Tuesday, February 5, 2019
A Continuous Decline In India, Without Modernization :: essays research papers fc
A Continuous Decline in India, Without Modernization speculation Modernization is the Key to economic growth for India. Ifmodernisation occurs, then the economic stead of India will increasetremendously, even if the price India has to pay is a agitate in culture, andtradition.     India has remained financially stagnant since its beginnings. One whitethorn reason that non-modernization has plagued this sub-continent in economic growthand discipline since early times. One may continue to argue that ifmodernization occurs, India will achieve in galore(postnominal) different ways, includingeconomically, socially, and nationally. In order for modernization to occur,India must move from short scale industrialization to large scaleindustrialization. If this occurs India will become much(prenominal) more financially soundand achieve a higher status in the world.     Modernization will choose some positive change to India, but people mayargue that "modernization" will bring destruction to the Indian civilization.By bringing modernization, many jobs will be taken over by machines.Unfortunately, this process will result in the elimination of jobs done bylocal peasants. There are many additional prices India will bugger off to pay to beable to modernize, including (1) a loss of culture and tradition (2) probablereligious conflicts (3) loss of class (4) social divisions and, of course(5) TAXES. With modernization, taxes will definitely increase for India to payfor the sore advances in industry and technology. Taxes are the primary meansfor any governance to raise money and support its programs. However, theoverall price that India will have to pay will be relatively small compared tothe positive changes modernization will bring.     When India became independent its leaders recognized the urgency ofstrengthening the Indian economy. The leaders of new India were determined toraise the standard o f living, which was among the lowest of the study nations inthe world. Indian leaders agreed to establish a " tangled economy," whichcombines the use of private capital and public in he development of industry,mining and farming. If modernization occurs there will be change from tralatitious order. The model of change assumes (1) a sharp dichotomy betweenthe traditional and modern order, including the order of mutual exclusiveness,and (2) the change from one to another is predicted in terms of a historicallydeterministic pattern, that is, it must take put in a certain predeterminedsequence. If this happens, India will have a better economy and a higherstandard of living. Through greater economic prosperity, India will also obtainbetter health care. overly industry will promote a better education ashes byencouraging students to study for more technical and professional jobs. in conclusionmodernization will foster a better sense of nationalism, as future generations
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