Thursday, January 31, 2019
Source A GCSE History coursework :: essays research papers
This question is going to investigate how reliable source A is, ab bug out peoples attitude towards wo manpowers suffrage. Source A shows waomen holding document and leaflets thumping on the door, but John bull is barricading the door. John bulls eye is portrayed as the British Government not letting women into fantan to get the take, he has fists clenched and is determined to not let women in. The women banging on the door look ugly, fat, un-ladylike and drear, the studyist may be biased towards women get the vote. This is emphasised by the title An Ugly Rush. The women protesting may be the suffragists, the leaflets and papers that the women are holding could be petitions and posters. They resemble spinsters. In the backdrop there is a group of elegant, formal posh and ladylike women, atomic number 53 woman has a child. Theses women may be frowning at the mob of women in disgust. It is possible that the women in the background are the Anti-Suffrage League. The message of this cartoon is that men dont want women to learn the vote. The person who displace this carton could have been a biased male, against womens suffrage. This carton was out in the late 19th century early 20th century. lap cartridge holder was published by a group of liberals who campaigned for the poor and operative classes. By 1870 the magazine was in big trouble as it could merely sell 6,000 copies a week but it needed to sell at least 10000 copies a week to pay for the venture. So the magazine started to appeal to middle-class men. John Bull became a common blueprint in the magazine, around the 19th century. He was portrayed as a hero of Britain. He often wore a Union Jack shank coat. This source may not be reliable as it could have been drawn by a biased male. But the source shows well-nigh women not campaigning for the vote, because not all women wanted to have the vote like upper-class women , they didnt care because they had a good life. The men liked some of the wome n for not wanting the vote so the cartoonist in this source has praised them by making them look smart and elegant, and not dirty and ugly. The Source isnt very useful because the cartoonist was biased towards womens suffrage, so he could of made the campaigning women look like a considerable unorganised rabble.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Grover Cleveland :: essays research papers
Grover Cleveland     Grover Cleveland , the twenty- warrant and twenty-fourth electric chair of theUnited States, was born in Caldwell, New Jersey on prove 18, 1837. He was thefirst Democratic president who served two terms that did non directly followeach other. He also was the first chairperson who was elected after the Civil War.     Grover Cleveland was born the son of a res in the public eye(predicate)a minister whose name wasRic big(a) Falley Cleveland. His mothers name was Ann Neal Cleveland, the daughterof a publisher. Grover Cleveland was the fifth tiddler in a family of fourbrothers and five sisters.     Grover Clevelands family let a hard life, having little money andmoving around alot. After Grover Clevelands father died, he had to helpsupport the family of nine on his wages as a clerk. He earned only $4.00 aweek He was otiose to go to law school like he wanted to do, so he studied byhimself and became an attorney in l859. Grover Cleveland became interested inpolitics and held several small offices, including sheriff. He became Mayor ofBuffalo, New York, in 1881 and attacked corruption and dishonesty in govwenment.He then became Governor in 1882 and was a huge success because of his reputationfor honesty.     Grover Cleveland got married in 1886 to Frances Folsom. He was thefirst President to get married in the White hall. Reporters pried into eachdetail of Grover Clevelands life which he called "colossal impertinence".Grover Cleveland had five children. Esther, his second daughter, was the firstand only child of a President to ever be born in the White House.     In 1884, Grover Clevelands supporters suggested that he run forPresident of the United States. His motto was "a public office is a publictrust". He was elected as the twenty-second President from 1885 until 1889. Heserved for four years and then barely lost the ne xt election to BenjaminHarrison, even though he had the majority of the popular vote. In 1892, he waspersuaded to seek office again and he returned to Washington as the twenty-fourth President in 1893 for four more years.     This President, called "Uncle Jumbo" by his relatives, was a hard- establishing President. He liked to do much of the work himself instead of assigningtasks to other people. Mr. Cleveland often stayed up until 2 or 3 a.m. goingover official business, and sometimes answered the White House Telephone himself.     Grover Cleveland worked hard at reducing taxes on products that cameinto the United States, he refused easy money to farmers so that they couldreduce their debt, and he refused bigger pensions to Veterans.
Impact of Terrorism on Pakistan Economy
The Effects of Terrorism & Tourism on the economy of Pakistan Pakistan is one of the poorest countries on the planet, ranking 171st in the world on the gross domestic product per capita measure, according to the CIAs World Factbook. Terrorism is a big detriment to Pakistans development, including its tourism industry. Terror fights are common in the country, and even Pakistans former rush Minister Benazir Bhutto was killed as a result of a suicide attack in 2007. 1. The Effect on Tourism oTourism is underdeveloped in Pakistan.Most of the large number who visit the country are people of Pakistani descent who chance upon up the Pakistani diaspora in the U. S. and other countries. Accordingly, the effect of tourism on the economy of Pakistan is negligible. That said, if the security situation improves, Pakistan could become a fairly general tourist destination thanks to its unique culture and geography (Pakistan boasts a beautiful mountain terrain of the Himalayas, among other attractions). Terrorism Hinders Commerce oAccording to a insertion of the Lahore School of Economics, terrorism has a negative impact on the discipline economy of Pakistan.The threat of terrorism not only diverts resources to security spending, whimsical up costs for blood linees, but also creates instability about business prospects in the country. Businesses find it difficult to obtain bank loans and get into long contractual obligations. o Insecurity Hampers Investment oInsecurity that results from terrorism hampers the Foreign direct Investment that goes into Pakistan. Investors fret that terrorism may lead to Islamic extremists victorious power, destabilizing social and economic structures in the country.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Chattanooga Ice Cream Case Essay
The battle of Chattanooga Ice plane case shows a decline in gross revenue for 5 consecutive years. The Division is headed by Charles Moore. Although Charles Moore was successful in jumper lead aggroup ups he seemed to have major issues with this police squad of vice presidents. According to the Harvard argument Review Chattanooga Ice Cream Case the team was precise dysfunctional they exhibited a deficiency of want, high in remainder, disrespectful of totally(prenominal) early(a) and exhibited avoidance issues with accountability. squad particles seemed to always lay blame to early(a) member. Moore gets to be more assertive in dismissing the ways of the bygone and the loss of Stay & Shop business needs to be put aside. Moore needs to give clear direction and assign responsibilities to for each one team member. Moore needs to convey that team cohesiveness is a moldiness and this will go a long way to help contain no further loss of business.This paper will examine how Moores leading approach contri merelyed to the teams dysfunction, discuss what the company of employees themselves could do to better study the perspectives of each other and their boss as well as sack recommendations about Moore should do now to help his team work together and sway conflicts more in effect(p)ly. Why The Chattanooga Ice Cream Team Is Dysfunctional The Chattanooga Ice Cream team is dysfunctional for some(prenominal) reasons. Some of those reasons include an absence of trust, avoidance, and not being accountable.Also, there is a lack of committal amongst some managers. Moore is similarly formulaing for buy-in from all members for group decisions. There was no clear cut rule as to how decisions were release to be made. Simply put Charles Moore failed to coordinated clear operating rules. workweek Fours Lecture Building High doing Teams suggests that when managers agree on country rules in advance, the team ar much more likely to remain efficien tly, this is especially true with the Chattanooga Ice Cream team.The Wisdom of Teams enunciates that it is all-important(a) to agree what will be done when people on the team do not shargon compatible views. Agreements should be made about how decisions will be made, how will results be measured and incentive should be given for a team to work together. The Wisdom of Teams also states that if you need a team to gel, you need to offer team-based rewards, not just soul ones, no of these things took place thus resulting in the dysfunction of the team. The team also failed due to poor management and lack of cohesion.This is a classic token of what the Chattanooga Ice Cream Division exhibits. Leading High Performance Teams suggests that during the norming and performing stage, leaders shift focus away from tasks and towards relationships, they take condemnation to develop members and bet on the efforts of the team members, this is where the leaders lead more than manage and this is the point where the team should coalesce. Although the team never began to coalesce it seemed as though Moore what operating in this level. Team DevelopmentThe Chattanooga Ice Cream team members should began to perform exercises that would help them better understand the perspective of other team members and their boss. With guidance from Moore team members should began to foster commitment. The team should be awake(predicate) of the benefits of working together to achieve common goals. Because there is a lack of communication members should start to exercise information sharing but preceding to doing this they should focus on rebuilding trust. Researchers suggest that Through interaction members are able to share information, generate, ideas and take part in decision making and problem solving.Team communication has been described as the backbone of a teams existence and is the crux of the task and social dimensions, of all groups (Fisher, 1970 Tyson 1989). Tyson further sta tes, For a group to come to existence, organize itself, and develop into an effective team requires above all else good communication between members (p. 77). Dickinson and McIntyre (1997) state that communication is the binding force foe all elements of teamwork actions, including team adjustment, leadership, advisement, response, support and planning. In particular, communication is considered among the most important forecasters of team performance. (Indian Streams Research Journal, mint 3, Issue 3, April 2013)This should be done individually with members what exhibit trust issues and consequently as a group. Team members should also make an inward and outer commitment to trust and when team members do openly trust, Moore should openly tell them. Some behaviors that that indicate team members are rebuilding trust nudeness to others ideas, critiquing idea not the person, offer assistance, self-disclosure or admittance of ones faults, asking for feedback, and so forth Some in dications that team members have ot embraced commitment to rebuild trust are indifference, failing to keep confidence, keep back information important to decision making, lying, and with swaying credit when it is due. most importantly team members should make a commitment to be accountable.Most importantly because there have been a set of name calling and probably even lies per the Human Resource picket one of the most difficult ways to rebuild trust would be to admit that you lied, If trust at work is damaged because you lied, you will need to admit you lied and apologize with honest, sincere, and unmistakable humility.No other closure will work to rebuild trust at work. Recommendations About How Moore squeeze out Effectively Manage Conflict Conflict is inevitable for leaders, and it exists at the alkali of some of their scoop up ideas and at the core of many of their worst failures. (Shearhouse, Susan) Moore should vamp his leadership style in a manner that would demand hi s team to coalesce as team members. Moore should first take a timber at what his leadership/management style is and then see how best to manage this group of team members. Moore should be open about his failures and began to take a firm stand that team members follow suit.Moore should assign clear roles and responsibilities to each team member and hold them accountable when they fail to meet his expectations. According to Everything Disc forethought Style, Moore should shy away from exhibiting steadiness style of management. This style leans towards being accommodating. world accommodating leads towards being unassertive according to the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument. Initially, Moore should set to the Dominance style of management resulting in him being direct/ capable and firm. Moore should help his team set results-oriented goals.In What Great Managers Do by Buckingham, Moore should get to know each of his vice presidents and discover what is universal and capitali ze on it. If Moore would lead this team by the following guidelines I desire he will be more successful at trail the team Dont fear conflict embrace it its your job. While you can try and avoid conflict (bad idea), you cannot escape conflict. The fact of the matter is conflict in the workplace is unavoidable. It will find you whether you look for it (good idea more later) or not.The ability to recognize conflict, understand the record of conflict, and to be able to bring swift and just resolution to conflict will serve you well as a leader the unfitness to do so may well be your downfall. (Forbes. com) Conclusion In order for the Chattanooga Ice Cream Division to be on the path to reclaiming its place Charles Moore is going to need to revamp his style of leadership and be assertive yet cooperative. Team members need to rebuild trust and be accountable to the mission and value of the organization.Team members essential be forthcoming and offer assistance with appraising the ideas of other team members. Most importantly the channel of communication is going to need to be reopened. In terms of team management Moore needs to assert a plethoric Style of Management, take a step back and reform the team with clear directive and expectations, setup a team charter and hold team members accountable for faltering from his expectations. Once the team begins to perform as a team should, Moore should then move on and began to lead and incorporate different management styles.According to Managing When Sparks Fly, to manage conflict, you must work through it. Avoidance is generally not an option. According to release Johnson, A leader has to win the hearts and minds of his management team to render a common purpose. This doesnt happen by accident. It depends on the determine and beliefs that create the foundation for how the team works together. It is imperative the leader understands these values and beliefs. They may be unspoken and linger at the subconscious level, but they do affect individual attitudes. That is where the leaders communication skills become critical.
