Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Real Tragic Hero Of Sophocles Antigone - 3370 Words
Brennan Vicker John Carlberg English 102 9 December 2014 The Real Tragic Hero in the Play Antigone A tragic hero according to Aristotle is someone who is of high nobility, and has a major internal character flaw. That flaw will eventually by the characters ultimate demise which is most likely death. If their demise doesnââ¬â¢t end in a death the tragic hero usually goes through a catharsis. The most common flaws of a tragic hero are hubris, pride, and stubbornness. Tragic heroes can be found throughout most tragedy themed plays and they can help the audience relate or feel for the character has they go through there ups and downs throughout majority of the play. An example of play that has a definite tragic hero is the play Antigone by Sophocles. Antigone and Creon are both the main characters in this play but only one is the true tragic hero of this play. Creon perfectly fits majority of a tragic hero definition according to Aristotle. Antigone barely meets a few of the aspects of a tragic hero, which is why tragic hero of the play An tigone by Sophocles is Creon the King of Thebes. Around the fifth century B.C. tragedies were a very new and popular form of playwriting amongst the people of Ancient Greece. One of the first playwrights of Ancient Greece that mastered the art of writing tragedies was the well know Sophocles. One of Sophoclesââ¬â¢ famous plays is called Oedipus the King which was the model for the guidelines used in the book Poetics which was written by AristotleShow MoreRelatedCreon as Tragic Hero1586 Words à |à 7 PagesFinest In the Greek play Antigone, Creon and Antigone can both be claimed the title of Tragic Hero. Creon was made king when Oedipus Rex fled the kingship. Creon is the brother in law of Oedipus, and was giving the kingship only because Oedipusââ¬â¢s sons, Eteocles and Polyneices were killed trying to fight for the thrown. Antigone is Oedipusââ¬â¢s daughter and Creonââ¬â¢s niece. When it comes down to who the tragic hero is, Creon most definitely walks away with the title. A tragic hero by definition is ordinaryRead MoreAntigone Character Analysis1422 Words à |à 6 Pages Antigone, the final play in a series including Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, discusses the ideas of leadership, family, and choices. It features two central characters: Antigone, a girl who chooses to illegally bury her brother, and Creon, a king who decrees the burial of the brother to be illegal. Upon the first encounter of the text, it appears that Antigone is the ââ¬Å"heroâ⬠of the play, but on further analysis, one realizes that the tragic hero, as defined by Aristotle, is actually Creon. The ideaRead More Creon As Tragic Hero of Sophoclesââ¬â¢ Antigone Essay836 Words à |à 4 PagesCreon As Tragic Hero of Sophoclesââ¬â¢ Antigone Since the playââ¬â¢s inception, there has always existed a contention concerning the true hero of Sophoclesââ¬â¢ Antigone. It is a widely held belief that Antigone must be the main character simply because she and the drama share name. This is, of course, a very logical assumption. Certainly Sophocles must have at least meant her to be viewed as the protagonist, else he would not have given her the playââ¬â¢s title. Analytically speaking, however, Creon doesRead MoreEssay about The Tragic Hero Creon in Antigone by Sophocles818 Words à |à 4 PagesIn the play, Antigone by Sophocles, at first glance readers assume that Antigone is the tragic hero. However, this is not the case. Although Antigone does display some characteristics of a tragic hero, I believe that Creon is the true tragic hero. For many readers, it may be a challenge to see Creon as the tragic hero; however, when you take a second look at the play, you can see that Creon displays every quality of a tragic hero. Creonââ¬â¢s power and pride as well as going against the gods all leadRead MoreThe True Tragic Hero of Antigone877 Words à |à 4 PagesHas your pride ever stopped you from doing something? In Sophicles play Antigone. The king Creon indirectly kills his whole family by being stubborn and not listening to others opinions. Throughout his journey he displays the characteristics of Aristotle; tragic hero. These include being extraordinary, having good and bad sides, a tragic flaw, becoming aware of his mistakes and failing miserably in the end. Read More Creon as the Hero of Sophocles Antigone Essay1624 Words à |à 7 PagesCreon as the Hero of Antigone à à The dilemma of identifying the true hero, or heroine, of Sophoclesââ¬â¢ Antigone has tortured students for years. It is indeed a difficult decision to make. The basis for this decision is what the reader perceives to be Sophoclesââ¬â¢ dramatic issue in this play. The dramatic issue of the play is twofold: Antigone is a fanatic who is driven by her religious fever to bury the body of her criminal brother, Polyneices, against the edict of Creon. In the second part,Read MoreSophocles Antigone By Sophocles967 Words à |à 4 