Thursday, October 3, 2019
The Positive Aspects Of Fast Food English Language Essay
The Positive Aspects Of Fast Food English Language Essay 1. Theà jobà opportunities offered byà fast foodà companies Fast foodà is consumedà so much by people onà daily basis. There are many fast food outlets in both developed and developing countries. People can easilyà seeà fast foodà restaurants, such as McDonalds, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chickens (KFC) and Pizza Huts in the street.à Fast foodà industry offers more jobs opportunities to the people inà localà areas.à According to McDonalds Australia (2005), McDonalds Australia had 715 restaurants in 2002.à The demand for McDonalds product increases and many people, especially young people canà workà in McDonalds franchisees.à This shows thatà fast foodà companies successfully make aà contributionà inà solving social unemployment issues. Other studies also show thatà universityà students work temporally inà fast foodà outlets so that theirà salaryà mayà coverà their expenses during their study. This suggests that, toà certain extent,à fast foodà industry has some positive effects on peoples life. 2. The convenience of fast food Many people in theà worldà likeà fast food because of its convenience. In the UK, many women do not have time to do shopping and cook for the family. Many working mothers easilyà takeà their children to go to the local fast food restaurants such as McDonalds or Burger King to eat. Schlossers (2002)à studyà shows that the number of working women has increased significantly and more and more women spend less time cooking at home, therefore, their families spent more onà fast foodà meals. McDonalds and KFC have launched many chains in some developing countries, such as China, India, Thailand,à etc. According to Rault-Wack and Bricas (2002),à fast foodà industry offers peopleà convenienceà and reduce the burden of cooking at home becauseà peopleà mayà orderà fast food byà telephoneà or online so the food can be deliveredà shortly. It isà veryà easy and convenient toà haveà fast food for a meal afterà school/work. 3. The low price of fast food The price for fast food inà fast foodà outlet isà veryà lowà thusà most families in the UK can afford to eat there.à Fast foodà companiesà makeà their products asà cheapà as possible. According to Schlosser (2002),à fast foodà companies tryà veryà hard toà buyà the ingredients asà cheapà as possible because even a few pennies difference in price isà importantà for the success of their business. Based onà cheapà ingredients, fast food outlets can afford toà giveà customers aà supersizedà portionà for low price. Since most customers cannot resist a bargain, this strategy isà veryà effective. It isà veryà clear that the lowà priceà andà bigà portionà make fast food more attractive to customers. People pay for fast food whenever they want toà haveà it. The negative effects of fast food Fast food has many negative effects on peoples health. 1. Fast food with high salt and saturated fat Fast foodà companies encourage people to eat a lot without realising the health issues that can lead toà disease.à Experts from the Medical Research Council (2009) have reported that fast food contains lots of salt and saturated fat.à Fast food is full of calorie, it is easy to be addicted to it andà takeà in more calories than people need.à Most of these calories do come from fat and sugar. Eating too much fat and sugar can causeà negativeà effects on human health. It is clear thatà homeà cooked fresh food is healthier than fast food cooked with cheap ingredients. 2. Diabetes caused by fast food The way that fast foodà is cookedà and sold haveà badà effects on peoples health. In some developing countries, many children do not have enough food every day. According to Schlosser (2002), the author of Fast Food Nation, the disease caused by eating too much fast food has become the second biggest killer after smoking in USA. American people have suffered from diabetes, especially those who are over 50 years old, because they have eaten too much fast food in their life. Schlosser also states that Americans spend more money on fast food than they spend on higher education tuition fees every year. Meanwhile, British people suffer from eating too much fast food and some people have toà getà medical treatment. As mentioned above, fast food is high in fat, high in refined carbohydrates and high in sugar, but it isà lowà in anything of nutritional element. Consequently, many people have got diabetes by eating fast food. In the United States, the case of middle-aged Caesa r Barber shows what happened to his health after eating fast foodà frequently. He suffered from diabetes and heart attack. He sues McDonalds, Burger King and other fast foodà compaies, claiming that his illnesses were partially those companies fault (Martindale, 2003). Oppositely, theseà fast foodà companies claimed that it was Caesar Barbers responsibility to choose if he should eat fast food or not. Caesar Barbers failed in this case, but the mostà importantà is that this case shows that fast food hasà badà effects on peoples health. Therefore, people should not eat fast food.à Theà connectionà between fast food and childrens obesity Many children go toà fast foodà outlets immediately after school. Theyà likeà fast food because theyà thinkà that fast food isà tasty. They spend a lot of time eating fast food and chatting with their friends before they go home. Most fast food outlets offerà bigà portions, such as Big Mac, double cheese burger, etc. Children do not want to eat anything for dinner. They do notà doà anyà physicalà exercises after eating aà bigà portionà of fast food. It isà veryà badà that some children justà immediatelyà go to bed after eating fast food.à The parents from thoseà disadvantagedà familiesà do not look after their children properly andà theyà allowà their children to sleepà immediatelyà after eating fast food.à The extraà fatà and saltà storeà in childrens body that mayà makeà children overweight.à In the UK, the government introducedà healthy foodà schemeà in schools for some years but still many children, especially those from single-parent families, eatà fastà food as theirà dinnerà after school. Studies have shown that the UK is the country that has moreà fatà children than other European nations.à It is aà bigà issue that some doctorsà are concernedà about.à Hickmans (2005)à studyà shows that obesity has tripled in the UK (p.8). He states that theà increaseà of childrens obesityà has been accompaniedà by the high sales of fast food.à More fast foodà is soldà inà fast foodà outlets, more children becomeà obeseà as they are the customers that fast food companies target.à From the aboveà evidenceà it can be seen that fast food is a one of the major causes of childrens obesity.à Conclusion Currently fast foodà is consumedà by many young people, especially children in the UK.à On the one hand, fast food has some positive effects.à Fast foodà companies open many outlets in the world so that they offer more employments to local people.à Fast food isà convenientà as it saving a lot of cooking time so working mothers do not have toà cookà meals for their children after work.à Theà priceà of fast food isà veryà lowà so most families, even thoseà disadvantagedà families can afford it. On the other hand, fast food contains high salt and fat so many adultsà haveà suffered from diabetes. Studies show that there is a strongà connectionà between fast food and childrens obesity because most ofà obeseà children eat much fast foodà frequently. Therefore, government should help thoseà disadvantagedà families and encourage them toà cookà freshà food for their children. Additionally,à fast foodà outlets should not be allowe d toà locateà near school premises.à Fast foodà companies should not be allowed toà sellà bigà portions to children. Meanwhile, working mothers shouldà manageà to spend more time cooking healthyà foodà at home. With the efforts made by both government and parents, children can have moreà healthyà diets and the number of children with obesityà will be reducedà sooner or later.
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