
Monday, February 4, 2019

Englishmen 17th century :: essays research papers

FIRST ESSAY Thomas Hobbes described the living of most Englishmen in the 17th century as nasty, brutish and short. How farthermost does the evidence presented in Past Speaks chpt. 2, suggest that little had changed by the mid(prenominal) 18th century?     Chapter two of Past Speaks, covers many an(prenominal) different articles that discusses the many social classes that were present in Britain at that time. When Thomas Hobbes described the lifespan of the Englishmen as nasty, brutish and short. he was partially correct. On the contrary he was also mistaken. Thomas Hobbes made a generalization of the Englishmen, and failed to mention nigh of the fastness and profitable people of the British society. Obviously the crocked and light people were non included in this generalization that is made. Farmers from Norfolk were very successful, as stated in Past Speaks chapter 2, Pointing out the practices which have succeeded so nobly here, may perhaps be of some use to other countries have of the same advantages, but unknowing in the art of them. Arthur Young, a locomotion one-man bureau, wrote about these farmers and successful cattle-breeding men. He speaks of a man by the name of Robert Bakewell, who turned out to be a very wealthy man. Bakewell experimented in the breeding of cattle. He managed to breed a large quantity of cattle that could produce more meat and less bone, in which he ended up shipping overseas to neighboring countries. Thomas Hobbes again, did non include these men in the comment he had made.     Henri Misson, visiting sportsmen to England did make unnecessary on the sports and diversions of England. Misson writes Anything that looks like fighting is delicious to an Englishman. If two little boys rowing in the street, then passengers stop, make a ring round them in a moment, and set them against one another, that they may come to fisticuffs. This piece does delay Thomas Hobbes comment on the d ifference of Englishmen from the 17th to the 18th century. This seemed as little or nothing had changed with the society. Another quote from Past Speaks these by-standers be not only other boys, porters and rabble, but all sorts of men of expressive style some thrusting by the mob that they may see surplus. This is evidence that not only the lower social class, but the upper class as well were enthused. This is evidence to Hobbes remark.     Thomas Hobbes however did not believe in Democracy.

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