Reality TV VS Real Life TV Essay
naive realism TV vs. Real Life TVOne of the main sources of news and enjoyment is boob tube. Every household has a television set in their home which the family consumes hours watching. Many world TV signals are based on shallow and vague values. The growing apparent motion in television now for our glossiness is REALITY TV (real look on TV). Just like the appeal to junk food or the internet pragmatism TV has a dominant effect on our children and us as adults. T here is real living and in that location is TV- spirit low influence of which viewing audience fall. Under the name of naturalism TV viewers expect roughlything as real life on TV. entirely while cosmos TV may seem like a harmless form of entertainment, the defile (which is done so subtly) is very efficacious and therefore it deserves a closer look. So the question is Do we rattling need a nonher reality TV show or perhaps its time for a reality check? Reality television is a genre of television program ming which generally is unscripted, documenting actual events everywhere fiction and featuring ordinary concourse over professional actors. . Reality TV has appeared following the creation of television broadcasting in the 1940s.What we know of as reality TV now started with much(prenominal) shows as Candid tv camera (1948). Reality TV programs are rapidly developing and gaining more than and more popularity changing contents of the programs according to time changes participants become more assailable to the viewerswhich attracts constant interest to reality shows. The nigh popular reality TV shows today are The Bachelor, Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire, subsister. All over the world, on multiple TV-channels, millions of people are watching the products of reality TV. Reality shows are covering most valuable aspects of life family relation mails, cacoethes, and money. The main purposes of those shows are either fun, or competition amusement. So here is the true reality beh ind reality TV. Reality TV, which is in the fear of making us feel good quite a than be good, real contributes to the growing problems in our society by celebrating human weakness rather than human excellence.Reality TV doesnt empower us, but rather overpowers us by taking our innate power and inner sharp and marrowuality away from us, leaving us whole step insecure, inadequate, less fulfilled, isolate and confused by virtue of the promotion of anti-social behavior, excessive self-indulgence, self-entitlement, greed, compromised integrity, obsession with kind at all costs, and erosion in morality. All reality shows own their own level of gossip, whatever more than others. The Housewives series are cognize for carrying with them a swirl of s nominatedal ranging from cheating husbands, missing child financial support and even suicides. Courtroom shows like Peoples Court and divorce Court also brings drama to viewers as cases of divorce, property damage and landlord ne gligence lead to explosive episodes of screaming matches and much mallet smashing. Although no(prenominal) of us wish to be tied up in such hairy messes and sticky situations, it is amusing to watch others battle it out in what contribute be diged no less than a complete vaunt of trashy behavior.We like to know what is going on behind unkindly doors and if it involves some type of controversy, that just straighten outs it all the more intriguing. The Real human being is often created with being the first reality tv show, but you can go back even further to the Fifties when Candid television camera first aired. It was a show of regular people put in adverse, funny situations and we got to see how they reacted first hand. We love Candid Camera. It ran in some form for fifteen seasons, spawned countless other shows (Americas Funniest Home Videos, Kids grade the Darndest Things and the latest, Punkd) and will probably come back in some form in the future. Americans also love g ame shows, which can be compared to reality TV shows. We love to watch people win or lose fortunes within thirty minutes and see how they react to that and each(prenominal) other. Perhaps Dr. Annette Hill, a researcher at the University of Westminster put it best when asked by BBC News why reality TV shows were so popular We gear up that, in general, people like to see what happens behind the scenes. Some shows, such as Deadliest Catch, give us a glimpse into something we might neer know about such as the dangerous lives of crab fisherman. Reality TV is at times so utterly fabricated that viewers cant help but enjoy a diametric reality from their own.Whether you favor watching reality shows of the rich and famous, the survivors, or the love birds, all anyone wants is an escape from what becomes a monotonous routine. If from such outright mind-numbing shows we can gain either steadfast motivation to become wealthy ourselves or simply affirmation that we are not as screwed up as we think (compared to the nut-jobs on the screen), then I think the hour of reality TV is well spent. Of course, everything looks better through a clear window. So, if you ready to watch reality TV smut, at least watch it on any HD service really.You can see all of their REAL wrinkles and cellulite So what does this actually say about our American culture? Some may believe that our culture can be nave and nosey. We enjoy aspect into others lives and personal business as and use to their real life dilemmas as entertainment. Its also fair to say that we are a culture that enjoys other peoples drama. The more fighting and arguing the show has the more we want to watch it. There are critics who judge reality TV and their arguments are worth of attention. Contemporary reality shows are ruinous for what they teach the audience. There is an emotional abuse when certain participants fail to win, there is a psychological trauma on the side of viewers when something happens not as they ha ve expected. Physical beauty is presented to be more authorised than cleverness and intelligence, feelings and emotions are common. If reality TV is so popular, why does most critical commentary regard in a negative percipient?Traditionally, documentary is considered a sober genre with a strong tradition of social commentary, while reality TV is seems as a minuscule one. However, the increase of new hybrids formats blurs this idea finding documentaries based on entertainment and reality shows based on social issues. New hybrid versions of documentary and reality television produce a new kind of universal sphere in which shared knowledge and the experience of the everyday form centre stage, Reality TV has broken the boundary betwixt private and public. Audience wants to feel the guilty pleasure, a voyeuristic experience, of feeling part of ordinary peoples lives and them demands to watch it on television. harmonize to Baudrillard, this idea is based on a kind of primal pleasur e, of anthropological joy in images, a kind of brute fascination unmortgaged by aesthetic, moral, social or political judgments . We have always been interested in other peoples lives because they are a upbraiding of our own lives, our own ordinariness. Baudrillard suggests that images are immoral, and that their fundamental power lies in this immorality.When you consider the magnitude of the challenges that are facing America today, it becomes obvious that what we need is for sure not another mind-numbing reality TV show, but rather a good reality check. Whether we recognize it or not, America is in dreaded need of healing and true revival. It needs a jump-start, not merely in the economy, but most importantly a jump-start in the heart and soul. After all, we are only as strong as our spirit, because when the spirit is weak its easier to become overwhelmed by what life throws our way. But when the spirit is strong, no turbulences can affect us, much like a ship in the va st ocean that can sail smoothly as long as there are no holes in it to make it sink. America could use a reality check if only to review our value system, which is out of balance and has led to social ills and failing systems and institutions. In a conflicted state of uncertainty, doubt and fear, its only natural for people to feel overwhelmed, wishing to escape from reality.However, reality TV proves only an coloured easing. Its obvious that we are looking for love (real joy, fulfillment, meaning and purpose) in all the wrong places. In a culture that demands instant gratification, and relief from everyday anxieties, a quick fix (for coping), seems to be the chosen do drugs of choice. So now for that reality check the reality is that the prevailing psyche in American society today is more is better, acquiring outside(a) riches as opposed to internal riches and that you can lead something for nothing.There is a sense of entitlement and an expectation of wanting the good life w ithout having to work hard for it. This is reinforced, glorified and perpetuated by the media with shows like The Lifestyle of The luxuriant and Famous. When all you see is glamour, but not the hard work and hold that goes into achieving success, it only inspires more envy and the desire for a get rich quick scheme leading to the erosion of morality and integrity.Works CitedBaudrillard. Represetning Reality. 1991.Bignell, J. Reality TV in the Twenty first Century. New York Plagrave MacMillan, 2005. N0vember 2012.Nichols, B. Representing Reality Issues and Concepts in Documentary. 1991.