PagesTragedy in Antigone Antigone is one of the greatest Greek tragic plays by Sophocles. The play portrays two main characters, Antigone and Creon, who undergo tragedy in the play. Various arguments have been put forth regarding who amongst the two characters is the actual tragic hero in Sophoclesââ¬â¢ Antigone. A number of people are for the idea that Creon qualifies since he does possess the real characteristics of what tragedy is all about, while numerous others believe that Antigone is the actual hero in tragedyRead MoreProtagonist And Antagonist In Antigone By Sophocles1262 Words à |à 6 Pages Protagonist and Antagonist Antigone is a Greek tragedy by Sophocles. ONE OF THE three surviving tragedians of classical Athens, along with Aeschylus and Euripides, and one of the great dramatists of world literature, Sophocles spanned in his long life (497-406 B.C.) the cultural flowering of Athens in the fifth century(Segal 1). Antigone is named after the daughter of King Oedipus of Thebes, a young woman who stood against the kingââ¬â¢s decision and believed in the godsââ¬â¢Read MoreThe Tragic Characters Of Sophocles Antigone1652 Words à |à 7 Pagescharacters are tragic characters. These tragic characters, however, must follow Aristotleââ¬â¢s principles which include hamartia, hubris, peripeteia, anagnorisis, nemesis, and catharsis. If the character has all six of Aristotleââ¬â¢s principles, then the character can qualify as an Aristotelian tragic character. Two examples of Aristotelian tragic characters are from Sophoclesââ¬â¢ Greek play Antigone from the trilogy dealing with Oedi pus and his children (Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone). The twoRead MoreEssay about Antigone--Who is the REAL tragic Hero?446 Words à |à 2 PagesWho is the Tragic Hero? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Many may say that Creon is the tragic hero of Antigone. Creon and Antigoneà ¡Ã ¯s personas are equal-and-opposite throughout this play. The story belongs to both of them. Creon is the one who makes a mistake; his figure is perhaps more tragic. Heà ¡Ã ¯s the one that realizes that heà ¡Ã ¯s wrong, and he suffers for it. Antigone walks to her death with her eyes wide open, without shame. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Antigone is the true hero of the play
Friday, December 20, 2019
Examples of Post Modernism in Play and Worker Drone Essay
Task 1, Topic 2: Two Examples of Post modernism ROUGH COPY In any situation foreign to the character, anything and everything will be done to try to make sense of ones surroundings. The importance of identifying the type of the movies shown in ââ¬Å"Worker Droneâ⬠by Raju, S. (2010) and ââ¬Å"Playâ⬠by Kaplan and Zimmerman (2010) are vital to the understanding of not only the plot, but also the common themes presented. For example, common themes in both movies were was the sense of paranoia, a showcase of intertextuality and an ambiguous endings. All three common themes make it clear that these movies are in fact postmodern films, despite the fact that there were also a few common themes also found supporting a modernist and existentialist sense.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦These films display ambiguous endings and leave the audience wondering as to what exactly happened, and allows them to create their own version of the ending in their own heads. This common theme displays a postmodern type of storytelling in both ââ¬Å"The Worker Droneâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Playâ⬠. Another key postmodern theme that I believe was most apparent was the use of intertexting themes in both ââ¬Å"The Worker Droneâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Playâ⬠. An example of such was used during ââ¬Å"Playâ⬠when the story is set inside a videogame in which the characters play as characters inside of the game cartages. Also, while in ââ¬Å"The Worker Droneâ⬠this theme is shown with the use of the ââ¬Å"Planet Dogstarâ⬠promo commercial that is played as a video inside of a movie. These examples of intertexting are very apparent in both films and represents another aspect of postmodern themes. Lastly, as related to the previous paragraph, most specifically the movie ââ¬Å"Playâ⬠, the strange world in which these characters live in create a sense of paranoia and has them begin to question their reality. As mentioned, in the movie ââ¬Å"Playâ⬠these characters find themselves in a strange video game world in which they are unsure of who they even are (eg. ââ¬Å"Who am I? Where am I?â⬠). Meanwhile, in ââ¬Å"The Worker Droneâ⬠the main characters have developed paranoia in which they believe they are being monitored to the point in which they have nanochips implanted in their brains. In
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Shiloh Essay Example For Students
