of the object of art expression. Development of crafts, materials and instruments allowed Greek artists to reach perfection in their art works. Roman art was highly influenced and followed the traditions of Etruria and Greece (Pollitt 6) Sculpture was used as a mean to preserve images of the ancestors. Therefore depiction sculpture emerged and developed. Typical material for sculpture was bronze, marble, or terracotta. Monuments and sculptures were also erected to commemorate military or political achievements. Roman Cesar Gaius Germanicus, better known by his pet name Caligula was born in 12 AD. He was confirmed by Senate as an emperor at the age on twenty-five. (Pollitt 102) The people welcomed young emperor. He shown mercy to those in exile, reinstalled his family as royal. However, soon his relationship with the Senate was strained. The new emperor had poor health and became mentally unstable. His reign was full of violence, sadism and perversion. Simple men suffered his cruelty along with the nobility. He was assassinated by his praetorians completely four into his rule. Caligula was megalomaniac. From the beginning of his reign tenaciously was destroying statues of great men. According to Suetonius, He (Caligula) broke them in pieces to much(prenominal) an extent that it has non been possible to restore them with their inscription intact.(Pollitt 136) Instead, he proclaimed himself a god. Monuments were erected and imperial portraits created to feature article his human image as divine nature. The imperial portrait was usually displayed in the imperial temple. The emperor moth was to be worshiped during his lifetime, and Caligula was even worshiped to the excess to the opinion of the Senate. The imperial image established by Augustus was upheld the face mildew designed hairstyl e and carefully carved hair locks. The sculptures were powerful tools in political propaganda, along with the coinage. After Caligulas death his images were destroyed the same way he was destroying those of others. Not many portraits are preserved. One of them is an imperial Portrait of the Emperor Caligula, God and Ruler which is displayed in the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston. Clearly be and well-known features also replicated in the coins issued during his reign. It is likely that this bronze head was meant to be a focal hitch of a temple, however, it is difficult to say for certain. If the purpose and the meaning of Roman sculpture are clearly defined, it is not so with the art works from the ancient times, such as the Woman from Willendorf statuette. A statuette discovered by the archeologist Josef Szombathy in 1908 near Austrian town Willendorf in loess deposit during railroad construction. The excavations on the site had started well over 20 years prior to statuette disco very and many artifacts were instal, basic by the land owner, then by archeologists. The flint tools, human skeletons, tools made out of animal bones, shells, decorations were found at the site. Many of them are displayed in the Venusium a museum at Willendorf devoted to the discovery of Woman of Willendorf figurine and other finds from the near-by archeological sites. The Woman of Willendorf statuette or as it more often called, Venus of Willendorf, is displayed at The Vienna Natural History Museum. When the statuette was found, it was dated approximately 15000 to 10000 BC. With the technology ontogenesis and new methods of
Weekly response paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Weekly response paper - subsidization ExampleReflecting on both John May articles Sensing Preliminary Notes on the Emergence of Statistical-Mechanical geographic Vision and logic of managerial surface, it is heart-to-heart that the significance of technology cannot be underestimated. Both in their forces application, scientific emergence, and modern managerial posture has played a significant role. In Mays logic of managerial surface helps to think approximately how technology has played an important role in making us realize the sudden need for successful management (May, Logic 6). It also helps in decision about conceptual change, particularly in environmental management distancing ourselves from previous practices that failed to foresee consequences of design. Likewise, Sensing Preliminary Notes on the Emergence of Statistical-Mechanical Geographic vision gives important insight on how we see things. The article also discusses statistical probability and how its relationship w ith logic of reduction and abstraction and their roles in geological science such as thermal imaging and mapping to what we see (May, Preliminary 43). Looking back at our earlier readings, on how technology has helped in the advancement of weapons and infrastructures, and others.Technology is largely responsible for the sense of stability of life in the world. Technology confers with the ability to increase a reflexive character of modernity and constitute a primordial feature of the managerial surface. The environment produced by the technology is more aware catastrophic tendencies since they are convinced(p) to compensate for failures. Technology can regulate temperatures, light, water, and so on. However, the duration of contentions rests on geographical concepts that are root in modern technologies and analytical and inferential approaches in the geography practice.Using a technical framework, it is clear that the
Friday, April 19, 2019
The Things They Carried ( Tim o'brien) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Things They Carried ( Tim obrien) - Essay ExampleKathleen has been used symbolically to represent the reader. merely like the reader, she responds to the author. Her age and relationship with the storyteller, affects the manner in which he relays and conveys what happens. Just like the reader, Kathleen hears the story for the eldest time from her father (O Brien 32). Another symbolic figure in the story is the young Vietnamese pass who is dead, constantly appearing in OBriens nightmares, visions, and hallucinations. This symbolizes guilt over horrible acts in war. O Brien had thrown a grenade during war four years ago, but was not certain whether he had killed a man.The author has also used the character Linda symbolically to represent how it is possible to bring back pats elements done storytelling and imagination. Linda was O Briens classmate who died in fifth grade of brain tumor (O Brien 132). She symbolizes O Briens believe that storytelling can be used to negotiate conf usion and pain. She was his first love and his first baffle of death. Through her, the author communicates that through imagination, the past can be brought to the present, and the dead made
Thursday, April 18, 2019
20th century art and culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
20th century art and nuance - Essay ExampleHistory of art, along with history of science and philosophy, endeavors to record and interpret the ship canal in which human consciousness perceives and makes grit of itself and the world around it. Ethical principles and cultural values that informed the information of Western civilization are deeply rooted in its classical origins and, therefore, in its heavy trust on the rationalist school of thought. Classicism, rationalism and humanism - the concept that can be regarded as a derivative of the first two - non only defined the path of Western culture, but alike ensured this cultures extreme openness and perceptivity towards other cultures and non-Western schools and systems.This heritage of rationalist philosophy and humanist ethics ensured that in a complex historical situation the 20th century art drew its strength and ambition from the same humanistic principles and managed to sustain an essentially positive and optimistic vi ew of the oncoming cultural changes, brought on by industrial and social revolutions. On the examples of broad(prenominal) modernism in poetry, Cubism in painting and foreign Style in architecture this essay will attempt to demonstrate the continuity inside rationalist and humanist tradition that modern and postmodern Western art displayed. This continuity manifests itself, firstly, in acknowledging the historical sense within modernism, in claiming the indebtedness of the tonic art to classicism and tradition. Secondly, it expresses itself in questioning the nature of theatrical and emergence of non-realist schools and movements as a consequence of applying rationalist tools of scientific knowledge to specifically dainty ways of cognition. Thirdly, this continuity is reflected in challenging aestheticist ideas, in growing popularity of instrumentalist theories of art and in the idea of artistic engagement which has undeniable affinity with the concept of humanism. And lastly, t he evidence of such continuity can be found in relatively recent phenomena of internationalization and globalization that affected all postmodern art and invited its interpretation as ultimately, universally humanist. The first half of the 20th century is often perceived as a prison term of breaking away from tradition, a time of explosive growth of avant-garde schools and movements, a time when new means of representation were being adopted to reflect revolutionary changes in science, technology and societal structures. These movements, in spite of their belonging to different spheres of art, literature and music, came to be known under a common name of modernism. It is not easily realised and admitted that modernism, for all its innovative spirit and love of experimentation, was fully consequential, if not predictable. It did not muster out of nothing it grew out of a certain tradition and emerged within the paradigm of rationalist and humanist values.An adequate first example to support our argument is T.S. Eliot, a poet who was also one of the first theorists of high modernism. Eliots poetry is highly innovative in form and style it bears all characteristics of high modernism (fragmentation, intertextual allusions, rejection of traditionalistic forms and rhyme) at the same time it explicitly states its regard for classicism and tradition. Eliot expressed this regard in his germinal essay Tradition and the Individual Talent, written in 1919The historical sense involves a perception, not only of the pastness of the past, but of its presence the historical sense compels a man to write not and with his own generation in his bones, but with a feeling that the whole of the literature of Europe and within it the whole of the literature of his own country has a simultaneous existence and composes a simultaneous order. (Eliot, 38)In the poem Mr Appolinax, part of his most renowned collection, Prufrock and Other Observations, Eliot makes frequent use of classic al allusions and conveys the sense of modernism being enclosed within the timelessness
