
Thursday, May 16, 2019


Non-Flowering Mosses (Bryophyte) Ferns (Pterodactyl) Gymnosperms 2. Flowering Angiosperms Monocotyledon dicotyledonous Vascular tissues and the seeds play a vital role in transporting substances (water, minerals, and sugars) throughout the plant. Seeds are social structures, which contains an embryo that helps In storing food. Phylum Bryophyte (Mosses) Referred to as Bryophytes Simplest plants simple stems and leaves No true root very small in structureNon- vascular land plant do not contain either conducting tissues Have rhizomes for anchorage Spores from capsules (wind-dispersal) Mainly growing on damp terrestrial land, on other plants, and on rocks Reproduction process is carried in their spores. (seedless) Play a vital role in soil eating away Ex Mosses, Liverworts, and Hornwort Phylum Patriarchate (Ferns) Parts 1. Frond CLC a leaf (finely divided into small parts) 2. Pains/Pinnate C small parts of the frond 3. Sort C spores Has true roots feathery leaves & underground stemsHav e vascular tissues Spore- reproducing organs (seedless) have-to doe with in transportation of fluids Ex Horsetails, ferns, and club mosses Phylum Angiosperms Flowering plants vascular Develops seeds within a protective structure called an ovary, which is embedded in the flower Reproduction process is carried by Angiosperm Angiosperms in the class Dicotyledonous grows into two-seed leaves (cotyledons). Two kinds of Angiosperms 1. Monocotyledon 1 seed leaf Netted/reticulate veins Multiplies by 3 petals 2.Dicotyledonous 2 seed leaves Leaves have veins in network Multiplies by 4-5 petals An angiosperms leaf consists of a single, branched, main vein. Shrubs, vines, and flowers Phylum Gymnosperms Non-flowering plants Ex trees, Contains vestigial seeds which are present in an enclosed structure Tall evergreen trees Have roots, woody stems acerate leaves Cones with reproductive structures Naked seeds in female cones Called naked seeds because seeds are exposed outside Ex Palms, rug lawns , etc.

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