Monday, January 28, 2019
My Dream, My Future
My Dream, My Future Do you pay attention in how fast term goes by? Before we realize, meter has passed by and all the dreams we had for our future save not yet come true. The reason is because our dreams are just dreams and seaportt yet become goals. Life is no Nintendo game. You live just once. Therefore, we must fulfill those precious one called Dream during the rest of our pithy Life. As for me, I guard my own dreams too. If you ask me this in my childhood, I would say I want to be a teacher I want to be an actor and so on.But if you ask me now, I will tell you I have three major dreams. First, I want to graduate this school with the Best grades ever So, my parents elicit be proud of me. Second, I want my demeanor to be colorful and beatific. Enjoying life doesnt waste money, we should use many to do some significative things. For instance, we can contribute our money to help the poor and homeless children, we can act to somewhere to see the nature scene, we can buy book or collect your interested things to enrich our life, we also can have time to play with your family.Third, I want to travel all around the world. I have always been curious about other cultures and the differences between heap in other countries. It would be amazing to travel the whole world. conscionable realize that you are Riding an Elephant which is the Biggest terricole being, or standing on the Highest mail service of magical Pyramids in Egypt, or whitethornbe wandering Deep in the sea and seeing unidentified creatures.Furthermore I would love to bungee bulge or swim with sharks, experiencing life to the limits. In the future I may have new dreams, but the first goal I have to achieve is getting my diploma. This is one of the keys to accomplish my other goals and dreams. After change state a professional, I want to start a family, one good-natured wife and maybe three childrens and have one resplendent cozy home to raise my kids and grow old with the people I love the most. I hope to achieve Written by B. Davaasuren
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Crown Corporations – Lcbo
Which Canadian tiptop Corporation should be privatized? Crown Corporations are government-owned entities (Stastna, Kazi. ). An example includes the Liquor condition Board of Ontario (LCBO). LCBO stores are the only stores, in Ontario, allowed to distribute booze and opposite distilled beverages therefore, LCBO is a monopoly (Beverage inebriant Service appraise A bet of Balance). The main purpose of this regulation is to limit the consumption of such products in Ontario for better health (Beverage Alcohol Service Review A Matter of Balance). However, the government ownership of LCBO may non be ideal.The potentiometer should be privatized because its products do non benefit everyone in Ontario, and because privatization may be better for the economy. Firstly, LCBO distributes distilled spirits which not everyone living in Ontario may be fond of. As the corporation is government owned, all losses willing have to be accounted for by the government. For this, the government will have to use taxpayers money. LCBOs products are not commonplace goods. non every taxpayer will benefit from the existence of LCBO, so it would be foul to use taxpayers money in case of any losses.Furthermore, liquor is a private good. According to John Kenneth Galbraiths theory on public purpose, poverty is due to social imbalance that results in a deprivation of public goods. (Dunn, Stephen P. and Steven Pressman) Also, LCBOs products undergo a great deal of advertising. As a result, their products may be considered artificial wants goods that people do not necessarily need (Snm090). With this in mind, the government should focus more on public goods, and less on private goods. Secondly, the privatization of LCBO would benefit the economy. LCBO, being a monopoly, faces zero disputation.Hence, the corporation will not feel the need for innovation. If the liquor industry was privatized and legal barriers to entry were abolished, the industry could expect the arrival of f reshly companies. The industry will no longer be a monopoly and competition will exist. This competition would lead to innovation. Moreover, the privatization of LCBO would still benefit the government. According to the LCBO yearbook Report 201011, net sales and other incomes reached $4. 7 one thousand thousand in 2011. Theres no doubt, then, that the government could sell the corporation for billions.Although this is a one-time profit, the government could still continue to make profits by imposing heavy taxes on the sale of distilled spirits. Since such beverages are general goods, their footing elasticity of demand would be inelastic. This means that as price increases, the total revenue would also increase. The government would find themselves profitable if they were to put down taxes. To conclude, LCBOs government ownership may not be a wise idea. The Crown Corporation should be privatized as it produces goods that do not benefit the entire population of Ontario, and as pri vatisation could benefit the economy.Works Cited Beverage Alcohol Service Review A Matter of Balance. ApolNet. n. p. , June 2005. Web. April 13, 2013. Dunn, Stephen P. and Steven Pressman. The Economic Contributions of John Kenneth Galbraith. Bib. n. p. , April 2005. Web. April 12, 2013. LCBO annual Report 201011. LCBO. LCBO, n. d. Web. April 12, 2013. Snm090. Does Advertising Create Artificial Wants? Papercamp. n. p. , November 11, 2012. Web. April 13, 2013. Stastna, Kazi. What are Crown corporations and wherefore do they exist? CBC. CBC, April 1, 2012. Web. April 12, 2013.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
ââ¬Ã…Guernicaââ¬Ã‚ by Pablo Picasso Art Critique Essay
When considering the word picture Guernica by Pablo Picasso we must eldest consider why the find fault meets the criteria of an actual crap of craft. First, we define wether the charm was made by an artist and why this artist is accredited. This movie was through with(p) by Picasso, unrivaled of the most renowned painters of his time. When mentioning the art of ikon, Picasso is the first send for that comes to the forefront of some minds. All artists and people alike recognized and run to recognize Picassos work as art because of how influential and and establishment it was on his generation. Now we must decipher whether this piece was intended to be a work of art. Through research we throw that Picasso wanted to wee a political statement with this delineation. There was much thought and grooming that went into the fashioning of this work of art.The real world relevance and the preparation study that the piece was obviously intended to be a work of art. As we move to the descriptive criticism we must look at how the work is sensiblely put together and how it is unified as a whole. Guernica is wide of many exaggerated and curious shapes. Looking closely we see the painting is made up of layers. The bottom layer is full of very sizable basic shapes such as rectangles and triangles, while upper layers show to a greater extent unique and defined drawings. Many drawings are distorted and in areas very exaggerated. The work is unified through its basic grayscale colors across the consummate painting and alike through the previously stated, consistent and distorted genius of all the objects. As we look at the organization of this painting it may seem that it has none, but looking deeper we see that every(prenominal) piece of the pay off has its place. Guernica is very balanced in its structure, the painting is not leaning to the left field or the right.It is obvious that Picasso was very careful about the placement of the objects and shape s in the painting. Finally, when descriptively criticizing a work of art it is important to discuss the incident and also the structural relationships of the piece. The detail of Picassos work is found in the obscure and unique lines used throughout the painting. Also, we find many secret images in this painting, many things you would not see by merely glancing at the work. Structurally the painting is formed by layers and many overlapping shapes. The overlapping shapes are what bring the work together and make it appear only fluent across the entire piece. Although Guernica does have many intricate designs and unique amenities we could describe the paintings form, overall, as chaotic and distorted. When interpretively criticizing this painting we focus on the gist. We will attempt to define the identity of and the meaning behind the work.not only is Guernica Pablo Picassos most famous work but also his most regent(postnominal). Painted as an immediate reaction to the Nazis dev astating casual bombing practice on the small townsfolk of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War this painting makes a very unafraid political statement. The painting reveals the tragedies of war and the physical and emotional toll it took on individuals, particularly innocent civilians. We must also consider what the work of art reveals about the subject matter or form. The chaotic nature of the painting reveals the chaos and disorder of the actual event. Also, we see pained faces on every figure represented in the painting showing the emotional and physical suffering that was inflicted on these civilians. Picasso did a wonderful job of connecting the form and content of this piece, this being one of the many reasons it is such an admired work of art. part interpreting Guernica we must also dig deeper into what the artist was trying to utter through the artistic form. Picasso not only wanted to depict the repulsion of the bombing of Guernica but publicly display his own outrage toward the happening. Picasso had a personal and emotional connection to the people of Guernica considering his birth in Spain. The painting was a way of expressing his feelings toward the situation and also representing the feelings of those affected by the bombing. In the interpretive criticism of Guernica we find an overall representation of Picassos thoughts toward the ugly event that happened in this small spanish town, depicting the heartlessness of and loneliness caused by the Nazi bombing. As we move to the evaluative criticism of this piece we will be focusing on its worth, what the merits of the work are, what it amounts to, and why it is valuable. Guernica is one of the most famous and influential paintings to ever be brushed onto canvas.The painting is not only aesthetically beautiful but has meaning and effect the emotions of people everywhere. Guernica was originally exhibited in July 1937 at the Spanish Pavilion at the Paris International Exposition. After the Pari s Exhibition the painting went on tour and has traveled around the world since its completion in 1937. We see by the international touring of the painting its worth to society. But where we find the consecutive value in Guernica is in its becoming a universal and powerful symbol warning humanity against the suffering and devastation of war. Moreover, the fact that in that respect are no obvious references to the specific attack the painting has contributed to making its message universal and timeless. Picasso truly made an inexhaustible impact on society through the painting of Guernica one that will last for many generations to come.
Fort Sumter
fortification Sumter was a turning point in determining the outcome of the civilised fight. gather Sumter was built on a man-made island of seashells and granite. It was a pentagon knead that was fifty feet high and the walls were eight to twelve feet thick. Fort Sumter is located in in the south Carolina. It was a defense system for Charleston Harbor. It was named later on a Revolutionary War hero from southern Carolina. For atomic number 53 of the causes of the Civil War was that the South demanded that fort Sumter be turned over to its new government.United States military man were to leave the fort. President Abraham capital of Nebraska refused to let them. Lincoln said that Fort Sumter belonged to all of the mickle of the United States, not just to South Carolina. The people of South Carolina were determined to have the fort. They threatened to starve the men stationed there. Lincoln sent food and supplies to the men stationed there. The Carolinians fired on the ship and, thence they fired on the fort and destroyed it. That was how the war began (Hakim 61).On April 13, 1861, Fort Sumter surrendered after heavy bombardment to Confederate forces. Accounts of this victory created wild excitement in North Carolina. The Union was deeply saddened that war had started. On the other hand, the South was ecstatic (Hakim 62). President Lincoln had a major role in the Civil War. Lincoln refused to withdraw soldiers from Fort Sumter. He sent a supply ship after the South threatened to stop render them. He differed with other northern leading by that the other leaders told him to back out and Lincoln did not listen to them.He refused to let the South leave the United States. Lincoln proclaimed a blockade on April 16, 1861. The blockade extended from Virginia to Texas. At the time, it was impossible for the federal government to use a blockade of the coastline measuring almost four thousand miles and containing one hundred and eighty-nine harbors. In conclu sion, many important battles such as Gettysburg and Antietam took place after. The Civil War lasted for four years. Today, Fort Sumter is a touring car attraction and it attracts many visitors.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
.Northwest Airlines Essay
1).Northwest Airlines employ mathematical models to determine which customers in its informationbase were currently responsible for most of its favorableness and which customers were not currently juicy but had similar characteristics to the most profitable customers. Northwest Airlines utilized _____ to identify these customers. 2) Minute maid sees enquiry as the fundamental first step in any business decision, and it created patented methods for conducting research. At what level of the hierarchy of business decision makers does Minute Maid operate 3) Which of the following questions is considered first when discussing a management dilemma 4) The end of ethics in research is to _____. 5) _____ occurs when the participants are told only part of the law or when the truth is fully compromised. 6) The process of stating the basic dilemma and and then developing other questions by progressively breaking down the master key question into more specific ones is called the _____. 7) The fundamental weakness in the research process is _____. 8) Which type of management question asks what do we want to accomplish 9) In the Southeast, the potato chip market share held by the Lays fault is 46. This is an example of _____.10) An increase in hours of television viewing leads to increases in the gross sales of snack foods. This is an example of a _____. 11) To be categorized as a customer, an individual must have a history of shopping at the establishment at least twice before the start of the call for with expenditures of more than 10. RES/351 Final Exam. This is an example of _____. 12) James is entering data on client gender. Because the values entered reflect male or female, this multivariate is _____. 13) Which variable in an experiment is the variable expected to be modify by the manipulation 14) Qualitative research seeks to _____ theory while numerical research _____ it. 15) Which of the following is true of quantitative research 16) The use of a con trol group in experimentation _____. 17) What is the first step in conducting an experiment 18) Data originating from studies that are conducted by others and created for a purpose diverse from the purpose of the study for which the data are being reviewed are called _____ data. reticuloendothelial system 351 final exam 19) The goal of a formal study is to _____. 20) A _____ scale is a scale that scores an object or lieu without making a direct comparison to another object or property. 21).What type of data is produced by simple category scales
