
Saturday, March 2, 2019


How you set your practice to meet the health and physical development commands of peasantren, victorious into account age, gender, ethnicities, individual of necessity and abilities In my position I exclusivelyeviate to promote childrens health and physical development through effortless r come onines and activities. In alone my activities I maintain in mind that children ar individual. I also cause use the term one coat fits altogether approach to do my planning. When planning I put into put by onation, the age, gender, ethnicities, populate, force and the special demand of each child. I aim to institutionalize solely children in the setting the opportunity to succeed and reach their highest level of psychealised achievement. I analyse the attainment of opposite groups of children to en legitimate that every children argon achieving as such(prenominal) as they croup. I also specify on-going assessments of each child progress. Other things that I put in to consideration to protagonist me achieve my aim ar layout, safety of equipment eg not too m each an(prenominal) small pieces, Cleaning rota, flooring-carpet, laminated flooring for easy clean, toys and equipment that challenges children I also consider children cultural/religious practices eg few clothes worn such as saris can be difficult for PE, Adult ratio, dietary needs, training of staff-health and safety, health and hygiene, SchoolSAFE etc., overture- ar doors suitable for mobility aids.The theatrical role of indoor and outdoor activities that lead certification balance, co-ordination, gross and fine motor skills, manipulative skills and heap/ pump co-ordination In my setting, I make use of environment and resources. I march on children of all ages to exploit together happily because I understand the benefits of disagreeent types of play and I help children to experience play that will support their overall development.ACTIVITYBALANCE AND COORDINATIONGROSS AND FINE MOTOR SKILLSHAND-EYE COORDINATIONPush-and-pull toys, e.g. having bird in a buggiesClimbing, frames, slidesDrawing and marks making with crayon, chalks, pencilsJigsaws and puzzles do play i.e making tea, or cookingSelf dressing, including buttoning and unbuttoning own clothing sit bike and scootersKicking,throwing and catching a ballDancing and moving to melodyWalking, Running, jumping and skippingThreading and needlingPlay doughComputer moving the mouse peeing and sand playCutting with scissorStanding, HoppingIn what circumstances you world power change routines or activities, how you would adapt existing or planned activities or routines.It is really distinguished to actively plan to meet childrens need because there is otherwise a real danger that some childrens needs might be overlooked, so in my setting I put this into consideration. Activities be usually planned with a group of children in mind, with regards to individual needs. However routines and activities could be changed if the children became bored or I dally out of resources. I al elans take for the thought closely how an action could be re wrenched or adapted if needed at the persist minute.In my setting all activities and areas of the setting are accessible to all children, there are also sufficient space between article of furniture and activities that allow free movement around the classroom.What the organisations policies and practices are regarding risk assessment and safety and why it is important to follow these? jeopardize assessment is active being witting of potential dangers in the childrens environment and then taking step to minimise the risk. Risk assessments mustiness be carried out in order to direct hazards and find out the safest way to perform certain tasks and procedures. In my setting, I have a list of what and where to carry out the risk assessment so I carried out this risk assessment every morning. I follow my setting policies and practices regarding risk assessment and safety because it is important to makes my settings safe places for children.What is meant by gainsay activities for individual babies and children and the link between challenging activities and developmental progress.How you countenance children to extend their range or skills and achievements. In my setting I always encourage all children of all ages and gender to increase their range or look for the range of their movement and limits of their bodies. This is achieving by I join the children in some activitiese.g play with ball and making play dough I encourage both boys and girls to join in all activities, individually and together I make sure all children have a go, they take turnI make sure all children have equal access.I reelect them praise and encouragement when they perform new skill e.g headspring done or clapping. And at time give them award certify of sticker.K2D293How to provide opportunities for children to sopor and recover from physical a ctivity and why this is important In my setting after physical activity I make sure children have opportunities to have a absorb of water rag down chill outly or lie down in the quiet/book corner.This is because they need to catch their breath, slow their heart rates, rest their muscles and in the main recharge their batteries. In my setting I also follow a routine that encourages children to relax or rest. It is important for babies, toddlers and young people to rest because it will help the arriveth and development, and it will help them to relax their brain.How to carry our risk assessment that takes all reasonable precautions without restricting opportunities for development how organisational insurance can support this.The governments guidelines on healthy have and nutrition for children and why it is important that these are followed by childcare practitioners As a practitioner it is important to follow the governments guidelines on healthy feeding and nutrition for chi ldren, so in my setting as am the one in charge of cooking and preparing snacks for children, I have recently renew my nutrition and hygiene certificate. I make sure that healthy and nutritious food is prepared for the children as I whop it is illegal to purposefully contaminated food. The nutritional needs of babies and young childrendiffer according to their age, religion and dietary.There has been a huge amount of look into into the problems of childhood obesity- caused by a combination of eating too oft especially fatty and honeyed food. Lots of snack between meals with teeny-weeny or not enough physical exercise, it has been proven beyond uncertainness that diet and physical activity in a childs early geezerhood can affect health in ulterior life. There are some guidelines for a healthy diet wassail your foodEat a variety of different foodsEat the decent amount to maintain a healthy weightEat wad of food rich in starch and fibreEat bundle of fruit and vegetablesDo no t eat too many foods that film a lot of fatDo not have sugary foods and drinks too oftenIn my setting I try as much as possible to follow these guidelines.K2D296What are appropriate foods to give to children, what foods are unsuitable and why Link to K2D295K2D297Special dietary requirements and food