Shiloh Essay In the novel Shiloh, historian and Civil War expert Shelby Foote delivers a spare, unflinching account of the battle of Shiloh, which was fought over the course of two days in April 1862. By mirroring the troops movements through the woods of Tennessee with the activity of each soldiers mind, Foote offers the reader a broad perspective of the battle and a detailed view of the issues behind it. The battle becomes tangible as Foote interweaves the observations of Union and Confederate officers, simple foot soldiers, brave men, and cowards and describes the roar of the muskets and the haze of the gun smoke. The authors vivid storytelling creates a rich chronicle of a pivotal battle in American historyThis book is a wonderful example of his abilities and deals with the battle of Shiloh through the eyes of several men on both sides of the conflict. His characters are not the generals on the field, rather they are common soldiers ranging from privates who have never seen battle up to a colonel (Forrest) people that dont have all the answers, others who are still searching for the questions. The wonderful thing about Footes writing is his ability to make you feel like you were there without bogging the story down with too many numbers and statistics, but allowing the viewer a much deeper understanding of the events of the battle by giving us a glimpse through the eyes of those who were there.Foote is one of the great authorities on the War, and though he wrote this when pretty young it is still filled with detail and knowledge of the war. It conveys well the chaos of the fighting and how, as so often, small failures of generalship cost the battleShelby Footes Shiloh is a novel about a real Civil War battle told from the point of view of a few common soldiers, both northern and southern, who fought there. Because he chose to depict the action from these points of view, he limits what can be said of the big picture. If one can ignore that big picture, the book works very well at showing the reader what the experience must have been like for individuals caught up in different parts of the fight. Yet needing to provide some of that picture, Foote has each character present background on specific generals and their actions leading up to Shiloh. This exposition is, for the most part, pretty clumsy and simply detracts from the first person focus. The problem I have with the book is that the reader doesnt get to know any of the characters very well and overall outcome of the battle is unclear. This is a really small book (just over 200 pages) and while the images are graphic and the characters accessable, the author just doesnt have the space to spread out and let the reader develop a real emotional response to these characters and their actions. Nor is he able to provide any perspective on the battle and what it means even for the individual characters he has presented. I think it helps to have read the section in his narrative history of the Civil War that deals with Shiloh. But this means that the novel doesnt really stand on its own. The reader must come equiped with prior knowledge or be left with questions that will require some research. Perhaps not bad, but I would have preferred a more comprehensive treatment something more like Tom Wickers Unto This Hour. Thats just personal taste. Foote did what he intended and did it well. I cant help it if I just want more. Fans of Shelby Footes massive three volume Narrative History of the Civil War, (and I am the works biggest fan), will surely find something they like in Footes earlier novel about the battle of Shiloh. .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a , .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a .postImageUrl , .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a , .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a:hover , .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a:visited , .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a:active { border:0!important; } .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a:active , .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u62f348087e11bf7b2c033bb71654eb3a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Pearl Harbor Essay I couldnt help thinking, however, that Footes real calling is as historian and commentator, and his effort to write a novel here seems to be a bit off the mark. Perhaps unfairly, novels of the Civil War tend to get compared to Michael Shaaras brilliant Killer Angels, a comparison that does not bode well for Shiloh. Here
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
A Report on Self-Leadership