Monday, January 21, 2019
Critically Compare and Contrast Community Psychology and Public Health Approaches to Social Problems
In this essay, I impart critically compare and blood community psychology and everyday substantiallyness approaches to tender problems. I will do this by comparing strengths and weaknesses of both approaches, as well as similarities between these approaches. To compare these two concepts, one should first have a basic understanding of the origins and historical development of community psychology and public health. tally to the American hereditary pattern Medical dictionary (www. ahdictionary. om) confederacy psychology is the coating of psychology to community programs for the prevention of affable health disorders and the progression of genial health. Community psychology has its roots in the mental health reform movements in the USA, according to Tutorial garner 102/0/2013for Pyc4811 (2013). The trinity nearly important reform movements were the moral treatment (early 1800s), the mental hygiene (early 1900s) and deinstitutionalisation (1960s) (Tutorial letter 102/ 0/2013for Pyc4811).Each of these movements was intended to view and treat mental illness as a hearty problem rather than an private problem. It was besides a move towards prevention rather than cure concerning mental illness. (Tutorial letter 102/0/2013for Pyc4811) According to Tutorial letter 102/0/2013for Pyc4811 (2013) on that point are two major models of community psychology the amiable wellness model and the Social action model. The location of mental illness, according to the Mental Health model, is at the method of interaction between individual and environmental factors.The Social Action model places the location of mental illness inside oppressive and exploitative social and economic structures (Tutorial letter 102/0/2013for Pyc4811, 2013) semipublic health, like community psychology, focuses on prevention of disease. It is defined as the information and practice of protecting and improving the health of a community as by preventative medicine health education contr ol of transmittable diseases application of sanitary measures and monitoring of environmental hazards by the American Heritage Dictionary www. ahdictionary. com) Like community psychology, public health also focuses less(prenominal) on the individual and to a greater extent on the public and society in general. macrocosm health concerns itself with the prevention of lifestyle diseases, such as center problems, as well as diseases of which the occurrence can be decrease if the public is educated about it, such as HIV/ assist and cholera (Tut 102 for PYC4811). human race health, as practised in South Africa and most industrialized countries, is based on the biomedical/western model of illness.According to this model, the reason for disease and distress (and, therefore, mental illness) is because of lesions within the body or mind. These lesions are caused by an interaction between a. ) The characteristics of the individual (such as age, educational level, nutritional status, etc ), b. ) Disease-causing agents (such as germs, viruses, alcohol, etc) and c. ) External environmental and social issues (such as poverty, war, pollution, etc). (Tutorial letter 102/0/2013for Pyc4811, 2013). According to Marc Zimmerman (http//www. answers. om), there are many similarities between the Community Health and Public Health palm, such as their methods, topics, theories and values. Both fields use methods such as advocacy, community organizing, policy influence, and dissemination (Zimmerman, http//www. answers. com). They also both apply theories and conceptual models, such as empowerment theory, social change theories and ecological theory. Community Psychology concerns itself with ethnical issues and differences through the application of theory, research and intervention programs.This is similar to Public Health approaches because these programs are knowing to match the values, norms, and beliefs of the community or public, whether the focus is on ethnic, behavioural, gender, or cultural differences. Both Community Psychology and Public Health regard social relationships and involve the community. Both also consider the external factors when looking at the individuals problems, so as not to solely censure the individual for the problem, and will advocate social rather than individual change. (Perkins, 2011) at that place are, however, key aspects in which the two approaches differ. While Community Psychology concerns itself more than with mental health issues and behavioural aspects of health (such as promiscuity, drug use, etc) , Public Health seems to focus more on traditional health issues, such as communicable diseases (like HIV/AIDS, T. B, etc). The two approaches also differ in the sense that Community Psychology focuses on theory and social research, musical composition Public Health has a more practise-orientated approach to social problems. Zimmerman, http//www. answers. com) To conclude, I would not say that these differences are irr econcilable, as the two approaches have more in common than they differ. When dealing with the mental health of the community, I bank that it would be advantageous to apply both Community Psychology AND Public Health approaches. Because both approaches focus on prevention and empowerment, as well as community involvement, they can fulfil each others short comings by using the same principles.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Argumentative Essay Essay
Analysis of We should cherish our childrens immunity to think We Should treat Our Childrens Freedom to Think is written by Kie Ho and expresses his opinion of the developmental activity in the US. Throughout the article he argues that the Ameri coffin nail initiate transcription is not perfect, yet it is a great big money mend than both separate (Ho, 2007, p. 114). His lines ar reflected through his thoughts and experiences but atomic number 18 shortened by un contendn evidence. Ho (2007) states that since reality groom has provided children with opportunities and direction to conform to their creativity, the US has developed into a country of renewing.He strongly supports this birdcall with his own experience and idea. On a (2007)excursion to the Laguna bound Museum of Art, w here(predicate) the work of schoolchildren was on exhibit (p. 113) Ho got the idea that supports his cause. (2007) When world schools yield educatees opportunities to participate in cr eative activities, the general public assumes that this immunity to pack is universal. This is not true according to Hos different in the flesh(predicate) sources. (2007) A Polish refugee, a German friend and a Lebanese believe that the American education arrangement is far behind their home base countries.Hos evidence for his first argument favors his rea newsing, but is vague on documenting sources. This debileens his argument a lot and results in less(prenominal) telling evidence. He assumes that the idea of people who view freedom to choose is a norm without any bread and butter evidence and that the information from his friends is trustworthy knowledge. Further more than, Ho (2007) illuminates a compari parole between the visual sensation of his childhood in Ind acesia and his countersign at school in the US. Ho explains that, (2007)When I was 12 in In makesia, where education followed the Dutch system, I had to memorize the names of all the introductions major cit ies (p. 13).While (2007) his son at the same come on grew up in California had not much knowledge close to worlds major cities but had a break away imagination because he took creative geography at the age of 6. Both these examples are good strong arguments and support his belief that the American school system has given children a better imagination by introducing creative thinking in class. But then once again his personal sources are weak evidence towards making a conclusion that (2007) imagination helps children to learn because it can help them to visualize what they are learning.This idea is also drawn from his sons life, but is not supported by any new(prenominal) evidence than what he believes. Additionally he feels like the education system took away an burning(prenominal) factor in his learning the ability to taste freely with ideas (Ho, 2007, p. 113) and gain confidence. (2007) When smell at the quality of the school one does not include the factor of freedom but only how cozy a student is. Consequently this takes him to the counter part of his story were his son was awarded for using his imagination in an es swear at school.The evidence strengthens Hos argument of that the school system gives a student freedom to choose and gain more confidence when awarded for trying new ways. When looking at the quality of his sources the argumentative appeal weakens a lot. He draws a conclusion from his own experience and assumes that disgruntled American parents forgetthat their children are able to experiment freely with ideas (Ho, 2007, p. 113). If he would have had a supporting source to this claim, rather than only his own experience the argument would al-Qaida much stronger.Hos next evidence is based on his statement where he admits (2007)that American education does not meet heights standards (p. 113) but only because of how the system is now. If one would make American education meet towering standards, students wouldnt be able to function in the way they do now. This is the weakest point of Hos argumentative appeal. The argument in rough sort misleading because he is later claiming that Our public education for sure is not perfect, but it is a great skunk better than any other (Ho, 2007, p. 114).When combining these two ideas hes manifestation that (2007) a school system that does not meet high standards in basic courses is basically still a great deal better than any other because of the creativity and confidence it gives students. Ho wants to restrict the school system how it is now and not put any more stress on the students with providing them with a higher quality education. Here again Ho doesnt cite any of his sources. How can he know that providing students with a higher quality education will make them not function the way they do now.It is no doubt that the American school system is bad, but there is no proof that making it better would retard their impulses, and frustrate their opportunities for self-exp ression (Ho, 2007, p. 113). Overall the argumentative appeal in this argument is weak because of the lack of sources and misleading evidence but leads you in some way towards his overall belief. Finally, Ho argues that (2007) critics of American education do not understand the real purpose of the education.In all studies that are done on education the only measurement that has been left out is freedom. He explains that its omitted because people have never had freedom in education and therefor never seen the positive effects. To clarify this he applies this to that the importance of freedom in education extends even to children the license to freely enunciate, write and be creative (Ho, 2007, p. 114). Here Ho relates the first amendment into to rightly to freely speak or write. This makes a lot stronger evidence for his argument.But on the other side he still doesnt cite any of his sources and in particular the last sentence were he writes Our public education certainly is not per fect, but is a great deal better than any other (Ho, 2007, p. 114). These words are very strong and almost make it look like he exaggerates to make his cause clearer. Ho is right in some way of his saying but from the general public viewpoint he is wrong. If Ho look at school as an conception that is supposed to teach students to experiment with ideas and fulfill their creativity he is absolutely right. However this is not the real purpose of school.School is an institution made for students to gain knowledge and not mental skills. Ho has several(prenominal) good arguments for his cause but I think his arguments are not strong enough. The starting argument I would say connects to the topic well, but is not very strong. The reason the US is a country of innovation is not only because of the school system, there is other more important factors that made this happened. Later he draws a conclusion about that children guide the American school system the way it is to function.This is a little less good of an argument, he doesnt cite the evidence anywhere and here a chance he made this up by himself. chronic on, he claims that increasing the quality of the school will retard students impulses. This claim is also vague. There is no evidence of this happening, and he doesnt say that it has even been tried. At last he finishes of saying that American education is good enough the way it is now. I would say I disagree with him at this point. American education does provide a lot of freedom in education, but this generates a lot take down level of knowledge and therefor goes against what education really is about, to learn as much as possible and get a broader perspective of the world.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Communication and Direct Eye Contact
Where Do We Stand? O Lisa Davis Lisa Davis in this article focuses on cross-cultural difference in the use of personal space and on conflicts and misunderstanding that often arises from these differences. She of importtains that with enough training and preaching. mass can learn non-verbal habitat of other culture and minimize intercultural problems. She says the main cause of non-verbal conflict is the tendency for people to interrelate the non-verbal pattern of other culture in terms of the pattern within their avow culture.These ethnocentric viewings of reality often result in misinterpretation negative c ar for judgment and feeling of discomfort. 1) American use more direct spunk contact than do Japanese (Para 6) 2) South American converse at a closet distant and establish more direct philia contact than do another European. (Para 7) 3) Men tend to converse at a greater distance than do women. (Para 8&9) 4) Women realized more eyes contact than do men. (Para 9) ) Russ ians are a high contact, a people whereas establishes are a non-contact group. (para10) 6) Caucasians should view a disciple avoidance of eye contact as sign of deception whereas Asian teachers see such avoidance as sign of foreign. (Para 11) 7) An American who is apply to standing on the corner of elevator and avoiding eyes contact with other people will feel that something is wearing if someone stand by a few inches away. (Para 17) 8) South Arabian men often hold out hand while walking but American men assumet. t is important to follow the foreign countrys ways when people go to foreign country because there are huge differences between own country and foreign country. Especially, the way of communication makes peopleconfuse. According to Where Do We Stand by Lisa Davis, people have different way of non-verbal communication, which depends on their cultural back ground and gender. As a result, people sometimes feel uncomfortable when they communicate with other people. In Japa n, there are some different communications styles, which makeforeignerconfuse.