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Breast Cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Breast Cancer - enquiry Paper ExampleThe author notes that horizontal when similar methods atomic number 18 applied, the use of dissimilar strategies for examining surgical hearty may lead to different outcomes for the same patient. The information submitted by the writer notes that in cases of determining histological curative effects in everyday medical practice, doctors have to illustrate the methods applied in their interrogatory criteria. The author notes that histological methods for determining therapeutic reactions and strategies for assessment of surgical materials subsequent to neoadjuvant treatment must be harmonized in the near future.The author notes that malignant neoplastic disease prevention involves all the actions taken for the purposes of lowering the likeliness of acquiring breast cancer. Through prevention, the author notes that mortalities caused by cancer are eventually minimized. The author explains the bump elements and the protective elements that are associated with breast cancer. He notes that preventing breast cancer begins with adopting a intelligent eating habit. He notes that several studies reveal that lifestyle alterations have been recorded to reduce risks of acquiring breast cancer even in the women considered high risk. He argues that a number of steps associated with keeping the body active and healthy have reduced the risks of acquiring cancer.The author notes that breast cancer is the principal causing factor of cancer associated mortalities in women below the age of 40 years especially in the countries with the highest per-capita income in the world. The writer additionally reports that even though seen to improve gradually, the rates of survival for these women are much lower as compared to women who are older. Furthermore, he reports that the young women are prone to developing more aggressive strains of the cancerous cells.
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Stories about miracles Essay Example for Free
Stories about miracles EssayStories about miracles are an obstacle to reliance for modern people.Discuss.The whole concept of miracles is rooted in the fantastical, improbable and downright outrageous. So its not classifyicularly unverbalised to see why modern, enlightened people might consider them an obstacle to reliance. However, stories about miracles are part of religious lore so if they are an obstacle, theyre certainly not insurmountable. Indeed, for some they place be verbalise to enhance the idea of a loving, divine perfection. only if exactly how loving can a perfection that is so indifferent to the suffering of those he doesnt deem worthy of his miracles be? A voluntaryness to believe in divinitys benevolence must be present in order to ignore the unfair nature of miracles, and in these literate, informed times, it proves incredibly difficult to have such faith.An important religious perspective on miracles is that of St doubting Thomas Aquinas. Aquinas be lieved that God can manipulate creation in any way he/she desires. His translation of miracles is those things done by divine indicator apart from the order usu ally followed in things. This idea is serviceable for those inclined towards faith because it encompasses a vast spectrum of events, ranging from a spontaneous apparition of soulfulness dead to an unlikely, merely possible occurrence such as a fast recovery from a curable ailment. But this definition of miracles presents some problems. For example, John Macquarie argues that because interpretation of supposedly miraculous events varies, it is nonsensical to ascribe religious heart to acts that are quite possibly random and lucky. How are we to distinguish between coincidence and an act of God? Surely God cant be responsible for every last one of the unlikely uncaused events that happen in the world? The Bible appears to fail to provide any answers- it simply asserts that God exists and his miracles occurred, leaven b e damned.In spite of this, the miracles in the Bible can be said to support faith for modern people, as they demonstrate the power and benevolence of God. A prominent example would be Isaiah 388, when God stops the Sun for King Hezekiahs benefit. Another would be when Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. Miracles such as these can evoke powerful religious feeling. The implausible nature of these acts, however, makes them a very real roadblock on the path to faith for many discerning, intelligent people. Rudolf Bultmann addressed this by attempting to demythologise Christ.By doing this, he belief he could both enable faith for modern people while allowing them to maintain their suspension of disbelief. He offered rational explanations for the miracles of Christ for example, when Jesus fed the 5000, there may have been a concealed counteract behind him, or he may have simply inspired the others around him to share. This approach is breach than the literal interpretation of Biblical miracles because it offers a logical, contemporary solution for Jesus supposedly divine acts whilst maintaining their immanent goodness. But it can also be said that by demythologising Christ you take away the power of his sacrifice- his divinity is integral to Christianity.David Hume provides a less liberal definition of the miraculous. He limits miracles to a transgression of a law of natureby a particular volition of the deity. This essentially means that nothing that happens within nature should be labelled miraculous. Hume does not outright reject miracles, exactly he instead uses the fact that they are unthinkable to prove to support his criticism. If we are to adhere to Humes staunchly rationalistic stance, concluding that miracles are an obstacle to faith would be inevitable, as there is no evidence for them.However, Humes argument is not entirely without its detractors. For example, his parameters can be described as too restrictive. He arrogantly claims that the only cr edible witness to a miracle is a well-educated, reputable person. But if a miracle genuinely occurs, why are the eyes of an academic more dependable than those of a farmer? John Hick also points out that Hume is assuming that we are privy to all the laws of nature. They certainly appear to have been broken before, only for it to be found that certain things thought imp. Hicks refinement is that observing things we do not understand does not constitute breaking natures laws we simply need to stretch forth our understanding of nature.Arguably the most compelling argument against miracles was devised by Maurice Wiles. Wiles premise is that a God willing to perform arbitrary miraculous acts is unworthy of worship, because he/she seems indifferent to the suffering of others. Why does God cure some people, only when let others suffer unbearable agonies? The intervening God of Christianity turned water into wine, but remained indifferent to the suffering of six million Jews. Of course , one could argue that greater, celestial rewards await the dead for their pains, but it is my belief that no reward can justify such torture.For some, the concept of a miraculous God allows for a small degree of security and comfort in the knowledge that, despite the dangers of this harsh, brutal world, someone is taking care of you. It would, for them, seem quite cynical to say that miracles are an obstacle to faith. Despite this, I cannot fathom the idea of an arbitrary, indifferent God, saving people based on whimsy. Faith is obviously a very personal thing, but in these enlightened, intelligent times I am forced to terminate that an intervening deity is both illogical and outdated.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Definition of Literature Essay Example for Free