preparation, related to culture, ethnicity or religious beliefs In my setting as a child is registered I find out if the child has any specific dietary requirements sot that I can meet the childs needs whilst still promoting a healthy diet. Childrens dietary requirements are often determined by their family, culture, ethnicity or religious beliefs. Christians whitethorn give up certain foods for LentJews may not eat pork or shell angle etc.Muslims my breast-fed until the age of two years and may not eat pork or pork products. Sikhs may be vegetarian or eat only chicken, lamb or fishHindus may eat no beef or be vegetarian and my drink no alcoholWhy it is important that all dietary train ing is documented and shared with others e.g. food allergies In my setting information about all dietary is documented and shared with other staff in order to distract any fall away as any mistake made could cause serious harm to the childs health. randomness about childrens allergies to food and drink are regularly updated in my setting. This is always discussed with names when a child is admitted.How you can encourage healthy eating practices in childrenIn my setting I make children to be aware of healthy foods and how good they are for their bodies. I get them involved in their food as soon as they show an interest. Introduce divide of foods with different tastes and texturesEast as a group as much as possible, as it will encourage children to enjoy mealtime Introduce children to multicultural healthy foods that are new and interesting Introduce children to exotic fruits and vegetables that are new and interesting Involve children in shopping and preparing healthy foods. puzz le out myself a procedure model, by drinking water at all time and eating fruit and vegetable also.The need for good unwritten hygiene and how and why this can be encouraged In my setting, I encourage children to look after their dentition by Brushing their teeth every morning and nightAvoid sweetened drinks at any ageDrinking plain water after mealsDiet with can of calcium, fluoride, vitamins A, C and D and food that need chewing. Regularly visit to the dental practitioner as soon as teeth appear.Principles of cross infection and basal food hygieneIn my setting, I make sure children sweep their hands, before and after eating, when they go to toilet they subspecieses their hands. As the children washed their hand there is a particular song I thought them, This is the way we wash our hands, wash our hands, wash our hands, this is the way we wash our hands all day long.Correct disposal of different types of waste according to procedures and why this is required In my setting, i n several occasion I have to dispose of bodily waste like vomit, urine and faeces. I make sure this are disposed of correctly in order to avoid contamination of surfaces and materials that are used to prepare food, or that children work on. I always wear disposable gloves and apron when dealing with waste I make sure I dispose waste promptly and in the appropriate bin. I always wipe surfaces that waste has been in accomplish with, by using the correct fluids and cloths. I dispose of my gloves and apron and wash my hands thoroughly after dealing with wasteActivities that can be undertaken by children to raise awareness of their own bodies and their health needs, according to their age, gender, needs and abilities In my setting I make sure children are aware of their own bodies at the same time teach them how to look after their body to throw them healthy and safe. This is an ongoing process for children because their bodies are changing and developing all the time. Children benef it from understanding that in order to grow and develop their body needs healthy food, water, exercise, rest and to be cared for in a hygienic way. Furthermore all children experience times when they spirit unwell. I also provide activities in accordance with childrens age, gender, needs and abilities. Songs singing during circle time involving all the part of the body like head shoulders, knees and toes.. Having a discussion about the theme All about me this encourage children to focus on themselves and their bodies Holding food-tasting events for new healthy food.Pretend play, e.g. sterilise and patientDetails of health surveillance of children and young people, the role of immunisations and information on regimes for childrenHeath surveillance can be get as close supervision or observations that are primarily carried out to detect any problems with a child or young persons development with the aim of getting them the appropriate support and manipulation in future. Child heal th surveillance should be carried out in partnership with the parent as they are the experts and the best people to identify health, developmental and behavioural problems in their own children. It is a positive experience for parents.In my setting, we always ask parent if they are up-to-date with their children immunisation and further explain to them the important of immunisation. Immunisation is to protect children from diseases that are very serious and could result to death or serious handicaps. It also protects children by preventing diseases from being passed on.Age immunisation is minded(p)Diseases protected againstName of vaccinumTwo months oldDiphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio and Haemophilus grippee type b (Hib) pneumococcal infection DTaP/IPV/HibPneumococcal conjugate vaccine, (PCV)Three months oldDiphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Meningitis CDTaP/IPV/HibMenCFour months oldDiphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) Meningitis C Pneumococcal infectionDTaP/IPV/HibMenCPCVAround 12 months oldHaemophilus influenza type b (Hib)Meningitis CHib/MenCAround 13 months oldMeasles, epidemic parotitis and rubellaPneumococcal infectionMMRPCVThree years and four months or soon afterDiphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio Measles, mumps and rubella DTaP/IPV or dTaP/IPV, MMR13 to 18 years oldDiphtheria, tetanus, polioTd/IPV12 to 18 years old (girls only)Human papilloma virus (HPV) increases the risk of cervical cancer HPVIn addition, some babies in high-risk groups are given a BCG immunisation for protection against tuberculosis shortly after they are born. Higher risk infants may also receive immunisation against Hepatitis B. Your doctor/health visitor will give you more information if your child needs these immunisations.How inveterate affectiones may affect physical development and how to access further information and support about particular conditions Chil dren with chronic illness may be physical affected. The get tired quickly and so miss out on some activities. I need to keep track of childrens participation in the setting so as to know if they have missed key activities. But children who have chronic illnesses and physical difficulties are given opportunities to join in fully with all discussions and activities.I get support and information from the childs parent/career as they will bewell informed, I can also search through internet, support groups and health organisation or Libraries.

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