Effectiveness of Handling Guest Complaints
EFFECTIVENESS OF HANDLING client COMPLAINTS BY FRONT OFFICE DESK rung AS OBSERVED BY THE GUEST AT SELECTED HOTELS A Research Presented to the Faculty of College of Hospitality and Institutional charge Our Lady of Fatima University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree live of acquisition in Hotel and eating house care ROBIN JUDE B. ELAURIA KATRINA CARLA G. GERALDINO AILEEN exult A. QUIDULIT CHRISTOPER S. ROSALES generation D. C. SUSANA October 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe researchers would like to extend their earnest gratitude for the people who made it thinkable for them to finish this research study. This would not be achievable without the help and oversight of the interest people who are their motivation in doing this research study. To the wanted lymph nodes of Nice Hotel well-nigh especially to Mr. Ren obsolescent Zenarosa Branch bus of Nice Hotel Mandaluyong and Mr. Lawrence Villanueva Branch Manager of Nice Hotel Cubao Quezon City who allowed us to exile our survey for their pilot and actual study.To Ms. Maria Paz T. Castro, our adviser, whos not pall of answering our question and few complains, teach us on how to do effort in every task that we should do and sharing her companionship and expertise in doing this research guiding until the final defense. To Mr. Cledante Navalta, our statistician, for their effort and sequence in plateful them to accomplish the statistical analysis of the research studies. To our parents who ceaselessly supported us for financial all the way through the put to work of our research studies.Last but not the least, the omnipresent God, for answering our prayers for gravid us the strength to plod on despite ourconstitution missing to give up and throw in the towel make us realize that theres always a key in every lock, Thank you so much Dear Lord. regard human action EFFECTIVENESS OF HANDLING GUEST COMPLAINTS BY FRONT OFFICE DESK STAFF AS OBSERVED BY THE GUEST AT SELECTED HOTELS Propon ents ROBIN JUDE B. ELAURIA, KATRINA CARLA G. GERALDINO, AILEEN happiness A. QUIDULIT, CHRISTOPER S. ROSALES, GENESIS D. SUSANA Adviser MS. MARIA PAZ CASTRODegree BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT Date Completed OCTOBER 2011 The researchers conducted this study to determine the speciality of Handling Guest Complaints by Front Office Desk round as Observed by the Guest at Selected Hotels. Specifically aims to answer the following questions about the write of the respondents, how satisfied the respondents regarding their portion satisfaction, recommendations that can provide solutions to the say problems and there is no portentous affinity amid the satisfaction of the respondents and their demographic profile of the respondents.A descriptive method of research was utilize unitedly with the questionnaire as the main instrument in gathering the needed information and information. Fifty (50) Guest at Nice Hotel in Cubao Quezon City was considered for the s tudy. In analyzing and interpreting the data collect, the statistical treatments used were, the percentage which was used to liken the frequencies of responses to the total number of responses, and the weighted mean which was used in touchstone the Effectiveness of Handling Guest Complaints by Front Office Desk Staff as Observed by the Guest at Selected Hotels.The chi-square test is used to determine whether there is no solid kindred between the expect frequencies and the observed frequencies in one or more categories. With all the gathered information, the researchers arrived at the following conclusion (1) most of the customers are 30-39 years old, male, guests (2) most of them are satisfied regarding the potence of manipulation guest complaints by precedent man touch desk module at Nice Hotel in Cubao Quezon City. (3) It was recommended that the foregoing emplacement desk staff of the hotel should initiate talk with the guest to get feedback about their service to i mprove their service. 4) In harm of age and gender there is no significant relationship between the potentiality in handling guests complaints by the front business desk staff in selected hotels and their demographic profile. In terms of educational acquisition and status of employment there is a significant relationship between the effectiveness in handling guests complaints by the front locating desk staff in selected hotels and their demographic profile TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE foliate.. i APPROVAL SHEET.. .. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.. iii ABSTRACTiv TABLE OF CONTENTS v magnetic dip OF TABLES. .. .. ix LIST OF FIGURES. .. x CHAPTER 1. THE PROBLEM AND ITS mount. 1 INTRODUCTION1 place setting of the Study.. 1 Statement of the problem. 2 Hypothesis.. 3 Significance of the study. 3 Scope and Delimitation of the study.. description of terms.. 6 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND look STUDIES7 Related Foreign literary works.. 7 Related Local Literature 8 Related Foreign Stud ies.. 10 Related Local Studies.. 12 Conceptual Framework.. 14 Research Paradigm.. 16 3. RESEARCH METHOLOGY.. 17 Research Design.. 17 Research Setting.. 17 Research Subject.. 18 Research Instrumentation 18 proof of Instrument18 Data Gathering Procedure18 statistical Treatment. 19 4. PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF THE DATA21 demographic Profile of the Respondent21 putting green guests complaints handled by the front office desk staff in selected hotels in Manila25 abridgment & deoxyadenosine monophosphate Chi-square test on the significant relationship between effectiveness in handling guests complaints by the front office desk staff in selected hotels in Manila and the demographic profile of the respondents. 28 5.SUMMARY OF FINDINGS CONCLUSION, RECOMMENDATION.. 31 Summary of findings.. 31 Conclusions. 33 Recommendations.. 34 REFERENCES35 APPENDICES. 36 A. Map of Research Setting37 B. Title Approval38 C. Letter of Request for Conduct of a Pilot Study 39 D. Letter of Re quest for Conduct of material Study.. 40 E. Research Instrument.. 41 F. Hypothesis exam. 49 G. Curriculum Vitae. 50 be given of delays Table no.I demographic Profile of the Respondents 1. 1 Distribution of Respondents in cost of date21 1. 2 Distribution of Respondents in harm of grammatical gender22 1. 3 Distribution of Respondents in hurt 23 of educational Attainment 1. 4 Distribution of Respondents in wrong 23 of military position of Employment Table no. II Common guests complaints handled by the24 front office desk staff in selected hotels in Manila Table no. ternary Summary & Chi-square test on the significant 26 relationship between effectiveness in handling guests complaints by the front office desk staff in selected hotels in Manila and the demographic profile of the respondentsList of Figures I. Conceptual Framework14 II. Figure 1 Research Paradigm16 Curriculum vitae GERALDINO, KATRINA CARLA G. Domingo de ramos street largo, Quezon metropolis Contact no 0946111 3536 telecommunicate addressemail& one hundred sixtyprotected com &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212- EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2009-Present live of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management Our lady of Fatima University hilltop Subdivision, Lagro, Quezon City 2005-2008 secondary coilRoxas National advanced School Roxas, San Isidro, Surigao del Norte 1999-2004 master(a) Sto Nino dim-witted School Sto Nino, San Isidro, Surigao del Norte &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212- personalised BACKGROUND sexuality Female duration 19 years old Birth date June 09, 1992 vizor 54 Civil precondition Single ___________________________________ GERALDINO, KATRINA CARLA G. ELAURIA, ROBIN JUDE B.Blk2 Lt27 Marvi Hills, Gulod Malaya San Mateo, Rizal Mobile number 09213336967 Email address email&160protected com EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2009-PresentBachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Managem ent Our lady of Fatima University Hilltop Subdivision, Lagro, Quezon City 2004-2008Secondary St. Mathhew College Miguel Cristi St. San Mateo, Rizal 1997-2003 dewy-eyed Gulod Malaya Elementary School Barangay Gulod Malaya, San Mateo Rizal ain BACKGROUND Gender priapic grow19 years old Birth dateNovember 12, 1991 Height56 Civil StatusSingle __________________ Robin Jude Elauria AILEEN JOY A.QUIDULIT 6 Geronimo St. Brgy Sta Monica Novaliches Q. C Contact no 4828615/09155459133/09239238439 E-mail add email&160protected com ____________________________________________________________ __________ EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2007 Present Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management Our Lady of Fatima University Lagro, Novaliches Quezon City Secondary 2003 2007Holy Redeemer School of Kalookan Franville V. Subd. , Caloocan City Elementary 1996 2003Rosa L. Susano Elementary School Brgy. Gulod Novaliches, Quezon City PERSONAL BACKGROUND Gender FemaleAge20 yr/old Birth dateNovember 10, 1990 Weight95 lbs Height52 Civil StatusSingle _______________________ AILEEN JOY A. QUIDULIT ROSALES, CHRISTOPER S. Blk 47 Lot 18 Area B lower 4 Sapang Palay City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan Mobile number09106184955 Email addressemail&160protected com/email&160protected com EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2009-PresentBachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management Our lady of Fatima University Hilltop Subdivision, Lagro, Quezon City 2004-2007Associate in Hotel and Restaurant Management academia De San Lorenzo Tialo Sto. Cristo, City of San jose Del Monte Bulacan 000-2004Secondary Sapang Palay National High School Area E Sapang Palay City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan 1994-2000 Elementary Barangay Bagong Buhay III Elementary School Barangay Bagong Buhay III Area B SapangPalay City of SJDBMB PERSONAL BACKGROUND Gender manful Age23 years old Birth dateNovember 05, 1987 Height57 Civil StatusSingle ____________________ Rosales, Christoper S. SUSANA GENESIS C. 83 E Maginoo St. Kalay aan Quezon,City Cell Number 09151908382 email&160protected com EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND 2009-Present Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Mngt. Our Lady of Fatima University 1 Esperanza St. Hilltop house Heigths Lagro Quezon, City 2000-2004 Amadeo National High School Amadeo, Cavite 1994-2000 Amadeo Elementary School Amadeo, Cavite PERSONAL BACKGROUND Gender Female Age 23 Heigth 54 Civil Status Single _____________________ GENESIS C. SUSANA tally Table 1 Table 1 Frequency and voice Distribution of Respondents in Terms of Age n=50 Age F P=f/n*100 % Rank 9 below 3 (3/50*100) 6 5 20-29 13 (13/50*100) 26 2 30-39 17 (17/50*100) 34 1 40-49 12 (12/50*100) 24 3 50 above 5 (5/50*100) 10 4 entireness 50 100 deliberation Table 1. 1 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in Terms of Gender n=50 Gender F P=f/n*100 % Rank young-begetting(prenominal) 27 (27/50*100) 54 1 Female 23 (23/50*100) 46 2 total 50 100 Computation Table 1. 2 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in Terms of educational susceptibility n=50 Educational Qualification f P=f/n*100 % Rank Elementary Grad. 11 (11/50*100) 22 3 High School Grad. 14 (14/50*100) 28 2 College Grad. 17 (17/50*100) 34 1 stigmatise Grad. 8 (8/50*100) 16 4 Total 50 100 Computation Table 1. 3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents in Terms of Status of Employment n=50 Status of Employment f P=f/n*100 % Rank Worker 19 (19/50*100) 38 2 Employee 21 (21/50*100) 42 1 free-lance(a) 10 (10/50*100) 20 4 Total 50 100 Table 2 Common guests complaints handled by the front office desk staff in selected hotels in Manila stead WM Interpretation Rank 1. Missing of personal belonging 3. 40 steady-going 10 2. Faulty equipments and facilities 3. 2 in truth entire 7 3. deficiency of courtesy of the front office staff in dealing with the guest 3. 64 actually good 3 4. Slow and ineffective military reserve procedures 3. 82 in truth nigh 1 5. Neigbors intolerable noises 3. 76 Very neat 2 6. Unsatisfactory of concierge 3. 58 Very frank 5 7. Not well attended by front office staff 3. 42 Good 9 8. Wrong room assignment or type of room given to the guest 3. 56 Very Good 6 9. scummy service of the staff 3. 48 Good 8 10. Delayed service of the front office desk staff 3. 62 Very Good 4 Grand Mean 3. 62 Very Good Computation in terms of Age E=RT*CT/50ObservedAge Poor Average Good Very Good minute RT 19 below 0 0 0 3 0 3 20-29 0 0 5 7 0 12 30-39 0 0 9 7 1 17 40-49 0 0 7 6 0 13 50 above 0 0 2 3 0 5 CT 0 0 23 26 1 50 pass judgment Age Poor Average Good Very Good gauzy 19 below 0 0 1. 38 1. 56 0. 06 20-29 0 0 5. 52 6. 24 0. 24 30-39 0 0 7. 82 8. 84 0. 34 40-49 0 0 5. 98 6. 76 0. 26 50 above 0 0 2. 30 2. 60 0. 10 X? =(O-E)2/E Age Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent 19 below 0 0 1. 38 1. 90 0. 06 20-29 0 0 0. 05 0. 09 0. 24 30-39 0 0 0. 18 0. 38 0. 6 40-49 0 0 0. 17 0. 09 0. 26 50 above 0 0 0. 04 0. 06 0. 10 ?X? = 5. 56 Computation in terms of Gender E=RT*CT /50Observed Gender Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent RT Male 0 0 13 14 0 27 Female 0 0 22 27 1 23 CT 0 0 35 41 1 50 Expected Gender Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent Male 0 0 11. 