definition of reports EssayLiterature is an outlet of escape from reality. At the end of the solar day, I open a book and all toldow the story to take me to a world where my own fades into a distant memory. With all(prenominal) turn of a page, my fancy is free to reinvent a narrative that is better than the reality I live. Literature can be non-fiction and based on facts surrounding real nonethelessts, people, and places. Examples intromit history books, memoirs, biographies, newspapers, self-help, devotionals, and textbooks. Literature can also be writings based not on truth, but on the vagary and creativity of the author.This includes fiction novels and children story books. A lot of times authors of fiction will get their vagary from a real carriage event and then they allow their imagination to recreate the characters and plot. Aside from be fiction or non-fiction, literature can also fall into different categories according to the genre, purpose, and style. Some genres include romance, science fiction, Christian, suspense, and western. The authors purpose for writing will likely determine what style and genre they will use. verse and drama argon forms of literature that are stylistically different from other writings.Every author wants to move their audience and capture their attention in order to convey a message. The meaning of the text may hold differing messages within the audience, but it is the goal of the author to captivate the scaner and keep them wanting to read more. John metalworker wrote historical accounts of life while he was living. His writings brought insight and hope regarding incline settlement during the early 1600s. The General History of Virginia is difficult to comprehend in areas because I am unknown with his use and style of language, but nonetheless it is a beautifully written piece of literature.John Smiths targeted audience was most likely the people of his time, with the goal of informing them of rece nt events. I calculate the way he portrays the struggles of daily life realistically and in a way that inspires and intrigues. William Bradford was not formally educauted, yet he was a wise and well-read man. His writings spread throughout the world and excite been studied and quoted by many. As with most of the literature from his time period, Bradfords style is simple, but he writes with such conviction that demands the attention and respect of the reader.Bradford was a man of faith and often deported this in his writing. In Of Plymouth Plantation he often bear ons to Gods providence and makes continuous references to God. Bradford may refer to God more than any other author in this compound unit. Anne Bradstreet was a powerful soak up in literature during the 1960s because she was one of the first recognized women poets. Centuries later she is a revered source and her poetry remains enchanting. Thou ill-formed awayspring of my feeble brain is the opening line to her poem T he Author of Her Book and illustrates just how feeble her brain is not.She has the erratic capacity to use words to express herself so creatively and with so much emotion. To My Dear and Loving Husband is a great quixotic poem that I admire. Bradstreets style reminds me slightly of my own. However I need more give birth and practice to become nearly as talented as she. Upon the Burning of Our House reminds of my own sleep with of a house fire and has inspired me to attempt to capture my experience through poetry. Through all Anne Bradstreets work, she inspires others to recognize the beauty and power in writing.Edward Taylor was a highly educated, well respected, and devout apparitional man who used poetry as a private expression of his faith. He did not adjudicate fame or recognition for his writing, rather just the pleasure it brought him. Taylor writes of God beautifully and is a master of creating piteous and emotional works of art without intending to. As with most poets , Taylor and Bradstreet used metaphors and had a personal style unique from others. There is also an overflowing of emotion from both Taylor and Bradstreet within all their writings.William Byrd was a very realized man of his time. He was well educated, respected, and prosperous. His most famous writings are the journals that he wrote to describe day to day life. In The History of the Dividing Line I was able to pick up on the whim that has lead Byrd to be one of the first distinct comedic writers. The humor is not pee your pants uncommon rather it is more light-hearted humor that makes the reader smile. It is evident in his writing that Byrd was indeed well-read. A writer is capable of learning a great deal about language, word usage, and style through reading.Byrds style is simple, yet he articulates his message very well and although he wrote for himself, he managed to write in a way that would capture an audiences attention. Jonathan Edwards was an intelligent man of God who served as a preacher. As an author, he wrote popular sermons and other life-threatening works on religion, metaphysics, and philosophy. Edwards style of writing is kind of different from other authors in this unit because unlike the others he gives the reader an array of affirmable positions for the return he is presenting.In the sermon Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, Edwards develops his view on destruction and penalisation from verses in Deuteronomy. Not only does he explain how he interprets the scripture, he also gives other possible views. St. Jean De Crevecoeur wrote about religion but he did not profess or maintain that he believed in God. He was a well-educated humanitarian who served his people and country. I found Letters from an American Farmer difficult to get through because his style of writing is unexciting. I was also turned off by the way he wrote about certain topics particularly African American issues.Crevecoeur was not a racist man, but he lacked some sensitivity in discussing his unique view on negroes and parenting. He believed that negroes should not continue having children because if they did misery would undeniably result for themselves and their offspring. I understand that he is referring to slaves and perhaps even slaves may have wished to not have children in order to save future generations from being strained into slavery. Crevecoeur surprised me with the boldness in his writing. The progression of writing from Smith to Crevecoeur is interesting to track and there are noticeable changes in language and word usage.As defined earlier, literature to me is written art that engages my imagination and takes my mind away from reality. Not every piece of literature will bring me the pleasure of departure my own world for a moment and that does not mean the author has failed. Genre plays an important employment in this element of the definition. For example the writings from the colonies unit are primarily non-fiction hist ory writings that are meant to inform more than entertain. Anne Bradstreet is an exception. As the writer of poetry, her style is most obviously different from the more serious and constructed essays of the other writers.Every writer has a style that is unique, however one similarity in the colonial writings is the purpose of the authors writing. Many of the writers were writing for the sake of recording daily life and making historical accounts of slavery, war, and developing colony life. Centuries later, authors such as Smith, Bradford, Bradstreet, Taylor, Edwards, and Crevecoeur are recognized as know in the field of writing. Writers during the establishment of the colonies wrote simple, yet serious and powerful pieces of art. They have a style of writing and voice that still captures the hearts of readers.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act Essay Example for Free
Age inequality in Employment Act EssayThe Age discrepancy in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 prohibits employers from acuate against employees, or job candidates, on the basis of grow. This law covers workers who be 40 years of age and aged. An employer essentialiness pee at least 20 workers to be covered by this law. The Equal Employment chance charge (EEOC) enforces the Age difference in Employment Act. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act makes it unlawful for an employer to make example-related decisions based on an employees or a prospective employees age. Here are several vogues in which workers age 40 and above are covered An employer banking company make hiring decisions based on an applicants age and he or she cant withdraw based on age when recruiting job candidates, advertising for a job or exam applicants. An employer cant fire a worker because of his age.An employer cant use age to c lassify, segregate or limit point an employee if this will negatively affect the employees status or deprive him or her of opportunities. An employer cant use age to de barrierine an employees pay. An employer cant deny benefits to an employee because of the employees age. In some batch, however, the employer may provide reduced benefits to cured workers if the personify of providing those reduced benefits matches the constitute of providing benefits to a younger worker. In other words, the cost of providing the benefits to honest-to-goodness workers and younger workers must be the same. An employee may take age into account when making an employment-related decision sole(prenominal) if it is in adhesion to an authentic qualification necessary for the businesss operation.Age discrimination involves treating someone (an applicant or employee) less favorably because of his age. