
Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Attachment, Cognitive and Language Development Influences

Attachment, Cognitive and Language Development InfluencesIntroductionIn this paper we testament discuss the Case resume of Hannah G. We will musical note at antithetic theories to Attachment, Cognitive and Language ontogenesis. We will look at how p arnting styles and influence in the marital system brush aside influence a pip-squeak. We will look at how genetics and environ moral factors influence development, as well as a tyke temper.Attachment hypothesisBowlby believes that fastener isnt lay out at birth, it develops after the first nurture, comfort and protection the m different or the essential c argiver provides (Louw,Louw, Van Ede, 2012). Relationships with special c argivers that involve emotional and emotional engagement, has an fix on how a some(a)body perceive themselves, others, and the creative activity (Reuther, 2013). Psychologist harass Harlow also concluded through an experiment with mokeys and permutation mothers that comfort and pledge plays a n important portion in the development of holdfast. In the experiment, Harlow uses two surrogate mothers. Both mothers were made out of wire. Both mothers were equipped with feeding equipment. notwithstanding one of the mothers was covered in a soft cloth. The monkeys put downed more provoke in the clothed mother, they would go to the wire mother to suck on the bottle for food, and return to the clothed mother (Louw et al, 2012).Freud believes that early experiences can engender a long-term effect on personality development (Shaffer, 1994,p.43). If we lease Freud psychosexual stages we implement that the oral stage may beat an doctor in the adjunct between baby and mother or primary caregiver. During the first year the infant are spitting, chewing, sucking, and biting objects. Freud suggested that the sex brain strain pleasure through the mouth. A babys staple pleasures, food, are pleasured through sucking on the mothers breast. When a baby is wean off the mothers breas t to early the person may later in life be over dependant on others (Shaffer, 1994).Erikson agrees with Freud that the mothers feeding mathematical operation has an impact on the development of the childs personality. However, Erikson believes that the mothers antiphonaryness to the infant is just as important as the feeding transit. The child learns to entrust trough the caregiver or mother who provided food, comfort, affection, and safety. If these needs are not met, the child learns that other people are not to be trusted. This takes perpetrate from birth to one year. Erikson calls it the Basic trust versus mistrust stage (Shaffer, 1994). however though Erikson, Freud, Bowlby and Harlow has different views on the topic on attachment. They all develop the same conclusion. For attachment to take place the infant needs has to be met by the mother or the caregiver. If there is an good luck in the attachment process, there may be long-term effects.Cognitive and lecture developm entPiaget described cognitive development as an individuals fundamental action with the environment (Louw et al, 2012). Piaget argues that development perceives schooling how we interpret the world through mental schemas allowing us to make sense of our environment. learn happens when facing situations that our schema cannot process leading to disequilibrium. To equalise itself the mind simulates new information or suit to using new skills. Piaget calls this the process of assimilating new information and skills into our pre-developed schema. Piaget believed that conceit determines language. He believed that once children were able to think in a reliable way they developed the language to the describe their thought (Louw et al, 2012). Vygotsky agrees with Piaget that learning happens by interacting with the environment. Vygotsky argued that learning proceeds development. He holds that our present stage of development is raise when confronted with new tasks, just out of r fro m each one of our present abilities. Vygotsky believed that language and thoughts are independent sole(prenominal) if they converge through development. He believed that children developed language through social interaction with boastful who already go to sleep the language. by means of that action they can connect these thoughts and the language they exhaust well-educated (Louw et al, 2012). Bronfenbrenners ecologic opening suggest that a childs development is determind by what they experience in their environments they spend time in. (Friedman Wachs, 1999)(Check pligarism).Emotional developmentBabies are able to read others emotions from a young age. Being able to get it on others emotions is important for a babys social and emotional development, it has an impact on attachment bonds. As babies grow older the constantly seek approval or disapproval from people they trust. If a Mothers or primary caregivers are emotionally unavailable or only irregularly responsive to t he infant or childs needs may result in an hazardous attachment ( Zilberstein, 2013). Ethologists believe that an infant who were neglected, or parent who are inattentive will not develop a strong emotional attachment with their caregiver. This may lead the child to be shy and emotionally insensitive to other people (Shaffer, 1994).Parenting Styles Marital systemUninvolved parents is parents who have rejected their children or who has their own personal issues to at go to than to attend to the child any need other that their basic needs, food and cloths (Kip Shaffer, 2009). Children of degage parents may show signs of impulsiveness, antisocial, and have relational problems with others ( Louw et al, 2012). They force also be bellicose and have external behaviours such as temper tantrums (Kip Skaffer, 2009). Children become angrier and distress when parents cannot unwrap arguing. A childs distress increases when the arguing between parents increases. Children who refer in tense and destructive meshings between their parents suffered from emotional insecurity, depression, anxiety, behavior problems, relationship difficulties, and piteous regulations, even years later (Clarke-Sewart Parke, 2011, p. 190).. Parents who can resolve their problems in a respectful manner can teach the child to how to resolve dispute in a positive and respectful manner. Children were most likely to have problems if their parents expressed anger frequently, intensely, physically, and without resolution(Clarke-Stewart Parke, 2011, p. 190). Parents amicable marriages parenting style can be angry and instructive, children will in return act aggressively when interacting with the parent. They might even act aggressively towards other children (Clarke-Stewart Parke, 2011).Childrens social interaction develops by observing their parents.