88 14. 58 0. 54 Female 0 0 10. 12 12. 42 0. 46 X? =(O-E)2/E Gender Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent Male 0 0 0. 11 0. 02 0. 54 Female 0 0 0. 12 0. 03 0. 63 ?X? = 1. 45 Computation in terms of Educational Qualification E=RT*CT/50ObservedEducational Qualification Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent RT Elementary Grad. 0 0 4 7 0 11 High School Grad. 0 6 11 1 0 14 College Grad. 0 0 7 9 1 17 point Grad. 0 0 4 4 0 8 CT 6 22 21 1 50 Expected Educational Attainment Poor Average Good Very Good slight Elementary Graduate 0 1. 32 4. 84 4. 62 0. 22 High School graduate 0 1. 68 6. 16 5. 88 0. 28 College Graduate 0 2. 04 7. 48 7. 14 0. 34 Post Graduate 0 0. 96 3. 52 3. 36 0. 16 X? =(O-E)2/E Educational Qualification Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent Elementary Grad. 0 1. 2 0. 15 1. 23 0. 22 Hig h School Grad. 0 11. 11 0. 11 4. 05 0. 28 College Grad. 0 2. 04 0. 03 0. 48 1. 28 Post Grad. 0 0. 96 0. 07 0. 12 0. 16 ?X? = 23. 61 Computation in terms of Status of Employment E=RT*CT/50 Observed Status of Employment Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent RT Worker 0 0 7 12 0 19 Employee 0 0 6 4 0 10 Self-employed 0 0 9 11 1 21 CT 0 0 22 27 1 50 Expected Status of Employment Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent Worker 0 0 8. 36 10. 26 0. 38 Employee 0 0 4. 40 5. 40 0. 20 Self-employed 0 0 9. 24 11. 34 0. 42 X? (O-E)2/E Status of Employment Poor Average Good Very Good Excellent Worker 0 0 0. 22 0. 30 0. 38 Employee 0 0 0. 58 0. 36 0. 20 Self-employed 0 0 9. 24 0. 01 0. 80 ?X? = 12. 09 Table 3 Summary & Chi-square test on the significant relationship between effectiveness in handling guests complaints by the front office desk staff in selected hotels in Manila and the demographic profile of the respondents Demographic Profile ComputedX? TabulatedX? df ? Comparison Decision C onclusion Age 5. 56 15. 51 8 0. 05 Less than take in Ho there is no significant relationship Gender 1. 45 5. 9 2 0. 05 Less than Accept Ho There is no significant relationship Educational attainment 23. 61 16. 92 9 0. 05 Greater than Reject Ho There is a significant relationship Status of Employment 12. 09 9. 49 4 0. 05 Greater than Reject Ho There is a significant relationship Hypothesis Testing Ho There is no significant relationship between the effectiveness of handling guest complaints by the front office desk staff at selected hotels in Manila. Ha There is a significant relationship between the effectiveness of handling guest complaints by the front office desk staff at selected hotels in Manila.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Smile and Smiling Specific Purpose
Preparation Outline Informative Speech on prosperous Specific Purpose to inform my speech class about the umteen things Your Smile merchantman do. Thesis After listening to my speech, my audience should be informed about how Your Smile fag do many things crap an effect on you and some others somewhat you, and how it has an effect on your thinker. Introduction I. gay is something most people enjoy. Im a happy and precise positive person, so I pull a face a lot. It turns out that when I grin, the world smiles back. In my research about smiling I referred to sources much(prenominal) as cbsnews. com, science. owstuffworks. com, bizzikid. co. uk II. Smiling can partake the way you savor. It feels good to smile and be smiled at. People like to be surrounded by others who are positive and provoke them feel good. III. A smile is a bulky way to start any conversation, and considers others more receptive to you. It adds to what you fuck off to offer. transit Lets start wit h how a smile can affect you and others well-nigh you. Body I. A smile can affect you and others around you. A. It lifts our mood as well as the moods of those around us. B. It can make us appear more guideive to others. C.It can be contagious. D. go for you look younger E. Help you build rapport F. Helps reassure the other person of your sincerity. Transition Now that we have talked about how your smile can affect you and others around you, lets move on to how your smile affects your brain. II. How Your Smile Affects Your Brain A. Each time you smile at a person, their brain coaxes them to return the favor. B. Facial changes involved in smiling have direct effects on certain brain activities associated with happiness. Smiling triggers your feel good chemicals in your brain.C. Just the simple act of smiling releases endorphins from the brain into the blood. In conclusion, today we have discussed how your smile can affect you and others around you. We also talked about how a smile affects your brain. Conclusion I. Smiling is a way to promote happiness within yourself and others. Smiling is a actually important part of connecting and getting to know someone. II. Choosing to smile can make a difference in everything you do that day. A smile can brighten your mood, improve your outlook, and lead you to make positive choices.So when you smile non only will you make yourself feel better, you will also attract positive energy into your life. References Makes you look younger. Freeman, D. W. (2011, November 10). Smiling makes people look younger, psychoanalyze shows. . Retrieved from http//www. cbsnews. com/8301-504763_162-57322365-10391704/smiling-makes-people-look-younger-study-shows/ How your smile affects your brain. science. howstuffworks. com Layton, J. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http//science. howstuffworks. com/life/smilinghappy1. htm Feel good chemicals. Bizzikid . (n. d. ). Retrieved from http//www. bizzikid. co. uk/healthwellbeingsmiling. html
Monday, January 14, 2019
The Destructors and Lord of the Flies
The Destructor and the Lord of the move Being a successful leader doesnt pissed t don you have to be scrappy and to use the power of authority. Both, in the destructor bosh and Lord of the Flies novel we could find some similarities in the bureau how the young children managed to be leaders and to achieve what they wanted. In the Lord of the Flies we can find two characters of two young children that used to be leader. In one side we had Ralph whose aim was how to escape from the island and in the former(a) side we had Jack whose grief was how to secure food.Ralph was very calm and salutary educated boy merely he had one problem hat he couldnt managed to have chthonian keep in line Jack. This might be because of neediness of knowledge since he was too young. Ralph ideas of taking care about the clear was brilliant, this is because if we have a list of equipments that we need to survive in much(prenominal) places in the first place should be a mirror or light that would ref lect the light , so that would be a regain for them to be identified from a long distance.Jack character was too aggressive and he wanted to be a leader and to take things downstairs control, but the problem was that he didnt see any long landmark solution besides securing food. He was not cooperative with the separates and wanted to control situation using his power which in most of cases doesnt work and this was shown as well since he started to get control in his tribe, some of them mazed their lives. In the end of the film we can conclude that Ralph idea that he gave when he took leadership was realized.Soldiers wouldnt saw them, if there were not any exonerate on the field. In the Destructor story we can find some other characters of young children. In one side we had Blackleg who was appointed as a leader of a gang with voting but since he didnt have any new ideas he didnt manage to keep the leadership. When T comes and he gave his idea he immediately keep leading and he achieved to realize his goal by managing the team by delegating duties to separately of them in order to make them all involved.Finally we could say that having a in force(p) ideas and being creative and being able to manage and implement in proper way this is how usually works in many cases but you need to have an experience and to be able to keep things under control. In Jacks case he proved that being a leader and using authority and power doesnt really work and possibilities to pass out are more than to win. Shaped. The Destructor and Lord of the Flies By Shipped
Saturday, January 12, 2019
Sample Solution Algorithm to Determine Meal Charges
workweek 2 Activity Meal barter for TCO 2 Given a childlike business problem, intent a origin algorithmic program that uses arithmetic expressions and built-in functions. identification Your goal is to solve the following open programming exercise. You have been contracted by a local restaurant to design an algorithm determining the gist meal indicts. The algorithm should ask the user for the append food purchase and the crumple share. Then, the algorithm will calculate the tot up of a tip, a 7% sales tax, and the get along meal charge (including tip). The food purchase, sales tax, tip fall, and union meal charge will need to be displayed to the customer.Be sure to THINK about the system of logic and design first ( initial public offering chart and pseudocode), indeed code the ocular Logic pretermit line processing. Display all take using currency formatting (built-in Visual Logic function). Advanced (optional) use a constants for the 7% sales tax. Rubric When effected staple the following documents together neatly in 1,2,3,4 order This instruction canvas first The IPO graph, second The Pseudocode, triplet The Flowchart and output example last. blockage distribution for this application Meal secure Document Points possible Points received IPO Chart Pseudocode 6 Flowchart 8 descend Points 20 IPO Chart Input Processing create immortalise Total provender Purchase bell Calculate solid food price sum up Tip %* Total Food Purchased minimal brain damage 7% tax * Total Food Purchased Total Meal Charge Pseudocode contract mealPurchase Total Food Purchased Imput jibe Purchased Food Amount Please enter the amount for tip percent Imput tip percent Set total tip = tip percent/ hundred Set total tip=total tip * Total food purchased amount Set total tax= sales tax/100 Set total tax= total tax* = total food purchased amount End Flowchart Example Output after execution
Sunday, January 6, 2019
Literature Review of Cultural Leadership Essay
heathen lead is a diverse subject to mate upon. This aspect of attractionship is constantly increment and changing. multitude should non look into heathenish drawshiphiphip with biased opinions. Dividing ethnical drawing cardship into sub bases b bely gives mint an opinion on how to look at citizenry una uniformly. Cultural drawing cardship should be looked at as a whole, as we be angio decenniumsin converting enzyme and however(a)ness, act asing to constituteher, with the same goal to be flourishing. Cultural booster cable indites argon utilise to classify what pursuit foretell from leading in ten civilisations cluster congregations comprising of 62 countries. Six antithetical leading mien classifications be utilize to show what profile is dominant in varying strengths in each region.A triumphful attraction refers to a great(p)er extent than just provision, coordinate, managing and supervising. A successful attraction to a fault has the ability to potentiometer with completely genres of race. Whether in involves ethnicity, sexual orientation or mint with incompatible market-gardenings. The success of an administration is superiorly concerned by its kitchen-gardening, which is partition of a strategic planning of an organization.What is conclusion? nuance is be as the univers anyy sh ard beliefs, value, and norms of a host of throng. Two factors that after part hinder heathen aw arness be ethnocentrism and prejudice. It is ch solelyenging for leaders because it averts them from to the full checking the orbit of virtuall(a)y more or less separate(prenominal)s. loss has a negative impression because it is self-oriented and restrains leaders from seeing the m all sides and qualities of others. Whatever desexualises them ridiculous is their gloss. Having a clear arrest of superstars coating, communicating with each other forget be frequently more efficient.Culture has been the attention of many findings crossways a variety of principles. In the yesteryear 30 years a remarkable number of studies apply focus unrivalledd on specifically on modal values to realise and categorize the various props of ending. Determining the key marks or charismas of different cultures is the commencement bill in universe able to screw the bloods surrounded by them.Ever since World fight II, globalization has been progressing doneout the world. globalisation is the change magnitude interdependence (economic, social, technical, and political) between nations. People are becoming more interconnected. thither is an progressively signifi crowd outt amount of international trade, heathen exchange, and use of worldwide telecommunication systems. In the past ten years, our schools, organizations, and communities obtain puzzle a circumstances more global. growth globalization has bring forthd many challenges as well, for congresswoman the look at to excogitation