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) only forbids age discrimination against people who are age 40 or former(a). It does non protect workers under the age of 40, although some states do have laws that protect younger workers from age discrimination. It is not illegal for an employer or other covered entity to favor an older worker over a younger one, even if both workers are age 40 or older.Discrimination can occur when the victim and the person who inflicted the discrimination are both over 40.Age Discrimination Work SituationsThe law forbids discrimination when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment.Age Discrimination HarassmentIt is unlawful to harass a person because of his or her age. Harassment can include, for example, offensive remarks abtaboo a persons age. Although the law doesnt prohibit simple teasing, offhand comments, or isolated incidents that arent very serious, harassment is illegal when it is so frequent or se vere that it creates a inappropriate or offensive work environment or when it results in an adverse employment decision (such as the victim being fired or demoted). The harasser can be the victims supervisor, a supervisor in another area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the employer, such as a client or customer.Age Discrimination Employment Policies/PracticesAn employment policy or practice that applies to everyone, regardless of age, can be illegal if it has a negative impact on applicants or employees age 40 or older and is not based on a reasonable factor other than age (RFOA). The Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA) protects individuals who are 40 years of age or older from employment discrimination based on age. The ADEAs protections apply to both employees and job applicants. Under the ADEA, it is unlawful to split up against a person because of his/her age with respect to any term, condition, or privilege of employment, including hiring, firing, promotion, layoff, compensation, benefits, job assignments, and training.The ADEA permits employers to favor older workers based on age even when doing so adversely affects a younger worker who is 40 or older. It is likewise unlawful to retaliate against an individual for opposing employment practices that discriminate based on age or for filing an age discrimination charge, testifying, or participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, or litigation under the ADEA. The ADEA applies to employers with 20 or more employees, including state and local governments. It also applies to employment agencies and labor organizations, as well as to the federal government. ADEA protections includeApprenticeship ProgramsIt is primarily unlawful for apprenticeship programs, including stick labor-management apprenticeship programs, to discriminate on the basis of an individuals age. Age limitations in apprenticeship programs are valid only if they fall within certain specific e xceptions under the ADEA or if the EEOC grants a specific exemption.Job Notices and AdvertisementsThe ADEA generally makes it unlawful to include age preferences, limitations, or specifications in job strike offs or advertisements. A job notice or advertisement may specify an age limit only in the rare circumstances where age is shown to be a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) reasonably necessary to the normal operation of the business.Pre-Employment InquiriesThe ADEA does not specifically prohibit an employer from asking an applicants age or date of birth. However, because such inquiries may deter older workers from applying for employment or may otherwise indicate possible intent to discriminate based on age, requests for age information will be closely scrutinized to make sure that the dubiousness was made for a lawful purpose, rather than for a purpose prohibited by the ADEA. If the information is call for for a lawful purpose, it can be obtained after(prenominal) the employee is hired.BenefitsThe Older Workers Benefit Protection Act of 1990 (OWBPA) revise the ADEA to specifically prohibit employers from denying benefits to older employees. Congress recognized that the cost of providing certain benefits to older workers is greater than the cost of providing those same benefits to younger workers, and that those greater costs might create a disincentive to hire older workers. Therefore, in limited circumstances, an employer may be permitted to reduce benefits based on age, as long as the cost of providing the reduced benefits to older workers is no less than the cost of providing benefits to younger workers. Employers are permitted to coordinate retired person health benefit plans with eligibility for Medicare or a comparable state-sponsored health benefit.Waivers of ADEA RightsAn employer may ask an employee to waive his/her rights or claims under the ADEA. Such waivers are common in settling ADEA discrimination claims or in radio link wit h exit incentive or other employment resolution programs. However, the ADEA, as amended by OWBPA, sets out specific minimum standards that must be met in order for a waiver to be considered discriminating and voluntary and, therefore, valid. Among other requirements, a valid ADEA waiver must obe in writing and be graspableospecifically refer to ADEA rights or claimsonot waive rights or claims that may arise in the futureobe in flip for valuable consideration in addition to anything of value to which the individual already is entitled oadvise the individual in writing to consult an attorney before signing the waiver and oprovide the individual at least 21 days to consider the agreement and at least seven days to revoke the agreement after signing it. If an employer requests an ADEA waiver in connection with an exit incentive or other employment termination program, the minimum requirements for a valid waiver are more extensive. See Understanding Waivers of Discrimination Claims i n Employee Severance Agreements at http//www.eeoc.gov/policy/docs/qanda_severance-agreements.html
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Growth and Decline Essay Example for Free
development and Decline EssayAreas of growth and drop in the elemental, inessential and tertiary classifications of business activities Firstly the uncomplicated sphere, obtain or produces raw goods. The secondary vault of heaven manufactures and constructs goods. Finally the tertiary sector provides services to businesses and/or individuals. over time whole sectors can grow or capitulation. Absolute growth or decline means that on its own a sector is getting bigger or smaller. If this type of decline happened continuously, one day a sector would disappear.Relative growth or decline means a sector is doing better or worse compared with other(a) sectors. It may be growing relative to other sectors and still not doing very well. Or it may be declining relative to other sectors, but doing quite well on its own. Overall the native and secondary sector is declining and the tertiary sector is growing. This is because we as a country are becoming much of a service culture. The primary and secondary sector has change magnitude because we can now use machinery to do certain jobs that people used to do and so people have to find work elsewhere in the tertiary sector.The primary sector has decreased rapidly through time from 1980 to 2002 and the employment rate for primary industries has decreased by over 65% going from 3. 6% to 1. 4%. This is because people no longer produce their own food or own animals for meat and so as the years went on people started to trade the food that they produced and the animals they possess for other products which leads on to the tertiary sector. However within the sector the return has risen from. Fishing fleets, combust mining and quarrying are all examples of areas in the primary sector that has declined.This is because machinery can do close jobs that people used to do, foreign industries also became more competitive and imports such as coal became more affordable. As the availability of coal declined in the UK, a nd also became more expensive to extract more coal was imported. This led to a further decline in primary sector employment in the UK. The primary sector has although increased in its organic food production, wind farming, fish farming and oil and indispensable gas extraction.The number of organic producers has risen from 6,038 organic producers in 2004 to 7,567 organic producers in 2009 this is because the demand for organic food has increased as more and more people want to eat food without bathetic fertilizers and pesticides. However even with this increase the primary sector is declining compared to the secondary and tertiary sectors as employment for the primary sector in 2008 is only 1. 6% of the UK whereas the secondary sector has an employment rate of 17. 6% in 2008 and the tertiary sector has an employment rate of 80. % in 2008. This shows that the primary sector is declining along with the secondary sector but at a much more drastic rate. The secondary sector is doing be tter than the primary sector as pointed out in my last paragraph however is declining largely compared to the tertiary sector. between 2005 and 2008 the secondary sector was on the rise as employment in manufacturing increased and the output of the secondary sector increased. However as the recession hit, the secondary sector saw a decline of output from 23% in 2008 to 6. 5% at the start of 2009.The areas hit virtually were industries metal products, transport (engineering) and construction. Over 140,000 jobs were lost in the motor industry, BAE systems cut 500 jobs and SANYO closed its factory which made televisions ever since no factory in Britain made televisions. Later in 2009 the decline started to slow down but hasnt improved much since as companies are still making cut backs. Going back to 2005-2008 the areas that were most successful in the secondary sector were the food and drink industry, drugs and pharmaceuticals, weapons, ammunitions, energy, electrical and optical equ ipment and finally publisher and publishing.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Mule Killers Essay Example for Free
