
Friday, February 1, 2019

Technology In Our Society :: essays research papers

Technology In Our SocietyNo doubt, engine room is increasingly important in the current world. It isamazing how fast technology has been developed. Nearly every major call forth wasinvented in the last century. These invention ar always planned for a positiveresult, however the negative effects often do not become apparent until afterthe event. These effects will be view in the following paragraphs with relatedmaterials.The text, "Whose Life is it Anyway?", by Brian Clark, has clear illustratedthat with the development of medical technology, people brush off now have a betterquality of life. Moreover, m any(prenominal) lives which normally would not survive withoutthe boot out in medical treatment can now be unnaturally prolonged. The centralcharacter, Ken Harrison, who becomes a quadriplegic after a car accident, hasmet this situation. Nevertheless, it is deplorable to ask him to face this life if hedoes not desire to. He can no longer sculpt, run, move, kiss or h ave any form ofsexual fulfillment. Obviously, his normal life has drifted away. The tendency tosustain peoples lives, erect because the technology is available, is intoleranceunder certain circumstances. It is the individual patient who essential make adecision about whether to keep himself alive. "What is the point of prolonging apersons biological life if it is obtained at the cost of a serious infract onthat persons liberty?" There is probably no simple dissolving agent for this question.Any patients decision should be respected, not based on the circumstance of allavailable technologies. This medical technology has the potential for both soundand bad results. However, it is very important in todays society."Insurance in the Genes" is a piece of valuable material which explores anotherarea in the proficient field. Nowadays, genetic engineering essentially playsan important role. Genetic testing can predict a persons biological use-by date,forecasting everyth ing from heart attacks to breast cancer. multitude can thereforehave a basic concept of their wellness situation and prevent what is going tohappen if technology allows them to know this beforehand. "Up until now, only 50genetic tests have been developed to detect diseases. exclusively within a decade, therewill be tests for 5000 diseases." It is a unparalleled increase. In the nearfuture, hopefully, genetic testing will be industrious to reveal potential healthrisks. It is a positive effect of technology in the modern world.Another useful source for the effects of technology in our world is thedocumentary. On 23 April 1996, SBS broadcasted a film authorise "Weapon A Battlefor Humanity". It recorded that landmines and laser weapons are devils.

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