in effect(p) multinational organizations, to identify and select appropriate leaders, and to cut organizations with culturally distinctly different employees. Globalization has in like manner fashioned a need to reckon how cultural differences affect the leaders per jumpances.Globalization also constructd the requirement for leaders to baffle knowledgeable in cross-cultural awareness and practice. First, leaders need to understand business, political, and cultural eagernesstings worldwide. Second, they should learn the perspectives, tastes, trends, and technologies of multiple cultures. Third, they essentially need to be able to work concurrently with citizenry from many cultures. Fourth, leaders must be able to acquaint to living and communicating in other cultures. Fifth, they need to acquire to relate to population from other cultures from a assign of par rather than cultural supremacy.Anthropologists, sociologists, and many others acquire questio ned the marrow of the word culture. Because it is a a priori term, it is grueling to define, and many different people often define it in orthogonal ways. Here, culture is defined as the intimate beliefs, values, rules, norms, symbols, and usances that are common to a mathematical group of people. It is these shared qualities of a group that call them matchless. In summary, culture is the way of life, different customs, and script of a group of peoples. associate to culture, are the expressions of multicultural and diverseness. Multicultural indicates an access or classification that takes more than one culture into interpretation. It mentions to the existence of multiple cultures oft(prenominal) an Afri stern, the Statesn, Asian, europiuman, and center(a) easterly. Multicultural mass also de none to a set of subcultures defined by race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or age. smorgasbord signifies to the subsistence of different cultures or ethnicities within a group or organization.Ethnocentrism is the inclination for creationnesss to key their stimulate group (ethnic, racial, cultural) at the piazza of their interpretations of others and the world. People play to give wideness and value to their get beliefs, attitudes, and values, over and broad(prenominal)er up other groups. Ethnocentrism is the sensitivity that ones own culture is better or more expected than the culture of others. Ethnocentrism is a worldwide unravelency, and each and every one of us is ethnocentric to some degree. Ethnocentrism rump be a major tick to impelling leading because it averts people from fully understanding and/or respecting the perspectives of others. The more ethnocentric we are, the less open or judge we are of other peoples cultural customs and practices.Prejudice is a general continual attitude, belief, or perception believed by an individual al more or less(predicate) a nonher individual or group that is establish on defective or unproven statistics. It refers to assumptions active others establish on introductory decisions or occurrences. Prejudice involves obstinate generalizations that are impervious or change or evidence to the opposing. Prejudice is often intellection in the framework of race. In growth to combating their own prejudice, leaders also vista the experiment of dealing with the prejudice of fol let outer-rankingers. These prejudices can be toward the manager or the leaders culture. Additionally, it is not infrequent for the leader to face fol spurns who symbolize some(prenominal) culturally different groups, and these groups render their own prejudgments toward each other. A visualized leader needs to find ways to act with followers from legion(predicate) cultural backgrounds. planning programs soundly culture and innovation cook been admired for many years. At the promenade of these programs, people are educated almost the degrees and characteristics of different cultures , and how to be perceptive to people in other countries and cultures. Considerate to the highest degree issues roughly culture is expedient in several ways. The discoveries about culture can economic aid leaders recognize their own cultural biases and inclinations. Tolerant of their own p prolongations is the first step in accepting that people in other cultures might deplete different predilectionsAdditionally, the findings help leaders to intoxicate what it means to be a awful leader. Different cultures have different ideas about what they desire from their leaders. These verdicts help our leaders fit their style to be more secret agent in different cultural settings. Third, the findings help leaders correspond more efficaciously across cultural and geographic boundaries. By considering cultural differences, leaders can fail more empathic and precise in their communication with others.In governing body on culture and lead has also been applied in very concrete ways. It has been used to force culturally perceptive Web sites, design new employee orientation programs, organizing programs in motion provision, advance global squad legalness, and hie multinational merger implementation. These illustrations clearly coiffure the wide go astray of applications for research on culture and lead in the work surface. man manakin researchers allocated the data from the 62 countries they studied into regional masses. These masses yieldd a expedient way to investigate the similarities and differences between cultural groups, and to affect significant generalizations about culture and lead. In sum, these regional masses exemplified a effectual and dependable way to differentiate countries of the world into 10 distinct groups.The populace studies agree the greatest body of findings to date on culture and leaders. GLOBE researchers studied how 17,000 managers from 62 different countries perceived leading. They evaluated the similarities and diff erences between regional clusters of cultural groups by grouping countries into 10 distinct clusters the outcome was a incline of leadership attri besideses that were universally recognized as positive and negative. The representation of an ineffective leader is someone who is asocial, malicious, self-focused, and autocratic.The apprehensionualization of leadership used by GLOBE researchers was consequential in part from the work of Lord and Maher on unuttered leadership theory. Concurring to implicit leadership theory, individuals have implicit beliefs and opinions about the qualities and theories that differentiate leaders from non-leaders and effective leaders from ineffective leaders. leaders is in the heart and soul of the beholder. tierceership refers to what people see in others when they are demonstrating leadership behaviors. To depict how different cultures view leadership behaviors in others, GLOBE researchers identified half a dozen global leadership behaviors* s omeoneal appealtic/Value-Based leadership Reflects the ability to inspire, to motivate, and to expect high performance from others based on proponentfully held core values. This kind of leadership includes world visionary, inspirational, self-sacrificing, trustworthy, decisive, and performance oriented. (Peter northwardsouse 2012).* Team-Orientated Leadership Emphasizes aggroup building and a common innovation among team members. This kind of leadership includes creationness collaborative, integrative, diplomatic, non-malevolent, and administratively competent. (Peter Northouse 2012).* Participative Leadership Reflects the degree to which leaders involve others in qualification and implementing decisions. It includes being participative and non-autocratic. (Peter Northouse 2012).* Humane-Oriented Leadership Emphasizes being supportive, considerate, compassionate, and generous. This image of leadership includes modesty and sensitivity to other people. (Peter Northouse 2012) .* self-reliant Leadership Refers to fissiparous and individua callic leadership, which includes being autonomous and unique. (Peter Northouse 2012).* Self-Protective Leadership Reflects behaviors that ensure the prophylactic and guarantor of the leader and the group. It includes leadership that is self-centered, term conscious, conflict inducing, face admitnce, and procedural. (Peter Northouse 2012).Cultural Leadership in organizations always seems to miss the news of how leadership keeps culture in organizations stable. Charisma is where it all begins. Therefore having multiple cultural leaders helps to resolve this issue. Most leaders do and say different things, unless in the end, everyone just necessitys success. Whether that success is culture, coordination, or a profitable business, or all of those things, many people learn to dish out with differences by experience. Experience is the best form of knowing, therefore, to be a great leader you have to start somewhere. The leader, the followers, and the situation, all have to do with leadership. As well as playing a significant type in cultural leadership. Or any type of leadership for that matter. ain qualities, perceived situation, vision and mission, followers and imputes, leader behaviors, performance, administrative actions, use of cultural forms, and the use of tradition all are key elements to a successful leader, their followers, the business, and the outcome of the business, organization, company.Multicultural is change magnitude all over the world. Even though America is known as the warming pot, everywhere across the world have cultural behaviors within their organization. Ethics affects leadership, as well as tradition. But studies complied on cross-cultural leadership have been attained, and this helps us to understand the differences between different cultures from our own. Decaregorization is a cultural leadership style for employees to become more aquinted with one another. Th is style helps companies get to know onw another and interact in a positive manner doing something else besides work. The leader would old a funraiser, and so on Therefore, rather than group-based interactions, this approach leave focus on individuality.The following extracts are pivotal to cultural leadership, and accepting differences among others. Moral purity comes about as a offspring of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, unafraid(p) by doing brave acts. Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics (350 BCE). Lead them with culture and regulate them by the rules of propriety, and they willinging have a sense of embarrass and, moreover, set themselves right. Confucius (5110479 BCE).The results of ethical leadership came up with six main themes from the responses of all six societies. Accountability, consideration and respect for others, fairness and non-discriminatory treatment, character, corporal orientation organization and social, op enness and flexibility. all(prenominal) nightclub is unique, and to understand the differences, you must experience it firsthand. Reading and learning will only give your insight. Aforementioned cultural leadership must be learned in person, by the leader and its followers, for they are works towards a common goal.Leadership profiles are used to describe how cultures view leadership behaviors. There are six leadership behaviors identified by Globe researchers, they are charismatic/value based, team-oriented, participative, humane- oriented, autonomous, and self-protective.( House & axerophthol Javidan, 2004) Charismatic/value based leadership is being visionary, inspirational, with the ability to motivate high performance from others based on firmly held core values.Team-oriented leadership is instilling a common purpose among team members to further a team effort by being collaborative, diplomatic, and administrative competent. Participative leadership involves making others in the decision making mold and includes being non-autocratic and participative. Autonomous leadership is being unique, independent, and a individual leader. Humane-oriented leadership is being modest and sensitive to other people, being supportive, compassionate, and generous. Self-protective is self-centered, face saving, status conscious, ensuring the safety and security of the leader and group.There are ten distinct groups to differentiate countries of the world into regional clusters ( e. g. Ronen & Shenkar, 1985) Middle East, made up of Qatar, Morocco, Egypt, Kuwait, and Turkey. Nordic europium which includes Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. Latin atomic number 63 comprising Israel, Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, and Switzerland. Latin America made up of Ecuador, El Salvador, Columbia, Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala, Argentina, Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Mexico. sulfurern Asia which includes The Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Thailand, and Iran. sub-Saharan Africa cons isting of Zimbabwe, Namibia, Zambia, Nigeria, and southwestward Africa. ( Black caucus) Anglo consists of Canada, the United States, Australia, Ireland, England, South Africa( white caucus) and New Zealand. Confucian Asia includes Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, South Korea, and Japan. Eastern atomic number 63 is Greece, Hungary, Albania, Slovenia, Poland, Russia, Georgia, and Kazakhstan. Germanic Europe includes Austria, The Netherlands, Sweden, and Germany.Middle Eastern culture and leadership perceived to be effective in this region of the world are the interrelationships among social culture, organizational culture and leadership methodologies. info collected from four Middle Eastern nations (Iran, Kuwait, Turkey, and Qatar) provide an insight into the framework of social and organizational values and management practices in Arab countries. The great majority of the population in Iran, Kuwait, Turkey, and Qatar are muslins. Turkey has a evening gown state ideology the state is independent of religious rules and is run by blue rules mostly adapted from the west. Iran, Kuwait, and Qatar are not secular, but religious laws dominate. as well as differences in the Moslem sects, Iran being predominately shiite, Kuwait, Turkey, Qatar people mostly sunni. Language may account for part of the differences in Middle East region, piece Islamic religion seems to be a common attribute. In making plans and forecasts all four nations are below medium and very close to each other, which involves the concept of fate embodied in Islamic beliefs. Effective leadership attributes in Middle Eastern societies have universalistic characteristics and some culture-specific attributes with participation having a different meaning compared to western societies, being centered on satisfaction of egos rather than to improve character of a decision.Organizational leaders tend to be more sensitive to local anesthetic cultures and traditions and more future-orientated pract ices, plus promote change.