Question: Describe about A Report on Self-Leadership? Answer: Introduction: The report aims at providing deep insight into the concepts of self-leadership and positive psychology individually and with respect to the chosen career of business management. It also aims at using a self-leadership perspective for analyzing personal strengths as well as weaknesses as depicted in the survey conducted. It states the importance of leadership and positive psychology along with their approaches. The report also emphasizes upon the suitability of personal traits to the chosen career of business management. The career reflected here is that of business management, specifically sales and marketing. For running any business, it demands varied range of managerial skills. Marketing is not just selling but much beyond it. It refers to the identification of customers and make them purchase own products or services (Edwards, 2011). Self-leadership refers to the practice of influencing ones thoughts, feelings and behavior intentionally for achieving key personal objectives. It drives an individual in making effective decisions and maintaining creativity. Some of the attributes of self leadership are setting of personal goals, self-awareness, positive personal beliefs, self-motivation, and positive communication and also acting upon feedback (Ford and Harding, 2011). Positive psychology refers to the study of happiness. It deals with the possibilities of individuals to stay happy and contented. It focuses upon the ways human beings can prosper to lead a healthy life. It is solely centered to help people live happily. Critical Analysis of Self-Leadership and Positive Psychology: Self leadership refers to the wider concept and interpreted as the approaches by which an individual may be influenced to set up self-direction as well as self-motivation require performing actions. Research undertaken across several settings through educational domain in the field of airline industry has revealed that all practices conducted to realize effective self-leadership by employees may result in plethora of advantages including improvement of self-efficacy, mental performance and that of job satisfaction (Islam, 2014). This concept involves allowing oneself with the application of both behavioral as well as mental techniques. Behavioral self-leadership involves approaches of determining personal goals, self-observation, and self-reinforcement, including that of exploration of natural rewards within task performances. Approach of mental self-leadership involves changes as well as examination of mental imagery, self-dialogue, and that of assumptions as well as thought process . It is observed that effective self-leadership. Thus, the concept offers adequate promise to undertake the pursuit of efficiencies within employees at the next level (Lord and Brown, 2001). In fact, employees who are self-leading are both behavioral as well as cognitive may give the best prototype for achieving organizational as well as employee effectiveness. As per researches, individuals who are drawn to feel more contented, valued and happy at work remain better off than those who feel more. This has led many corporate seniors to implement positive psychology approaches at the workplace. Some of the approaches require professional expertise to conduct, but at different settings of offices. The real driving force is actually far behind positive psychology in workplaces with the idea that employees who seem innovative, happier and productive create attractiveness to work environment (Pekerti, 2005). Several psychological experts recommend extensive training of employees and attempt to retreat prior to implementing positive campaigns. Employees can be encouraged by various means, but mostly by praising and recognition. By showing commitment towards gratitude at workplace, one may attempt to focus on positive aspects for encouraging others to act accordingly. Majority of businesses require innovation as well as creativity of organizational employees (The Leadership Quarterly Special Issue on Leadership, Self, and Identity, 2004). When they are allowed as well as motivated towards thought sharing, processes of business may even flourish and get improved by streamline as well as emergent products, and also by effective communication. Employees who feel that management hears their voices are actually happier ones. Beneficial Personality Traits: The following reflects the personal traits which enabled me personally to build effective personality as a reputed international marketing manager. The foremost trait is to be sincere with own customers. The atmosphere of conducting business must be favorable, positive and healthy so that customers may feel comfortable to conduct the negotiation (Quinteiro, Passos and Curral, 2014). It taught me that one must attempt to always put on a smile on face while communicating with customers since this approach can actually work wonders for the organization. The second trait is that to have an effective focus. For becoming successful marketing manager in the international ground, it is important that I must stay increasingly focused upon my job. I should set my personal target and based on that I should concentrate all my efforts to realize the very goals. I need to be self-reliant (Sinclair, 2010). Within international business, only those individuals can survive and progress who takes deci sions without being a bit reluctant and in fact feels quite independent to proceed with it. Thus, it is essential that a marketing manager must capably take initiatives in order to excel within a field. Another important trait is that I need to