Mule Killers EssayMule Killers, 2004 by Lydia Peele is the gripping fiction of love and the difficulties around it. It deals with issues much(prenominal)(prenominal) as findhood, friendship and espousal, including the conflicts surrounding these. Lydia Peele presents the story of a don telling his tidings, who is the bank clerk, an story from his early disembodied spirit. The anecdote is an unhappy love story of the storytellers fathers love life, and the relationship to the fibbers granddaddy. In a story with its roots in rural America, a much deeper story appears. This is a story of love, hope and the decisions of life.It is the story of the struggles and difficulties that are a part of life. The story, set in the countryside of the USA, presents a group of interesting characters with strong per discussionalities, that each bear their way of participating to the story. It is especially the father and the grandfather that have great significance to the Lydia Peeles hornswoggle story. The grandfather is presented as a man who is alarmed of letting go of his usual surroundings and habits. This is seen on line 77-78, scalawag 4. The grandfather tells the father Youre gonna see a future I cant even stretch my mind around. not any of it. I cant even begin to imagine.The fact that he has such difficulties imagining the future, points towards the conclusion that he would rather live in the present. He would rather live his old forge life and not worry about the future. The grandfathers way of thinking seems old forge and ordinaryly conservative. When his son explains how he accidentally impregnated a young woman, without having any intentions of marrying her, the conservatism shines through. The grandfather replies on line 86-87, page 4This is violateYou got no choice but to take care of it. This is wrong. The cardinal different worlds of son and father clash, and the true differences are shown.Even though father and son look upon the world wi th different points of have, the son still has massive respect for his old man. His father is really his role model, which is similarly shown throughout the text My father has his fathers height, and he carries it apologetically(line 7, page 2). The word apolegitacally points towards the fact that the son is aware of the superiority that his father possesses. The son has difficulties living up to his father and his way of life. He wants to possess his fathers ability to show no emotion and how to be a real man. He hides the palpateings that strong men traditionally do not feel He is trying hard to keep certain things inside his chest things like fear, sadness, and uncertainty. (line 7-9, page2).This could very(prenominal) likely be a typical trend of the measure and environment that the story takes place in. The final exam main character in the anecdote is the narrator, who is the son to the young man with love problems in the short story. The son is a first person narrator, s o the point of view is limited to him. His main obligation is to tell the story. An actual presentation of his personality is not included. As stated earlier, the climb has great greatness for the personalities of the main characters in the story.The setting is in Nashville, just before industrialization modernized the farming life with tractors. The father in the story carries typical traits of a farmer dedicated to old norms, such as no illegitimate children. A possible explanation of this could be that the state of Tennessee is located in the record belt, which is known as a passing religious area. There are also other elements of the setting that point out the religious beliefs that the two main characters have At church she always sits with the equal girl (line 14), page 2.The use of the adverb always proves that the son and father attend church on a regular basis. Whilst reading Mule Killers several obvious shanks jump out on the page. The main theme seen in the short s tory is the generational difference between father and son. As stated earlier, the father tries to hold on to his old norms and principals, whereas the son believes in a modern way of life. The difference is illustrated when the son decides not to marry the girl whom he impregnated. The father regards this as uncaring and irresponsible.The views of the son seem to stir to the modern world of today. It becomes more and more ordinary to have a baby outside of marriage without the intentions of helping the mother nurture the child. A specific example is seen in MTVs Teenage mom television program where several teenage girls give birth. The program also shows the way the father typically tends to leave the mother after birth. If this had happened in the time where the Mule Killers takes place or prior to it, it would have had major consequences for the father of the child.One can therefore conclude that the times constantly change and any(prenominal) great deal will always be caught in the past, which in this case is the father. This could also be a possible message of the story. The message could be that norms change throughout history, but not all people follow the change. Regardless of this, it is still important to respect the people who have a hard time dealing with the future. Lydia Peele manages to take the reader on a journey of love and the relationship between the narrators father and grandfather.She also shows the reader the different norms and beliefs that the two generations have, and the clashes than can rise to the surface collect to this. She also presents the stereotypical religious middle class farmer at this time. This is done by exploitation a small farmer town located in the Bible belt as a setting. The short story is a touching and mind bobbling tale portraying the relationship between two sets of father and son. It tells the tale of the relationship between the narrators father and grandfather. The relationship between the narrators fa ther and grandfather is presented as a relationship built on a general respect for the elderly.The narrators father respects the grandfather since he listens to what he says, and obeys the rules that the grandfather upholds. It is also the tale of how the setting, which is the farmer community in the US during the industrialization, has a major importance for the outcome of the story. The highly religious setting is represented in the Narrators grandfathers point of view regarding childbirth. All in all the short story shows the difficulties surrounding love and how to deal with it in a sensible matter.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Physics project Maglev Trains Essay Example for Free
Physics project Maglev Trains EssayMaglev ingests are the manner of transport clear cut for the rapid and modernised society of the 21st century. With top speeds of five hundred km/h the maglev drags can travel as fast as passenger aircrafts for a discredit cost and with minimal impact to the environment. They are in fact possibly iodine of the best discoveries and one of the most promising sector in the future travel industry. The Laws of Physics The Maglev train is ground on 1. Magnetism When two sets of magnets, one on the guide way and the other on the train have like poles facing each other repulsion takes place. It is this repulsive force that drives the train forward. 1. electromagnetism The magnets used are no ordinary magnets they are electromagnets. A solenoid is made using wires and an aluminium core. When contemporary flows through the wires the magnet is magnetised. The speed of the train can be controlled by the amount of current universe supplied to the electromagnets. How is magnetic levitation achieved? There are two ways to levitate the train 1. Electromagnetic suspension where electromagnets on the train body get attracted to the iron rails.After this, constantly switching the electromagnets on and off at a fast rate allows the train to levitate 2. Electro-dynamic suspension where the magnetised coil orderning along the guide way repels the magnets on the undercarriage of the train. Both these techniques allow the train to levitate 1 to 10 cm above the ground and give the feeling it is floating in air. How are Maglev trains propelled? Once the train has got levitated power is supplied to the coils in the guide way walls to create a unique system of magnetic palm that pull and push the train.The current supplied is AC, alternating current, and thus it keeps alternating to change the polarity of the magnetised coils. This ensures that whatever one time the magnets behind the carriage are repelling it to push it forward wh ile the coils in front are attracting it, pulling it forward. This push and pull occurs simultaneously. The Newest Technology Maglev trains regularly reach speeds of 500 km/h since they do not need to resist friction. The only resistance is air resistance.This besides can be overcome by building vacuum tubes through which these trains would travel and theoretically sermon such trains could even reach speeds such as 3500 km/h making inter Continental travel possible. Performance Comparison Maglev trains are much more efficient than communal trains which run on fuel. Firstly, they are faster since they do not deal with friction. Secondly, they are cheaper since no fuel is burned during the propulsion and minimal electricity is used since only certain parts of the track need to be energised at one point.Thirdly, it is safer since there is no chance of collision or derailment or at least(prenominal) a very minute chance compared to common trains. Lastly, these trains are much more environmentally warm since they do not pollute the environment by releasing any toxic gases unlike common trains which do so.Bibliography Information Source The Guide Way and the Undercarriages http//science. howstuffworks. com/transport/engines-equipment/maglev-train. htm Future of Maglev Trains http//www. bbc. com/future/ allegory/20120504-the-floating-future-of-trains How do Maglev Trains Levitate? http//www. lanl.gov/orgs/mpa/stc/train. shtml History and Introduction to Maglev Trains http//www. 21stcenturysciencetech. com/articles/Summer03/maglev2. html Magnetic Propulsion http//ffden-2. phys. uaf. edu/211_fall2002. web. dir/Adam_Caswell/ knave%201. htm Image Pg No. Source Maglev.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Marketing Mix Essay Example for Free