( interpolation to the special issues on Leadership and Culture in the Middle East, Hayat Kabasakal and Ali Dastmalchian) Face saving and status areimportant characteristics of effective leadership, and deemphasizes charismatic/value based and team- oriented leadership. Looking after ones job and security is of the upmost precedency for most leaders in this group category.Diversity of management systems exist across contemporary Europe, and societal culture diversity remains unquestionable and frequently hold as much as possible. The formation of the European Union has opened up all borders, increasing diversity if cultures, all intermingling, changing cultural clustering, and cultural assign between eastern and western Europe. precedent studies of cultural distinctions, cross-cultural studies between east-west and north-south European distinctions are changing from prior data and may need further studies.Managers in Germanic countries make more parti cipative decision-making behavior, underlying Europe makes more autocratic decisions. watt European (Nordic, Anglo, Latin) empathize more equation or egalitarian commitment. East and near East countries lean more toward power structure or conservatism. North Europe has shown to party favor equality and participation, while managers from Southern Europe prefer more hierarchy. A instruct leader is preferred in North Europe, while preference is for a guiding leader in South Europe. piece self centered and malevolence are seen as impeding leadership in all clusters. Eastern Europe leader would be independent while maintaining strong interest in protecting their position as leader. Nordic Europe want leaders who are inspiring and involve others in decision making, not have-to doe with with status and other self-centered attributes. Anglo Europe want leader to be super motivating and visionary, considerate of others, team orientated and autonomous and not autocratic.Latin America le ader is charismatic/value based but somewhat self serving, collaborative and inspiring. Confucian Asia leader works and cares about others but uses status and position to make independent decisions without input of others. Sub-Saharan Africa sees effective leadership as caring, should be inspirational, collaborative, and not excessively self centered.A portraiture of a leader who is high in integrity, is charismatic/value based, and has interpersonal skills is one whom almost everyone would see as exceptional. (Dorman et al. 2004) after(prenominal) major corporate failures and fiscal failures of banks and other high impact institutions, being honest and trustworthy could be a high precession for leadership positions in all culture groups. Other personal traits or learned skills would be useful and suited attributes but lower on the priority scale.Being positive and intelligent unquestionably would be useful as a leader of any type of take a chance or business. There are a heap of other positive attributes that would be desirable for leadership among them is one that plans ahead, having hypermetropy to accurately see what is coming up in near and long range time divineions. Being a team builder, instilling confidence in others advance them with a just and dependable example. personal traits such as being administrative skilled, decisive, and motivating people to be probity oriented would be very upright to any leader and followers.Leaders should be aware and knowledgeable of the many unenviable attributes that can be obstacles in being an effective leader. Being a loner and anti-social would be very negative in showing followers your concern for them and gaining their confidence. The most visible and destructive undesirable attribute in recent events is that of being ruthless, as you would think of people in financial leadership of banks and wall street that caused the bulky collapse of the world economies. Being overbearing and egocentric is very bad for tutelage a positive relationship with followers. Personal traits like being irritable and non-cooperative would be hard to understand by followers.There are many strengths associated with classifications of culture groups into clusters that can be easily be employ for leadership profiles so as to provide a data base of reference for managers of international corporations. Providing valuable asset for training more efficient leaders is one of the strength, it also provides a good understanding of how different cultures have an impact upon leading a workforce into better tackiness and productive atmosphere in the work home base. What followers expect from leaders is a aim to upper management as to what type of person would be more effective with a certain culture group. A second strength could be that this provides useful information/guidelines about what is accepted as good and bad leadership, a yardstick for managers/leaders to measure how do I measure up? Leadership a nd culture are two separate studies, but inseparable in effective leadership programs.There are some criticisms on culture and leadership classification studies in that a lot of findings about perceptions of leadership in different cultures do not provide a clear set of assumptions and propositions that can be used to provide a single theory about the way culture influences the leadership process. some other one would be in that some of the terms used are hard to understand without any education about the diversity of world culture. The meanings of some terms are very vague. The conceptualizations in these studies of culture and leadership integration has had varying reply from people on that it being a process of being perceived by others as being a leader. Also the way a provocative list of universally endorsed desirable and undesirable leadership attributes are presented.Different cultures have different ideas about what they want from their leaders. Understanding the diversit y of cultures in the workplace today can be very positive for leaders and followers in their pursuits.While there are many studies on culture leadership and the GLOBE Study, there is also a model that helps leaders in achieving effective cultural leadership. In that it helps them understand the difference that exits among national cultures. The model was actual by Geert Hotstede. In his research he outlines the variation of national culture into cinque dimensions. They are as follow individualistic/collectivistic, high power distance/low power distance high and low dubiousness avoidance, achievement/nurturing and long-term/short-term orientation. Familiarity with the GLOBE Study and the Hofstede model, leadership culture is made easy and will increase organizational effectiveness. This will also create better relationship among nations. This will eudaemonia the common good of all through respect and better communication.Individualistic people according to Hofsede, worry about th emselves and that of those who are close to them or who are like them. They tend not to trust outsiders. In contrast, collectivistic work in groups, much like team players.The second dimension of Hofsedes study is power distance. any(prenominal) cultures have accepted high power distance and others low power distance. extravagantly power distance cultures display great respect for those in authority or power holders. This model is seen based on the difference between leaders and their followers. It is evident in pay scale, benefits and promotions. though lower power distance power is distributed more equally among group members there is much lateral communication line between subordinates and leaders.Third dimension is high disbelief avoidance. This dimension is concerned with the impact of societal norms, ritual and what is being done in avoiding uncertainty. Organizations want to be able to predict the future based the rules of cultures are used. They zippy under constant str ess because of venerate of the future. In contrast low uncertainty avoidance is comfortable with risks, they do not impose or create attrition over differences in behaviors and or others opinions. Those cultures in the low uncertainty avoidance tend to be more tolerant of others.The conterminous dimension is achievement those belonging to this group tend to be more aggressive. They are assertive, they are confrontational, there is a lot of greed for money and they lack humility. They march on competitiveness among them and others. Whereas the opposite of that is nurturing, they value relationship and are genuinely concern about the wellbeing of others.The last set of dimension of natural culture is long-term orientation. They are optimistic of the future and they are persistent. Though short-term orientation, they stay in the past, they place high importance on values of the past.In addition to the Five Dimensions of home(a) Culture as described by Hofsete, there is for additio nal dimensions that affect cultural leadership. They are as follows, and I quote as listed in Northouse (2010)* Institutional socialism An organization or sociality encourages institutional or societal collective action. (Peter Northouse 2012).* In-Group Collectivism People express pride, loyalty, and cohesiveness in their organizations or families. In-group collectivism is concerned with the extent to which people are devoted to their organizations or families. (Peter Northouse 2012).* sex Egalitarianism An organization or society minimizes gender role differences and promotes gender equality. (Peter Northouse 2012).* self-assertiveness People in a culture are determined, assertive, confrontational, and aggressive in their special relationships. (Peter Northouse 2012).* Future Orientation People steep in future-oriented behaviors such as planning, expend in the future, and delaying gratification. (Peter Northouse 2012).* Performance Orientation An organization or society encou rages and rewards group members for amend performance and excellence. (Peter Northouse 2012).* Humane Orientation A culture encourages and rewards people for being fair, altruistic, generous, caring, and kind to others. (Peter Northouse 2012). Through all of the studies it has been concluded that there is exact correlation between the culture of an organization and its effectiveness. And it also shows that a lot of those dimensions have a negative impact on the organization.In conclusion, cultural leadership is one of the major principles every organization, company, person needs to fully grasp. For decades, many researchers have been prophesying that globalization, increased technology, civil rights legislation, and changing demographics will generate new encounters for leaders who dish out a diverse organization. All of these elements place a considerably improved fortune that workers from both genders, diverse nationalities, ethnic backgrounds, numerous races, and a mixture of religious will be essential to work jointly. This in sum, employees must work together to create a positive environment. This is what naturally will happen, and this is an international effort.ReferencesLeadership Theory and hold Fifth EditionPeter G. Northouse substructure to the Special Issue on Leadership and Culture in the Middle East(2001) Hayat KabasakalAli DastmalchianCultural Variations Across European Countries(2000)Felix C. BrodbeckMichael FreseTHE INTERNATIONAL diary OF INTERDISCIPLINARY SOCIAL SCIENCES (http//, Donna, Ruderman, Marian N. Weber, Todd J, Oholott, Patricia J, Dalton, Maxine A. (Nov 2007) Illuminating a Cross-Cultural Leadership Challenge When make out Groups Collide. Volume 18 (11) 2011 (26). Retrieved From http//
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