have faith in myself. One must have profound faith in oneself and feels determined to attain success. I need to be laborious. Every international marketing manager must possess enthusiasm towards jobs and must strive to deliver their best in accomplishing tasks. I need to be optimistic because only positive energy and attitude can lead to increased success. Lastly, I need to be adjustable. Every marketing manager needs to adapt himself with the changing environment and also within the stipulated time. Personal Profile: Career: Marketing Manager for reputed company Interests: I have interests on Travelling, Hiking, Bungee Jumping expedition, listening to music, photography and watching movies. Skills: Technical Skills: Computer proficiency in MS word and substitute programsWeb development and data analysis skill.Maintaining consumer confidence and momentumHTML 5 and CSS3 operation know-how.SPSS 17 operational know-how. Communication Skills: Explaining idea that are clear and has some objectiveExpressing feelings and sharing views with the people of the organization.A good and a careful listener with a good memory to hold what is required to be remembered.Can speak fluently in three languages with clear pronunciation. Management skills: Comprehending the regional, local, national, global marketplace according to the organizationPlanning and organizing targets and tasks so as to achieve specific goals.Quick tactical decision making skills even within a short duration of time (DuBrin, n.d.).Leadership skills based on the management of team and monitoring the progress of a task. Team work: Problem solving nature, both analytical as well as business case studies.Ability to motivate the subordinates, colleagues and team Values: I value every culture and their respective language. I also believe that traditions are also an essential part of life because they reflect our origin. Apart from that I easily adopt change and try to learn about others views and thoughts. I have a good record of maintaining integrity with my customers and with the help of integrity only I have been able to establish a good rapport with the customers (Schultz and Schultz, 2013). I believe every individual is born to contribute something to the world and that needs to be positive. Making a person smile and maintaining general god relation to every people. Every people need to be respected and it is important to value every people their thoughts and their perceptions (CARTON, 2008) Education and Training: I have done summer internship in Coca-Cola and as a delivery boy for Dominos. Apart from that I have experience in working as a sales manager in David Jones, Holden Special vehicles and Elfin Cars. I have completed graduation with good grades and completed management course in Marketing. Experience: During my graduation course, in order to carry on my necessary purchasing I worked in delivering pizza for Dominos. There I had an idea of interacting customers and understood the value of serving customers. I worked as a management trainee in coca cola and then I have worked as a marketing manager for David Jones and Elfin cars and Holden Special cars: Analysis: Instrument Findings How to Interpret Identified Strengths Identified weakness Learn Realistic Optimism Internality 2.25 Globality 4.5 Stability 3.75 Internality is less than the average because the I generally tend to think more relating to other persons experience For stability I think that though we expect good things to happen yet bad things have ample scope to occur. I think in global context somewhere or the other bad things will keep on happening if we can do something then we should contribute otherwise atleast try to help (Long, n.d.). I feel the world should be more active and shouldnt waste time on unproductive and destructive work. I take time to comprehend desired meaning but if I put a good focus I tend to nailed it. I should learn to solve conflicts in a big level. Locus of Control Scored 8 I have a good external locus of control My hard works pays good outcomes Sometimes I act emotionally Need to control my emotions. Survey Scores Type A Type B Total score type score Type score 100 Extrovert 60 Introvert 40 100 Sensing 50 Intuitive 50 100 Thinking 80 Feeling 20 100 Judging 50 Perceiving 50 100 Control of Internal factors Control of External Factors optimistic 75% Pessimistic 25% 100 Degree high degree low 100 Locus of Control Points scored average Stability 3.75 3.5 Globality 4.5 3.5 Internality 2.25 3.5 Question Strongly disagree disagree neutral Strongly Agree agree Is management for me? Does management suits me? 10 1 5 5 6 6 4 8 5 10 Do I work Emotionally? 2 4 6 8 10 So I take intelligent decisions? 5 5 7 1 12 Do I lead a good team work? 4 4 4 0 18 Does my company seems to be good 5 5 0 0 20 Am I clear in communication 4 3 5 6 12 Do I guide people properly? 8 2 0 4 16 Am I good with my technical skills? 