selling Mix EssayIntroductionCompanies today movement their go around to continue to keep up with the changes of function, convergences and technology. Companies rely on their abilities in market to keep consumers interested in their products and function. The success of a come with may rely on the companys market performance. Marketing planning starts by thinking of the targeted audience needs, strategies, and the development of the products and or religious service needed. Developing a marketing strategy go forth consist of the marketing mingle. The marketing mix is the strategic plan that defines the companys over tout ensemble mission and objectives. (Armstrong Kotler, 2011) bolt will be used as an example as to how they follow up the marketing mix to their company. sprints overall mission and objective is To be No. 1 in providing a simple, instant, enriching and productive customer experience. (Sprint, 2012) The marketing mix includes the quadruplet Ps ( par ts) of marketing. The four Ps be product, place, pricing, and promotion. To better explain how the four Ps work in a company we will see how Sprint applies the four Ps to their company.Frist P Element ProductsSprint is constantly seek to keep up with the technology changes to en positive(predicate) customer satisfaction. Sprint is one of the premier wireless take into accountrs for smarting phones in the US. (Sprint, 2012) Sprint cells top of the line phones and phone services for residential customers as puff up as business customers. Sprint is not limited to just new products or service, hardly to grow products or services that be already established as well. Marketers decisions on products ar based on the nature of what the customers needs atomic number 18.For Sprint to make sure they are listening to their customers and to know what their needs are they take a crap blogs and chatting sessions on their website where everyone from customers to employees can share their comments, ideas, suggestions and opinions about change products and services that are already established. Improvements can consist of phones to be adequate to(p) to handle more learning or new technology added to the phones. Improvements can also be as simple as glossary or size. Decisions on products are also by the targeted customer (younger=texting abilities, older=tracking system for their children, oldest= be able to see the numbers on the key pad). Improvements may also be a wider lead of service accessibility for fewer calls dropped.Second P Element PlaceWhere can Sprint be accessible to their targeted audience? Sprint makes themselves available through their website, kiosks in malls, as well as local anaesthetic Sprint stores. All places provide the phones and services needed. Not only regular customers are targeted, businesses are targeted as well. Sprint offers plans for businesses which provide packages which consist of several phones on one plan. The business pla ns are specifically intentional to make it easier to conduct daily business transactions. The store supplies physical one-on-one people for those customers who prefer the personal interaction. The store also provides a hands-on scenario where customers are free to look at the phones and see what they look, operose and feel same.The store provides a comfortable opportunity for the customers to make a personal educated choice. On the other hand, Sprint also provides their website. Sprints website provides a wider seethe of phone choices (new and used), wide range of services (phone service, wireless service, etc.) and for customers that need to ask question, Sprint provides online help (chat session, contact numbers, website links). The kiosk is just a convenience catcher. It is in a mall in hopes that a passing by customer will catch a glimpse of the products and be curious enough to stop, ask questions and possibly purchase a product on their way to another store.The store, web site and kiosk are designed to knuckle under the customers all the tools and teaching needed to make the best choice for their personal or business needs. Sprint prides itself to making sure all their bases are covered and provides total accessibility to their customers in order to provide them with quick and handy service available. In marketing a place is also known as the warehouse where, in this case, Sprint houses their phones for distribution so it is available for its customers.Third P Element PricingPricing is a crucial part of the four Ps. Price is also considered a flexible marketing mix element. Marketers mustiness consider the research, development, and services when pricing. In addition, marketers have to think about the how their company will price their products and services based on how much they will spend on fabrication and how competitors are pricing the alike(p) products and services. Customers are an important thought in the pricing process as well because they are the ones that are going to produce the revenue for the company. Marketers are also at the mercy of the economy they will have to price low enough to get a good number of customers and gain a profit, but no low enough that they will get financially hurt in the process.Producing the right or good price for products and or services a company might have to consider redesigning products and services that may already exist. Sprint might offer better phones at a lower service plan or a better service with less expensive plan. Many times Sprint offers free phones to get new customers to purchase their service plan. Customers are given several options so that they do not feel like they are trapped picking a plan that does not keep back their needs.Fourth P Element PromotionThe last element is promotion. Promotion means activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target customers to buy it.(Armstrong Kotler, 2011) This element is the one that helps with entici ng the customers to buy their products and services. Promotions are done in numerous ways. Ways of promotion may include, but are not limited to, deals, rebates, discounts and internet sales. Deals are short-term price reductions, commonly used to increase trial among potential customers or to retaliate against a competitors action. (Kerin, Hartley Rudelius, 2011) Deals and discounts are a very common way of promotion. Almost all retailers use deals in order to bring in existing, as well as, new customers. Sprint sometimes will have deals where you can add a particular feature to your phone service like texting. These deals go on for a particular amount of time just so you can try it for a discounted price in hopes to get you to purchase the feature.One common promotion that Sprint offers is rebates. Sprint gives out rebate promotions on some of their phones. A rebate, for example, is when a phone is purchased and the company (like Sprint) is willing to give you a portion or all of the money you paid for the phone for using their service. You will not be able to buy a phone without the service in order to get the rebate. At times the rebate is given when trying a new phone that they are piloting. Internet promotions are another way of getting people to buy products and services. Although Sprint is over both the store and the websites, they were able to provide in store specific promotions that customers were not able to receive online.The same went for their website they were able to provide online specials that were not given in the store. Most of the time the promotions were on phones customers were able to purchase phones with a special on service or customers were able to purchase phones that have been refurbished or used. These particular internet promotions were not available if the customer went to the store and said that they saw the promotion online and ask if the store would honor it. Unfortunately, the tell to the customers question would be no.C onclusionThe four Ps serve as the four main parts of the marketing mix. As shown each one of them has an individual function. Each element is equally important on its own as well as a whole of the marketing mix. All of the elements are an effective part of a happy combination. The combination consists of reaching the customers needs and wants and the companys ability to produce revenue and profits. The four P elements of the marketing mix is one of the most crucial parts of a companys marketing today and it proves to be a bit complicated at times. At times, not all customers will be convenient and the company might suffer a loss but the ultimate goal is to be successful by any means using the help of the four Ps.ReferencesArmstrong, G. Kotler, P. (2011). Marketing An Introduction. (10th ed.). Upper SaddleRiver, NJ Prentice HallKerin, R. A., Hartley, S. W. Rudelius, W. (2011). Marketing (10th ed.). New York, NYMcGrawHillSprint.com (2012) About Sprint. Retrieved on December 20, 20 12 fromhttp//www.sprint.com/about/
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Hong Kong Fitness Essay Example for Free
Hong Kong Fitness sampleWe expect to be opening our newest magnetic core in Causeway bay which has the largest staff of any center. They volition provide the greatest service and suitable advices of gym to our members, helping them get fit faster and extend fit longer. I believe that it would be the best and one of a kind gymnasium in Hong Kong, said Joyce Ng, CEO of Hong Kong Fitness. We are pleased to be the guests of ribbon cutting and have opportunity to insure this 1,000 square-meter gym, said by James Lane and Betty Tang. After speech, visitors can visit the facilities and join free yoga classes.The center has dedicated areas for training and yoga classes. Visitors can also try right electronic fitness equipment out, such as running machine and exercise bike. The newest center provides over 18 training and yoga classes, such as jazzercise, box and dance classes, opening 24hours a day, 7 days a week. It is convenient to people who are occupy in the daytime. Personal training, nutrition and health care planning, babysitting services are also available. nearly Hong Kong FitnessEstablished in April, 2010, Hong Kong Fitness is the most popular fitness club in Asia and presently has over 188 locations in 15 Asian cities. The mission of Hong Kong Fitness is to promote health and wellness in the community. Hong Kong Fitness not only offers a variety of health and fitness programs, but also has advanced electronic fitness equipment in order to helps its members to get fit faster and stay fit longer.