(Clarke-Stewart Parke, 2011).Bandura believes that observational learning is the most important learning method (Shaffer, 1994). Children si mulate what they have observed. In the experiment with the Bobo dolls, children observed and knowing the aggressive response adult shown towards the doll and they simulated the same assault towards the doll. Not only do they learn to simulate this behaviour but children become emotionally aroused when watching people fight (Shaffer, 1994). Bandura suggested that aggressive behaviours that are maintained become habitual (Shaffer, 1994). Urie Bronfenbrenners Bioecological model refers to the effect the child has on the environment and the environment on the child, this includes reciprocal interactions between the ontogenesis child and other people, objects, and symbols in their immediate environment (Cockcroft et al, 1999).Being an only child and temperamentOnly children always wants to be the centre of attention. They tend to be possessive over their belongings and everything must go their way. Because they are the only sibling, they spend more time in adults company. Because they spend so many time in adult companies they tend to find it vexed to socialise with their peer, they prefer socialising with adults (Rosemond, 2011). Only children have low gross profit for discomfort that caused by frustration, disappointments, boredom, and by being denied what that want. This is may result in tantrums of verbal of physical abuse. They lack empathy towards others they are unable or are unwillingly to see that their behaviour affects others. They struggle to adapt to demands that are organise by situations outside their immediate family. For example a school position where are establishes social structures and recognised authority figures. They have a deplorable self-esteem and are chronically miserable, angry, and anxious (Mamen, 2006).A difficult child is a child who does not easily adapt to into daily routines or new environments. They cry a lot and has temper tantrums and is difficult to comfort. pervert behaviour is a result of children who grows up in a home plate were marital problems persist. This happens when a child behaviour and environment influences compliments each other (Louw et al, 2012).Role of the mediaBandura believies television violence enhances aggressive behaviour in children (Shaffer, 1994). Rowel Huesmann suggested that not only does television violence predict aggressiveness in children and adults but also their involvement in criminal activities (Shaffer, 1994, p. 495). We can see that dispute and pugnacity is a norm for Hannah. Hannah has learned and observed that the world is a violent place ant that interpersonal problems can be solved aggressively (Shaffer, 1994). Drabman and Thomas suggested that television violence may chip off the viewers emotional reactions to aggressive episodes. This may lead to a person to lack strong empathic distress for the victims of aggression (Shaffer, 1994).Case Study HannaHannah has difficulty expressing herself and her feelings. This could be an indication that maybe ther e are an interruption in the development of her schemas of emotions. We learned that Hannahs mother was unavailable for some time with depression, and this could have had an impact on how she developed socially. This could also involve that Hannahs Schema of emotions arent developed well. The fact that her parents are uninvolved parent could also have an impact, as well as the parents marital problems. She was emotionally detached from her mother from birth and she grew up in a home were she was constantly exposed to aggression. This aggression is from the conflict between her parents and the aggression of television violence. The fact that Hannah finds it hard to make friend and bits or hits other children can be explicateed by many reasons, it can be because she has attachment issues, being away from her mother could have caused her to develop mistrust in the world and other people. She might be trying to solve a problem in an aggressive as she had learned through her parents co nflict and the television violence is that it is the only way to resolve conflict, as she hits and bits them. She might also find it hard to make friends because as we discussed she does not know how to connect with them in a social way because she exposed to adult company most of the time. Her parents marital problems has an impact on her having an antisocial behaviour. Hannah interact aggressively toward her parents, this could be either their uninvolved parenting styles or their marital conflict or it could be both. We see that Hannah has a difficult child temperament that is why they find it difficult to manage her. If we consider the bioecological model of Bronfenbrenner we can conclude that most of Hannahs deviant behaviour is based on nurture. Nurture refers to the influences the environment has on a persons characteristics. final resultWe can conclude that there are many factors that can explain Hannahs behaviour. The fact that she does not have a bond with her mother. The l earned behaviours from her parents, as well as the television. Nurture plays a big role in Hannahs development. We cannot just rely on one theory to explain a persons development but kind of consider all.Reference ListLouw, A.E., Louw, D.A., Ven Ede, D.M (2012) Human Development (2nd ed.) Cape Town, southmost Africa.Kagiso TertiaryClarke-Stewart,A., Parke, R,D.(2011) Social Development. Hoboken, NJ. whoremaster Wiley Sons Inc.Kip, K. Shaffer, D.R (2009) Developmental Psychology Adolenscence Uninvolved Parenting (8th ed.)Beltmont USA. Cencage LearningMaman, M (2006) The pampered child syndrome how to recognize it, how to manage it, and how to avoid it A execute for parents and professionals. London, England. Maggie MamenReuther, B.T (2013) On our everyday being Heidegger and attachment theory. E-Journal retrieved from http//web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=4sid=6cc19ba4-d428-43b6-8a4f-f5d613962a5c%40sessionmgr115hid=125bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3ddb=pdhAN=2 013-26844-001Rosemond, J (2001) John Rosemonds New Parent Power. USA. 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