13 4 1 1 11 Family: Around 8 family members had been surveyed on my personal skills and most of them had been bias on their survey which showed a clear positive analysis. Through surveying on my personality traits it was found that my families consider my personal traits more than my professional traits and in that basis the survey was done (Long, n.d.). Friends: Through feedback of friends around 12 friends were surveyed and out of them two were my colleague. They had been quite casual about giving their feedback and the reports may not provide accurate scores. Colleagues: Colleagues had been very formal and out of ten colleagues only two supervisors had been fair enough to which it can be considered that their feedback will be more helping than form others. Through 360 degree feedback: A 360 degree feedback session was taken in the office from my colleague so as to evaluate my effectiveness to which the degree of involvement and conducting as well as team work along with suggestions were received. Suggestions like improving the ability to focus on practical terms more than emotional terms had been one of the prime suggestions (Derler and Weibler, 2014). People preferred to spend more time with me but they didnt like the lack of time I had for them. Colleagues emphasized to be more open to other colleagues and be a little less professional. My interaction with customers needed to be informal and that one of my customer with experience in the field suggested. Is this career right: By analyzing all the strength and weakness factor and locus of control it was found that marketing would be a proper job role for this evaluation. Generally type A people are impatient and patience had been a very strong point in this case but the type A people according to Myers Briggs model are more likely to adopt heart disease in future (Erbe, n.d.). For that health consciousness and safety measure is very much needed. Apart from that daily yoga and other forms of reducing stress is also needed. The career choice is considered to be right because the traits and personalities along with practical experience and educational knowledge are more acceptable in this field. Conclusion: Completing this personal portfolio for my management and leadership skills I have found that people have rated me on the basis of their own perception except two people whose suggestion were genuine. Many established the fact that being too much involved in activities I might lose focus from my life. To be good is not what I expect from tells his life, the sole purpose is to do something great for the world. Though it feels good that most of the feedback shad been positive yet surveying people one know bring predictable results. The purpose of life is to stand out as a responsible leader in a leading company and also to lead the society towards success. In order to maintain and develop marketing activities it is a common goal of a manager to reach the target. Without target life has no meaning and therefore achieving a target brings a pleasure for self satisfaction. References CARTON, A. (2008). ENHANCING LEADERSHIP THEORIES WITH GOAL STRUCTURE.Academy of Management Proceedings, 2008(1), pp.1-6.Ciccarelli, S. and White, J. (2013). Psychology. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson.Derler, A. and Weibler, J. (2014). The ideal employee: context and leaders implicit follower theories.Leadership Org Development J, 35(5), pp.386-409.DuBrin, A. (n.d.). Leadership.Edwards, G. (2011). Concepts of Community: A Framework for Contextualizing Distributed Leadership. International Journal of Management Reviews, 13(3), pp.301-312.Erbe, N. (n.d.). Approaches to managing organizational diversity and innovation.Ford, J. and Harding, N. (2011). The impossibility of the 'true self' of authentic leadership. Leadership, 7(4), pp.463-479.Islam, G. (2014). Identities and ideals: Psychoanalytic dialogues of self and leadership. Leadership, 10(3), pp.344-360.Long, D. (2012). Third generation leadership and the locus of control. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.Long, D. (n.d.). Deliveri ng high performance.Lord, R. and Brown, D. (2001). Leadership, values, and subordinate self-concepts. The Leadership Quarterly, 12(2), pp.133-152.Pekerti, A. (2005). Cross-cultural perceptions in the leadership process: Theoretical perspective on the influence of culture on self-concepts and manager-worker attributions. Thunderbird International Business Review, 47(6), pp.711-735.Quinteiro, P., Passos, A. and Curral, L. (2014). Thought self-leadership and effectiveness in self-management teams. Leadership.Schultz, D. and Schultz, S. (2013). Theories of personality. [Belmont, Calif.]: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.Sinclair, A. (2010). Placing self: How might we place ourselves in leadership studies differently?.Leadership, 6(4), pp.447-460.Spector, P. (2014). Introduction: The problems and promise of contemporary leadership theories. Organiz. Behav., 35(5), pp.597-597.The Leadership Quarterly Special Issue on Leadership, Self, and Identity. (2004). The Leadership Quarterly, 15(3), pp.43 1-432.
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