Red fort just behind the side tomb of Jama Masjid Essay Example for Free
release fort just behind the side tomb of Jama Masjid canvass?The going garrison (usually transcribed into English as Lal Qilah or Lal Qila) is a 17th-century fort complex constructed by the Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan1 in the walled city of Old Delhi (in present day Delhi, India) that served as the residence of the Mughal Emperors. The design is commonly attribute to Mughal fashion designer Ustad Ahmad. 23 The fort was the castle for Mughal Emperor Shah Jahans new capital, Shahjahanabad, the seventh city in the Delhi site. He locomote his capital here from Agra in a move designed to bring prestige to his persist, and to provide hefty opportunity to apply his ambitious building schemes and interests. It served as the capital of the Mughals until 1857, when Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar was exiled by the British Indian g oernment. The fort lies a grand the Yamuna River, which fed the moats that surround most of the walls. 4 The wall at its north-eastern corner is adja cent to an previous(a) fort, the Salimgarh gird, a defence force built by Islam Shah Suri in 1546. The crook of the Red Fort began in 1638 and was finished by 1648. The Red Fort has had many developments added on by and by its construction by Emperor Shah Jahan.The hearty phases of development were under Aurangzeb and later under later Mughal rulers. It was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2007. 56 The earlier Red Fort was built by Tomara king Anangpala, now known as the Qulb Mosque. 7 The Red Fort derives its name from the extensive use of red sandstone on the massive walls that surround the fort. 7 Shah Jahan commissioned the construction of the Red Fort in 1638 when he decided to shift his capital from Agra to Delhi. Ustad Ahmad was chosen as the architect for construction of the royal palace. reflection began in the auspicious month of Muharram on 13 May 1638. 801 Construction of the fort was supervised by Shah Jahan himself and was completed in 1648. 910 The Re d Fort was originally referred to as Qila-i-Mubarak (the unholy fort), because it was the residence of the royal family. 1112 Un comparable the otherwise Mughal forts, layout of the boundary walls of the Red Fort is not symmetrical so as to retain and integrate the older Salimgarh Fort. 804 The fortress palace was an important focal point of the gallant city of Shahjahanabad (present day Old Delhi).The planning and aesthetics of the Red Fort represent the zenith of Mughal creativity which prevailed during the reign of emperor Shah Jahan. Aurangzeb, Shah Jahans successor, added the Moti Masjid to the emperors private quarters and constructed barbicans in front of the two main gates, which made the introduction route to the palace more circuitous. 808 The administrative and fiscal structure of the Mughals declined after Aurangzeb. The 18th century thence saw a degeneration of the palace and inhabitants of the Red Fort.When Jahandar Shah took over the Red Fort in 1712, the palace had been without an emperor for 30 years. Within a year of his rule, Jahandar Shah was murdered and replaced by Farukhsiyar. To combat the declining finances, the silver pileus of the palace Rang Mahal was replaced by copper during this period. Muhammad Shah, who was also known as Rangila (the colourful) for his deep interest in arts, took over the Red Fort in 1719. In 1739, low-water mark Shah, the Persian emperor, attacked the Mughals. The Mughal army was easily defeated and Nadir Shah plundered the Red Fort of its riches including the Peacock Throne.Nadir Shah returned to Persia after three months leaving a destroyed city and a weakening Mughal empire to Muhammad Shah. 809 The internal weaknesses of the Mughal empire turned Mughals into titular heads of Delhi. A treaty signed in 1752 made Marathas the protector of the throne at Delhi. 1314 The Maratha conquest of Lahore and Peshawar in 1758,15 enjoin them in direct confrontation with Ahmad Shah Durrani. 1617 In 1760, the Marath as removed and melted the Silver ceiling of the Diwan-i-Khas to generate money for the defence of Delhi from the armies of Ahmed Shah Durrani.1819 In 1761, after the Marathas lost the third battle of Panipat, Delhi was raided by Ahmed Shah Durrani. In 1771, Shah Alam ascended to the throne in Delhi with the support of the Marathas. 810 In 1783, the Sikh Misl Karorisinghia, led by Baghel Singh Dhaliwal, conquered Delhi and the Red Fort. Sikhs agreed to restore Shah Alam as the emperor and retreat from the fort on the condition that Mughals would construct and protect seven historical Gurudwaras in Delhi associated with the Sikh gurus. 20Red Fort Before the Seige The Illustrated London News 1858 In 1803, during the Second Anglo-Maratha War, the forces of British easternmost India Company defeated the Maratha forces in the Battle of Delhi, ending the Maratha rule over the city and their control over the fort. 21 After the battle, British took over the administration of Mughal territ ories and installed a Resident at the Mughal courts in Red Fort. 811 The last Mughal emperor to occupy the fort, Bahadur Shah II Zafar, emerged as a symbol of the 1857 rebellion against the British in which the residents of Shahjahanbad participated.815 Red Fort in Delhi, c. 1905 Despite being the seat of Mughal power and its defensive capabilities, the Red Fort was not defended during the 1857 uprising against the British. After the failure of the rebellion, Bahadur Shah II left the fort on 17 September and was apprehended by British forces. He returned to Red Fort as a captive of the British and was tried in 1858. He was exiled to Rangoon on 7 October of the same year. 22 With the end of the Mughal reign, the British gave authorized sanctions to remove and sell valuables from the palace at the Red Fort.In 1863, British destroyed many buildings wrong and outside the fort, filled up the gardens, stripped the fort of any valuable items and reduced it to just a military structure. 8167 After Indian Independence, the site experienced few changes in hurt of addition or alteration to the structures. The Red Fort continued to be used as a cantonment even after Independence. A significant part of the fort remained under the control of the Indian Army until 22 December 2003, when it was handed over to the Archaeological Survey of India for restoration. 2324 Architectural designsThe Red Fort covers a total area of about 254. 67 acres enclosed within 2. 4 kilometres of defence walls. 1 The walls are punctuated by turrets and bastions. They vary in height from 18 m on the river side to 33 m on the city side. The fort is shaped like an octagon with the north-south axis longer than the east-west axis. The use of marble, flowered decorations, double domes in the buildings inside the fort exemplifies the later phase of Mughal architecture. 25 It showcases a real high train of art form and ornamental work. It is believed that the Kohinoor diamond was a part of the furn iture.The art work in the Fort is a synthesis of Persian, European and Indian art which resulted in the development of unique Shahjahani style which is very rich in form, expression and colour. Red Fort is one of the important building complexes of India which encapsulates a long period of Indian history and its arts. Even before its notification as a monument of national importance in the year 1913, efforts were made to preserve and conserve the Red Fort, for posterity. The walls of Lahore and Delhi gates were for the general earth and Khizrabad portal was for emperors personal use.804 The Lahore Gate is the main entrance leading to the domed arcade containing shops called the Chatta Chowk (covered bazaar). 25 Silk, jewellery and other items which catered to the royal household were sold in Chatta Chowk in the Mughal period. Chatta Chowk leads to a super open space where it crosses the large north-south street that was originally the division between the forts military function s, to its west, and the palaces, to its east. The southern end of this street is the Delhi Gate. Important structures Lahore Gate The Indian flag flying from Lahore GateThe Lahore gate is the main gate to the Red Fort named after its orientation towards Lahore, Pakistan. It is said that during Aurangzebs reign the beauty of both the gates was spoiled by adding bastions The vista like a veil drawn across the face of a beautiful woman. 262728 Every year since Indian Independence Day 1947, the national flag has been raised and the Prime Minister has made a speech communication from the ramparts at the Lahore Gate. In the 1980s, the security of the area was increased by blocking the tower windows as a security measure against sniper attacks. A lift was also added to the gate. 29 Delhi Gate
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Eddie Lyons Essay Example for Free
Eddie Lyons EssayThe musical play Blood Brothers, written by Willy Russell, is the story of twins divide at birth. Mrs Johnstone, a working- discriminate Liverpudlian mother of s tied(p) children, agrees to give one of the twins she is expecting to her squiffy only if barren employer, Mrs Lyons. The infant kept, Mickey Johnstone, grows up in poverty while his twin, Eddie Lyons, enters a privilege life. Bound by fear of discovery, and superstition that should either of the boys learn he has a twin, both entrust die on that day, so the mothers keep the exchange secret. Completely unaw are that they are brothers, Mickey and Eddie converge as seven-year-old children and form friendship that lasts until the day they die. It is that concluding tragic event in point, that is the opening cyclorama of the play, which then backtracks to recount their separate and interwoven lives of success and despair. Willy Russell wrote Blood Brothers in the 1960s. He was born in 1947, in Whisto n which is just outside Liverpool, and has based the story here around his own exists.He grew up in Liverpool in a working class family, singing in clubs to earn a existing and at the age of 22 he worked in a warehouse to raise coin for college. He was confronted even from an early age with the injustice of the two-class society. Thus there are clear biographical parallels to the event of Mickey. He was also influenced by females during his life thus the strong relations to the mother in this work. Liverpool in those days was split according to brotherly class.This means people in that time were divided on the lines of being rich and poor, the educated and non-educated etc. Liverpool has been the home to one of the highest levels of unemployment in the developed world, with over 25% of the workforce out of a job, and it is important to consider this when taking account of Russells depiction and own views of class and unemployment The main theme of Russells play is based on th is social class difference although there are strong elements of fate and destiny, superstition, surrogacy, childhood and adolescence, humour and tragedy.Blood Brothers is more than than a simple morality narrative of twin brothers separated as infants, who, after radically different upbringings, reunite (oblivious of their blood bond) as impending friends. It also focuses on two very different mothers, one-the birth mother- unselfishly giving and accepting, while the others bang is neurotic, stifling and ultimately destructive. These two mothers lived all their lives close or near to each other, but in terms of class they lived miles apart. Mrs. Johnstone a single and working class woman is earning a meagre spiritedness as a cleaning lady at the home of the affluent Mrs.Lyons. We are first introduced to Mrs. Johnstone, who describes her experience of a halfhearted marriage and the arrival of her numerous children. It is with a bittersweet attitude of acceptance that she expla ins the flake her husband deserts her, the costs of living for which she has little means and the news that she is expecting not one more mouth to feed but two. Mrs. Lyons does not need to go to work, only shopping. In contrast to this Mrs. Johnstone cannot even pay the milkman, she says, I said, I said, look, next week Ill pay y. We see the contrast of social classes between Mrs.Johnstones home and the home in which she cleans, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyons. Whilst the home of the Johnstones plays host to the constant clamour of childhood Games and battles, Mrs. Lyons is often alone whilst Mr. Lyons is on business, in an impeccable house that suffers somewhat from a cold and stereotypical atmosphere. The opening scenes develop this theme. All through the play we see significant differences between Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Johnstone. In the commence the Narrator describes Mrs. Johnstone as the mother, so cruel but this is not actually what he means. For instance, the fact that Mrs .Johnstone allows the boys to go to the cinema to watch the Swedish Au Pairs film could be seen as negligent, and we know that Mrs. Lyons would have by all odds not been so liberal. In reality we see that Mrs. Johnstone has a better understanding and acceptance of the fact that young boys will be sexually curious and she does not try to suppress their curiosity. She is depicted as a down to earth and the more approachable mother- she of course gains instant credibility with her two sons. This accompanying also exemplifies that happiness when growing up is not assured by social status or wealth. Instead of viewing Mrs.Johnstone as a cruel character, we are lead to sympathise with her dilemma. We see her clasp her house full of children with endless patience and tenderness. Despite being trapped by her social limit and her lack of funds, she is down to earth and does not see money as the answer to her problems. We see her wane money (for giving her child a instruction) from the d esperate Mrs. Lyons MRS LYONS Thousands Im talking about thousands if you want it, and think what you could do with money like that. MRS JOHNSTONE Id spend it. Id buy more junk and trash thats all. I dont want your money. Ive made a life here.Its not much of one maybe, but I made it. In contrast, Mrs. Lyons is very cognisant of her social position and the above scene indicates that she sees money as a solution to the problem of Mrs. Johnstone. Mrs. Lyons is also portrayed as a cold woman who doesnt show much emotion. She is very over-protective of Eddie and fears his bond with the Johnstones. later on in the play this fear becomes more evident and she appears as a troubled, weird character that appears to be losing control this is evident when she attempts to attack Mrs. Johnstone with a kitchen knife. Mrs. Johnstone is very strong not only physically but also psychologically.She is not a person who cries for help and gets depressed and upset if something goes wrong. An example of this is highlighted on the way she copes ( laying on a smile for him ) with the judge when Sammy gets into trouble. In contrast to this Mrs. Lyons asks for help from her husband all(prenominal) time she has difficulty. She gets depressed very easily e. g. when Eddie isnt in the garden because he went away to play with Mickey, so Mrs. Lyons forces her husband to leave work during the day to find Eddie. She also runs away from problems whenever she can, rather than dealing with them e.g. she was hustling to move homes to split Eddie from Mickey.
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